Gold Assistant

Chapter 198 is gone

Chapter 198 is gone

"Maybe it was mentioned before?" Xue Yao thought about it uncertainly.

She saw that it was getting late, so she said goodbye to SHI. It was time to play the Xun for the male god. Today there are new talismans added, so he needs to take care of it.

Chen Ting looked at the good night she sent, and smiled helplessly. He deliberately showed his flaws, but he didn't notice.

How much Xiaoyao trusts SHI and is jealous of her vest, this feeling is really subtle.

Then he heard "The Rhythm of Water" and repeated it twice. Chen Ting seemed to know the reason why Xiaoyao ended the communication so early.

It turned out that it was all for him, the status of the deity is still a little higher than that of the vest.

After finishing everything, Xue Yao hugged the quilt happily and fell asleep.

In her sleep, she continued the story in her dream last night.

I don't know if she used the recovery talisman yesterday, so when she woke up in the morning, she still remembered the content of the dream.

In the dream she saw a little baby being adopted.

In the dream, the weather was fine. A young man in dark blue Confucian clothes opened the door and found a baby on the ground.

The young man was very handsome, but it was a pity that his face was cold and expressionless, he looked at the little things on the ground with cold eyes.

The little baby seemed to sense someone, and she uttered a soft monotone, which softened the hearts of those who heard it.

The boy was no exception. He knelt down and poked the little thing's face with his finger.

The little baby smiled immediately, and held his fingers tightly with his little hands.

"Let go." The young man shouted softly, fearing that a louder voice would scare the little thing into tears.

The little baby pursed his lips, his black stone-like eyes flickered, and looked at him eagerly.

Then came the sound of messy footsteps in the yard, and many younger Zhengtai ran out.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"Wow, there's a baby."

A lady who seemed to be the youngest saw the baby on the ground and asked with great interest, "Eldest Brother, was this born by you? Ah, it hurts so much, Eldest Brother, Third Senior Brother hit me, woo woo woo..."

"It's only a quarter of an hour to hit you. How can it be enough for a senior brother to give birth to a baby? I heard others say that it takes a day and a night to give birth to a baby."

"Oh." Little Zhengtai responded obediently, stroking the painful forehead with both hands.

The boy's face froze. It seemed that he wanted to spread the knowledge of how the baby came to the juniors in advance.

The young lady who was beaten just now moved over curiously to look at the baby.

It was just that he had just cried, and his face was covered with tears and snot.

The little baby frowned, and suddenly burst into tears, still unable to stop, but the little hand never let go of the boy's fingers.

"Ah, Xiao Si scared the baby to tears."

"I didn't! It's because the little thing is too bad, so he cried on purpose, woo woo woo..."

The boy was so troubled by the crying that he had a headache, and quickly picked her up. At this moment, a miracle happened. The little baby who was crying just now looked at the boy and smiled.

Then the boy's master appeared and decided to keep the baby.

Since the little baby is very clingy, the task of taking care of her falls on him.

Later Xue Yao heard the master call the boy Si Ting, she took a closer look at the boy, he looked a bit like a male god.

Could it be that she started thinking about male gods again in her dreams?So shy.

Tonight's dream continued to develop after last night.

People on the mountain have already started to fast, and there is nothing to eat.

But the baby was not weaned when he saw it. Si Ting knew that a baby at this age could only drink liquid food, so they searched through boxes and chests to find some Lingmi, and boiled all of it into rice porridge for the baby to drink.

The boy's cooking skills are really not very good, the porridge is overcooked, and it smells like burnt food.

However, he was very careful. When feeding the baby, he tested the temperature before putting it in her mouth.

When the baby took the first sip, she almost vomited it out. She frowned in disgust, shut her mouth and refused to take a second sip.

"I know it's a little tasteless, but there's no Lingmi. Master went down the mountain to buy it. I'll try to make it taste better tomorrow. Let's make it today, or I'll be hungry."

The little baby opened his mouth, and finished the porridge with teary eyes and an aggrieved face.


The next day Xue Yao woke up from her sleep with a smile, it was much better than always waking up crying.

Today she made chicken porridge with refreshing side dishes made of kelp. Everyone lamented that it was another energetic day.

When they returned to the set, they found that Mi Jiawen, who usually arrived early, had never shown up.

"Huh? Why hasn't Xiao Wenzi come yet? There's a scene with her today."

Xia Tian immediately took out the mobile phone to make a call, but there was a prompt to turn off the phone.

"what happened?"

"Call Jiang Hao and ask."

At this moment, Jiang Hao, Yang Yi, and Ye Xing (with another name) walked over together. The clothes on the three of them were wrinkled, and their faces were tired, as if they hadn't slept all night.

Zhan Minghui and Director Fu came over, Director Fu was about to reprimand them, but Zhan Minghui stopped him.

"what happened?"

Jiang Hao's eyes were red, and he knelt down in front of them, "Director Zhan, Wenzi is missing. We searched all night, but we couldn't find it."

He beat the ground hard and cried, "It's all my fault, why am I late!"

"What do you mean? What's going on, stand up and talk!"

Zhan Minghui wanted to help Jiang Hao up, but he was too excited and lay on the ground crying.

"What are you talking about?"

Yang Yi immediately stood up and explained the matter briefly.

It turned out that Jiang Hao and Yang Yi were in the martial arts gym yesterday afternoon. They were so absorbed in their studies that they forgot the time for a while.

It wasn't until after seven o'clock in the evening that my stomach was so hungry that I realized that it was very late.

"Too bad, it's so late, I'm going to pick up Wenzi."

He immediately took out his mobile phone to call Wenzi, but after a short while, he hung up the phone and called again. This action was repeated twice.

Yang Yi and Ye Xing noticed his abnormality, and asked with concern: "What's wrong? Shall we help you explain to Wenzi?"

Could it be that Wenzi was angry and didn't answer the phone?But in their impression, Mi Jiawen is a very considerate and sensible girl, and she won't play such a petty temper.

Jiang Hao frowned, "No, her phone notification is turned off."

"Maybe it's out of power, forget to charge it."

"I want to go back to the crew to see." Jiang Hao began to feel uneasy, he didn't even change his clothes, he grabbed his bag and ran out.

Seeing this, Yang Yi and Ye Xing also picked up their bags and followed. They shouted from behind: "Haozi, wait, we will go with you."

When the three of them returned to the crew, they found that there was no one there. The scenes these days are all during the day, so it's normal that there is no one.

They searched the crew and found nothing.

Ye Xing comforted him, "It's okay, maybe she went home after seeing it so late, let's go back and have a look."

"Yes, it may be that the phone is out of battery, so she didn't call to inform you to go back first."

(End of this chapter)

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