Gold Assistant

Chapter 200 HSBC Street

Chapter 200 HSBC Street

Ah Yi scratched his head, "Well, it's not that we don't know each other, we have discussed each other a little bit before. I heard from them that they accompanied their eldest lady and came to the set to see her boyfriend.

Since they left at that time, why don't we inquire, inquire, and ask them what they saw? "

"Okay, sorry to trouble you."

When they left, Xue Yao tried her best to trace the signal left by Mi Jiawen with her laptop.

But because Mi Jiawen's cell phone was out of battery, she couldn't tell which one was the last signal left, so she could only screen slowly.

Ah Yi came to the set of "Court Chronicle", stopped a passerby, showed his white teeth, and asked with a silly smile: "Brother, please ask, I want to find someone."

The person who was suddenly blocked looked up and was immediately frightened. Without saying a word, he ran towards the set screaming and screaming.

"I want to ask... why did this person run away! Xiaosan, do I look so scary? When Miss Yao and the others met me for the first time, they were not like him."

Aggrieved, Hajime drew circles on the ground.

"Don't call me, little one, San!" Ah San said every word with suppressed anger, it was my little aunt who led everyone into trouble, everyone used to call him Ah San.

"You were quite scary just now. I couldn't see your expression clearly with the light behind you. I could only see the muscles all over your body. The teeth were still reflecting in the sun. Could he not be afraid?"

The scene manager who was so frightened and ran back was reprimanded by the director of "Court Chronicle", "What are you yelling! This is simulcast, are you trying to ruin this scene!"

"Yes...I'm sorry." The field manager knew it was his fault, so he immediately bowed his head and apologized.

At this time, Qin Yi, who was posing as a famous lady, stood up and gently excused the affairs of the scene.

"I wasn't filming just now. Director, you are too strict. The crew must be happy in order to make a good movie."

The director glanced at her, ignored her, and asked everyone to speed up sorting out the things for the next scene. Their task is very heavy.

Qin Yi, who was hit by a soft nail, smiled awkwardly, thinking in her heart that she would never use this director in future plays.

She turned her head to the field manager and asked softly, "What happened just now?"

"Outside, there's a burly man outside who says he's looking for someone. It's scary like that."

"Scary? Are Zhang Xiaojiao's bodyguards scary?"

Thinking of this, Qin Yi became angry. He was just a nouveau riche, and he came out with three bodyguards every day to show off. Who would kidnap him just like that.

She doesn't have a bodyguard like her.

"It's scarier than them. The last time I saw him in the parking lot, he was fighting those three bodyguards alone, and he still managed to survive."

Fight, do they have a grudge?When Qin Yi heard the news, the corners of his mouth curled up. The enemy's enemy is the friendly army.

"Come on, let's go out and have a look."

"This..." The field manager wanted to refuse, but Qin Yi had already walked out.He hurriedly followed, this is the God of Wealth of the crew, nothing can happen.

Seeing someone coming out, Ah San immediately stepped forward and asked, "Hi, can I ask you something? We want to find someone."

Qin Yi glanced at him, he looked pretty good, but he was poorly dressed, there are still people running around in kung fu clothes now.

But in order to spread her reputation, she still smiled kindly, "Who are you looking for?"

Seeing this smirk, Ah San couldn't help shivering. Not everyone has acting skills. The Qin family's genes are not good enough.

Thinking of what grandpa said to the old man of the Qin family, he lowered his head and smiled.

Seeing his reaction, Qin Yi thought that he was fascinated by her, so she lowered her head shyly, and immediately put on a self-confessed beauty.

Tell me, what a hot eye!

In order to leave quickly, Ah San immediately asked: "Excuse me, there was a lady who brought bodyguards and came to find her boyfriend before, are they here today?"

Sure enough, it was Zhang Xiaojiao who caused trouble, but they didn't come today, so it's a pity that this good show can't be watched.

"They didn't come today, what's the matter? I can help convey it."

Ah San noticed how she looked like she was watching a play, so she knew she couldn't tell the truth.He pretended to be embarrassed, hesitated for a long time before saying: "I have something to ask them, but it is not convenient to convey it, thank you for your kindness, do you know where they are?"

"Well, they seem to have a store at No. 68 Huifeng Street, you can look for it." She didn't reveal Zhang Xiaojiao's identity, for fear that they wouldn't dare to make trouble.

"OK, thanks."

After the two left, Qin Yi walked slowly towards the set. She did a good job today, and the bad mood of not being splashed with dirty water was swept away.

Anyway, there was Shi Li's plan, and that was the biggest blow to Liu Li, since it was her first play after all.

As soon as Ah Yi heard the address, he immediately thought of Zhang Dahu's information.

"Little...Ah San, isn't that Huifeng Street Zhang Dahu's place? I said how could there be such a street-level bodyguard."

Ah San glared at him dissatisfied.

Back on the set, they told everyone what they had learned: "Zhang Dahu used to run an underground bank. I heard that he is a very principled person and would never hurt women or children."

Ye Xing frowned, "Then this has nothing to do with them?"

"It should be related, go ask." Xue Yao finally found out that the last place where Mi Jiawen's mobile phone signal stayed was at Huifeng Street.

"I'll go over right now." Jiang Hao rushed out as soon as he heard the news.

Xue Yao turned her head and wanted to tell Liu Li and the others to stay on the set and wait for news, but saw that they had already run out, and shouted, "Sister, hurry up and follow."

She had no choice but to say to Zhan Minghui: "Brother Minghui, I will bring them back as soon as possible."

"When something like this happens, everyone can't settle down and continue filming. It's like the shooting at the press conference yesterday. Go and come back quickly. I hope there is good news."

"it is good."

Shi Li quietly left the film crew and called Qin Yi to inquire about the situation. She couldn't figure out how her younger brother would have anything to do with the people in the underground bank.

A group of people and three cars drove to No. 68 Huifeng Street.

When Jiang Hao got out of the car, he rushed in like a madman, but was held tightly by Yang Yi and Ye Xing.They shouted: "Don't be impulsive, you don't know what's going on?!"

"Even if I die here today, I want them to hand over Wenzi."

Xue Yao, who hadn't gotten out of the car yet, felt her heart skip a beat when she heard his words, and secretly shouted "Oops!"

Sure enough, after they got out of the car and stood on the street, they found that they were surrounded by people.

Those people were still holding the legendary top ten weapons 'folding stool' in their hands.

The 'Folding Stool' is easy to carry, as long as you use moderate force and an accurate angle, it will definitely hit the enemy's internal injuries, and you can sit down and rest after using it.

Watching, watching, her heart was moved, and she wanted to put a few folding stools into the small space.

(End of this chapter)

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