Gold Assistant

Chapter 201 Trouble?

Chapter 201 Trouble?

"Miss, someone is here to make trouble." A boy with dyed blond hair ran to the third floor and knocked on the door and shouted.

Zhang Xiaojiao frowned. Ever since her father decided to change careers, few people came to make trouble.

"Ayao, go down and have a look."


Zhang Xiaojiao walked into the room and was a little worried when she saw Mi Jiawen who was still sleeping.

Although Uncle Liu said that the effect of the medicine in her body has not yet passed, so she is still in a coma.

But normal people should have woken up long ago. When she was hesitating whether to send her to the hospital, the person on the bed moved slightly.

Mi Jiawen slowly opened her eyes, but the scene in front of her was a little blurry.She rubbed her eyes, only to realize that the furnishings in the room were very strange.

She sat up suddenly, then felt dizzy, so she closed her eyes and leaned on the bed.

"Wenzi, you're awake!" A sweet baby voice rang in her ears.

Mi Jiawen opened her eyes again, saw Zhang Xiaojiao, and the scenes that happened yesterday immediately flooded into her mind.

Thinking that she was almost kidnapped by Shi Cheng, she burst into tears immediately.

She hugged Zhang Xiaojiao tightly, and kept saying, "Thank you, thank you."

When Zhang Xiaojiao was hugged, her body was a little stiff, and she was a little flustered.No one has ever been this close to her except her parents.

I feel a little subtle in my heart, it seems pretty good to be relied on like this.

Following her mother's way of comforting others, she gently rubbed Mi Jiawen's hair, and said softly, "It's all right, it's all right now."

When A Yao walked downstairs, the people around him naturally gave way to him.

Ha Yi was pushed forward by everyone, and they all felt that Ha Yi's appearance was very suitable for this occasion.

A Yao and A Yi stood in the middle of the crowd, looking at each other with half-smiles.

Suddenly Ah Yi raised his right hand, and the people around him nervously lifted up the 'folding stool' and focused all their attention on him.

But Ah Yi didn't make a move. He scratched his head and said with a silly smile, "Hi."

"Hahaha, so it's you, brother." A Yao recognized him as someone who had sparred in the parking lot, smiled and stepped forward to pat Ah Yi on the shoulder.

And made a gesture, and those with the strongest weapons silently dispersed and retreated to their original places, opened their weapons and sat down.

Xue Yao once again felt that the weapon 'folding stool' is really convenient!
A Yao sized them up and asked with a smile, "Brother, is there anything I can help you with?"

Ah Yi briefly talked about Mi Jiawen, and Jiang Hao looked at them expectantly from the side.

"It turns out that the person that the eldest lady saved was from your film crew. When we left yesterday, this incident just happened to happen.

rest assured!She's fine, nothing happened.Let me take you to have a look, but there are too many of you. "

Knowing that Mi Jiawen was fine, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Xue Yao immediately notified Zhan Minghui.

In the end, everyone decided that Ah Yi would take Jiang Hao and Shi Xiaonan up together, while the others sat in the tea restaurant opposite and waited.

Jiang Hao clenched his fists nervously, and his muscles tensed up as he walked up.

A Yao looked at him strangely, "What's wrong with this little brother?"

"Miss Mi is Mr. Jiang's girlfriend. I haven't seen her all night, so I'm very worried."

"Oh, it turns out that we wanted to contact Miss Mi's family or friends, but her phone was locked and couldn't be opened.

We are not familiar with people in the entertainment industry, so we did not inform you, sorry. "

Jiang Hao immediately replied: "How could it be! You saved Wenzi, and it's too late for me to thank you."

A Yao silently saw Jiang Hao's behavior in his eyes, he was much better than those impetuous young people nowadays.

When they reached the third floor, as soon as the door opened, Jiang Hao shouted, "Wenzi, where are you?"

When Mi Jiawen heard his voice, she immediately responded excitedly: "Haozi, I'm here."

Jiang Hao immediately ran to the room where the voice came from.

The door of the room had been opened by Zhang Xiaojiao ahead of time, Jiang Hao saw Mi Jiawen on the bed, ran over quickly and hugged her tightly, as if he would never let go.

But after hearing Mi Jiawen's soft snort, he immediately let go a little, but still hugged Mi Jiawen.

"Wenzi, did I hurt you? Does it hurt, I'm sorry." Jiang Hao looked at her nervously and distressed.

Mi Jiawen smiled, raised her hand to caress Jiang Hao's face and said, "I'm fine, I just couldn't breathe just now."


"En." After she finished speaking, she pulled Jiang Hao's face down and kissed him lightly on the lips. "It's really fine."

Jiang Hao's nerves, which had been tense all the time, relaxed.

Ah Yi and Shi Xiaonan stood at the door, coughing lightly, "cough cough."

Only then did Mi Jiawen realize that there was someone else in the room, and immediately buried her blushing face into Jiang Hao's arms, beating his chest with her hands.

"It's all your fault."

"Well, it's all my fault, it's my fault."

Zhang Xiaojiao looked at them in a daze. This is the real interaction between couples. She and Luo Yuan had never even held hands, and they had been lying to themselves for so long, and suddenly felt really stupid.

Shi Xiaonan covered his mouth and smiled, the sound infected everyone, and they also laughed sullenly.

Jiang Hao also smirked, Mi Jiawen squinted at him, and introduced everyone to each other.

"Wenzi, what happened yesterday?"

Shi Xiaonan carefully inspected Mi Jiawen's exposed skin. There was no scar, which proved that the worst situation did not happen. After a sigh of relief, he asked for details.

Now that she has contacted more people, she has become more confident, and she no longer stutters when talking to strangers.

"I really have to thank Xiaojiao for this."

After a round of explanations, Jiang Hao knelt down in front of Zhang Xiaojiao.

"thank you all!"

"Get up, get up. Brother Yao, help pull him up."

Jiang Hao kowtowed three times before getting up and sitting back on the bed, hugging Mi Jiawen.

Zhang Xiaojiao was moved by his appearance, and couldn't help but think of her father.When her mother was taken away by a serious illness, her father begged the doctor in the same way.

She suddenly felt that it was too superficial to find a boyfriend only by face!In the future, I must find a boyfriend like my father or Jiang Hao.

It's rare for Xue Yao to come to this kind of authentic tea restaurant. As soon as she sat down, she picked up the menu card and studied it with Liu Li.

Liu Li looked at Xue Yao pitifully, and said expectantly: "I haven't eaten pineapple oil for a long time, sister, can I get one? I still have 0.5 space."

The burly guys at the side, hearing such delicate pleas, shouted one after another: "Beauty, I invite you to eat as much as you want."

Liu Li turned to them with a smile and said, "Thank you for your kindness. Because I want to control my weight, I can't eat too much."

"The beauty is in good shape, not fat at all."

"That's right, where is the fat, don't damage your body."


 The weather is unpredictable, everyone pay attention to keep warm~
(End of this chapter)

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