Gold Assistant

Chapter 209 8 Hexagram Video

Chapter 209 Gossip Video
"Do you need body movements for the scene? Just for the lines. And you think I don't know, you pour tea for Ah Yuanduan every day, and ask for warmth. Do you need to do these things?
These are the jobs of assistants, you are a heroine, do you need it?Don't always look at other people's men..."

Qin Yi grabbed Xie Lin, not hurting her with a single dirty word.

If you don't hold her down hard this time, will you be in the room next time, or on the bed next time?

"I'm sorry, I will definitely pay attention in the future." Xie Lin lowered his head with a miserable face.

Luo Yuan pulled Qin Yi back and asked, "Okay, don't be angry anymore, I will be hurt if I get angry, and she apologized, why are you here so late today?"

"How dare you say that if I hadn't come back, you wouldn't know what would happen to you!" Qin Yi raised his eyebrows and stared at him.

Luo Yuan immediately put the relationship aside, "She came here by herself, and there is nothing I can do about it. There are still many scenes to be filmed, so it would be bad if the relationship gets stiff."

As he spoke, he took Qin Yi to the lounge without looking back.

Xie Lin stood where he was, watching them leave helplessly.

She bit her lip lightly, tears streaming down her eyes, with a look of being wronged.

I don't know which staff member took this part, and then uploaded it on the Internet, with the title "Two Daughters Competing for Husbands?" ".

But the content was only the part where Qin Yi began to criticize Xie Lin. Due to typing, some keywords in the conversation were also processed, such as the name A Yuan. This approach immediately aroused the curiosity of netizens.

A group of people were implicated in Duan Zhenyong's drug abuse case, and the entertainment circle was quiet for a while.

Until the launch of "Top of Shushan", the deadlock was broken, but the news of only one family also made everyone feel a little dull.

After all, it was normal entertainment news, except for those who like to watch dramas, it didn't cause much disturbance.

And after this video was uploaded, everyone's appetite was whetted, and they all guessed which drama it was?
[First of all, this must be a costume drama. ]
[I'll go, the eyes upstairs are "so nice" Those two are wearing ancient costumes, what kind of drama can they be if they are not ancient costume dramas. ]
[It may also be a play within a play. ]
[The one on the third floor makes sense. ]
[Hey, don't be a fool, is there any master who can find them out? ]
[The heroine is pretty pitiful. ]
[Hey, the two of them are just playing against each other, and the woman in Chanel is too harsh. ]
[Upstairs, I didn't hear people say that they serve tea and water to people every day, and it's frozen three feet, it's not a day's cold. ]
[You little mischievous ones, you're getting crooked again.Alas, I asked God for help.Aite's little gossip Wei, I really want to find out which drama it is. ]
[The only one of Aite's little gossip, the copper ball. ]
[The only one of Aite's little gossip, Silver Ball. ]
[The only one of Aite's little gossip, Jin Qiu. ]
[Wei of Aite's little gossip, Diamond Ball. ]

Xue Yao, who wants to start the little gossip again, is looking for gossip content on the Internet that can be forwarded.

She didn't know if she didn't check it, but when she checked it, she was startled, and then she realized that in the entertainment circle recently, it was really calm and there was no gossip news.

In the end, she reposted some movie promotions, but she only picked the movies that were written in the book that would hit the box office or had a good reputation.

I also pretended to comment on them.

At this time, the reminder of the private message kept ringing. When she opened it, she found that many people liked her, and the formation was really neat.

""Two Daughters Compete for Husbands"?"

Xue Yao clicked on the video to watch, and found that the lady Chanel and the man were a little strange, but the voice of the heroine seemed to have been heard somewhere.

She wanted to use software to restore it, but the video sent by this person was encrypted three times, and there was no way to restore it.

"No way, even a gossip video uses such advanced technology now?"

Do you want to ask SHI for help?It's just such a small problem, it's not good to bother people all the time.

"Sister, what are you looking at?"

Liu Li and An Mo, who had just finished a scene, came back and sat down beside Xue Yao.

Xue Yao quickly poured water for the two of them, "I watched a video just now, and I don't know which crew is the gossip."

"Oh, let's take a look." An Mo and Liu Li moved their heads closer, and the others gathered around when they heard the gossip.

Sure enough, watching gossip and excitement is everyone's common hobby.

Xue Yao clicked on the video for everyone to watch.

After a while, the video finished playing, and everyone began to chatter about which crew made it.

Liu Li tilted her head and thought for a while, then played the clip of Ms. Chanel's speech again.

"This person sounds like Qin Yi."

"Qin Yi?"

That video is from the crew of "Court Chronicle", and the heroine is Xie Lin?
"The heroine should be Xie Lin. No wonder I always feel that I have heard the voice before. But Lili, why did you recognize Qin Yi's voice first? You only met her once, right?"

Xue Yao clicked on the heroine's voice again, and she was sure it was Xie Lin's.

"I... I don't know either." Liu Li blushed and lowered her head.

This strange appearance made An Mo suspicious.

Because the next scene was about to start again, the onlookers all left to make preparations, and only a few of their little sisters were left at the table.

After a while, An Mo smiled strangely. She looked up with her hips akimbo, and said airily, "I see, I know why."

"Why?" Liu Li raised her head and looked at An Mo in puzzlement. How did Momo guess something she didn't even know?
"Please call me Detective Mo!"

An Mo didn't tell them directly, and continued to make them anxious.

After a few people looked at each other, they stretched out their hands to pull the corner of her clothes, and looked at her with very pious eyes.

"Detective Mo Da, please tell us the reason."

"Hee hee, the reason is that Qin Yi is a rival in love!"


This made everyone a little confused.

An Mo raised Liu Li's chin, and continued: "Li Li only met Qin Yi at that banquet, when Qin Yi wanted to rob President Tao from Li Li, so Li Li memorized her voice.

Because it is necessary to know yourself and your enemy in love, so that you can win every battle. "

Xue Yao and Shi Xiaonan felt that what she said made sense, and immediately applauded in agreement.

Only Liu Li blushed, stamped her feet and shouted, "Momo is talking nonsense."

"Hahahahaha, Sister Yao and Xiaonan both think it's right, the minority obeys the majority, Lili, you should follow."

"Let's just let Lili go~"


At this moment, Min Shasha came over to help them organize their costumes.

Since Shi Cheng disappeared, Shi Li never came back, probably scared away by Xue Yao's words.

Now all the costumes in the crew are handed over to Min Shasha. In fact, she has become the costume stylist in the crew.

"What are you laughing at?"

An Mo showed her the video, "We are watching this gossip video."

Min Shasha looked at it and said, "Huh? This costume is similar to the one in our crew."

(End of this chapter)

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