Gold Assistant

Chapter 210 Which crew is it

Chapter 210 Which crew is it

Xue Yao enlarged the clothes of Xie Lin and the man in the video.

"Look at her hairstyle and clothes, they are very similar to Wenzi's."

Min Shasha stepped forward to check carefully, "Even the details of the costumes are the same, it seems that our styling has been leaked."

Everyone immediately thought of Shi Li who never came back.


The plagiarism of the script has not been resolved, and now even the costumes are plagiarized.

Heh, the clothing styles are not copied, but taken directly.

Shi Xiaonan suddenly shouted: "Oops, someone recognized the costumes the two of them were wearing, and they appeared during the opening ceremony."


Everyone quickly took out their mobile phones to look, and found that someone posted a photo of the opening ceremony. They compared the clothes in the photo and the video, and they all said they were very similar.

At the beginning, some people swore that this video was the work of the "Summer Palace Chronicle" crew.

He also cited various examples, speaking clearly and logically, as if he saw it at the scene.

Someone quickly refuted it. The director announced at the opening ceremony that the male protagonist Jiang Hao and the female protagonist Mi Jiawen are a couple, how could it be possible for Ms. Chanel to come out.

But many people say they don't believe that.

[Relationships in the entertainment industry are always blind, and there are many romances for publicity. ]
[That is, there were rumors that Linger's relationship was false before, but luckily it was false. ]
[Yes, yes, I have seen a lot of rumors of a relationship when the filming started, and broke up after the filming ended. ]
[Is this the same for these two people? ]
[I am Jiang Hao's classmate, they broke up long ago. ]
[Wow, the students upstairs are a bit more violent, who is that Ms. Chanel? ]

Public opinion was taken away by this 'classmate'.

Seeing this content, Su Tong yelled angrily, "Where did this classmate come from, Haowen CP is fine, where did we break up?"

She still has a private photo of the two of them eating together on her phone, but this cannot be sent as evidence.

He Botao put down a cup of yogurt on her table, "You are so irritable, and you haven't eaten breakfast?"

"Hey, thank you boss, I slept late today. What should I do about this? I really don't know if those people are blind. These two people are not like Mi Jiawen and Jiang Hao.

And this so-called classmate, what he said had no logic at all, and they actually believed it. "

Su Tong poked a hole in the yogurt angrily, and drank it through a straw.

Hey, it's her favorite blueberry flavor. She looked at He Botao with a smile, and her mood improved instantly.

"Let me take a look at this classmate." He Botao leaned over and clicked a few times with the mouse.

"He is a sailor. Look at the content he posted. He said yesterday that he is a 40-year-old uncle."

"Hey! This guy is disgusting, which company is it? So unprofessional. Screenshot, screenshot."

Su Tong quickly sent the screenshot to that classmate's comment, and sarcastically replied.

[40-year-old classmate, how many years have you been repeating? (screenshot)]
[Reporting, this is a fake classmate. ]
[Report him!Actually pretending to be my Hao's classmate. ]
[Then, are Jiang Hao and Mi Jiawen still a couple? Who is that Ms. Chanel? ]
[Anyone know? ]

Finally solved a problem, but the video thing has not been clarified yet.

"Boss, what can you do?"

"Look at me."

He Botao circled the photo of the opening ceremony before, pointing out that Mi Jiawen and Jiang Hao are not as tall as the two people in the video.

After sending it out for a while, someone responded that the height is different, and the height of the people in the photos and videos is about the same.

He Botao smiled and said, "I'll just wait for you to ask."

He re-released screenshots of the photos and videos, in which a table was circled with a red line.

[The two tables are of the same style. ]
[? ]
[What's the meaning? ]

[Whether it is the men and women in the photo or the video, the distance from the table is the same, so you can use the table as a reference, and you can clearly see that the people in the video are taller than the people in the photo. ]
[Oh my god, I like data kings to present evidence the most, which is much more powerful than those who say nothing. ]
[That's right, it's clear at a glance, but the problem is back again, it's not the crew of "Summer Palace Chronicle", what kind of crew is that, it's a costume collision. ]

As soon as this argument was put forward, it won the approval and praise of more people, and it also began to wash away the suspicion of "Summer Palace Chronicle".

However, the video incident still alarmed Zhan Minghui and Director Fu.

Director Fu frowned suspiciously. What he said was not as good as a table. He asked, "Why is this happening?"

Everyone laughed awkwardly, and somehow explained it to him.

Zhan Minghui thought for a while, and carefully chose his words, "Well, this is a way of attracting fans in the circle, that is, two artists publicize their relationship to create gossip hype and increase the exposure of movies or TV dramas."

"Nonsense, you should use your works to attract talents, how can you follow these heresy ways?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, then you announced that Jiang Hao and Mi Jiawen were lovers before, wasn't it also hype?
Looking at everyone's expressions, Director Fu knew what they were thinking.

"I talked about Xiaohao and Xiaowen because I wanted to respond to what they said about someone sneaking into Xie Lin, and because I wanted the two of them not to be harassed by entertainment reporters because of their relationship.

You have also seen how the two of them get along in normal times. Anyone with a discerning eye can know the relationship between the two of them at a glance. Instead of letting them be followed and exposed by Yuji, it is better to tell them earlier. "

Everyone turned their heads to look at Jiang Hao and Mi Jiawen. Even though they were just standing normally, Jiang Hao's hand was still on Mi Jiawen's waist.

This affectionate look made everyone nod and say: Dao Fu is wise.

Jiang Hao was blushed by everyone, and said: "Then what should we do now? Although the suspicion has been cleared temporarily, but the real crew has not been found out, and people watching the excitement will mention us again."

Sure enough, as Jiang Hao expected, the public opinion on the Internet returned to "The Chronicle of the Summer Palace". The reason is that the costumes are the same, and the height of the table may be a matter of angle.

Xue Yao thought for a while, and immediately called Wang Weina, "Sister Na, do you still have the clip of Xie Lin's press conference last time?"

"It's still there, what's the matter?"

"Can you give me the part where Xie Lin cries?" Xue Yao explained to her what happened.

"Okay, I'll send it to you right away. If it weren't for the rapid spread on the Internet, I would have saved it for the magazine the day after tomorrow. It must be a good gossip."

Although Wang Weina felt it was a pity, she quickly sent the video clip to Xue Yao.

Xue Yao opened it and saw that it was all the content, even the part where she used a blinding talisman to appear.

"If Sister Na really wants to write about this matter, there are actually new things to write about. Compare why the costumes of the two dramas are exactly the same."

She also said that the script of "The Chronicle of the Palace" was also copied from "The Chronicle of the Summer Palace".

(End of this chapter)

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