Gold Assistant

Chapter 211 thoughts of all parties

Chapter 211 thoughts of all parties

"I can't figure out who stopped this matter."

Wang Weina thought of some rumors she heard some time ago, and said, "I may know the reason."

"Oh?" Xue Yao immediately sat up straight and listened intently.

"Remember Yu Ling?"

"Duan Zhenyong's manager?"

"Yes, it's him."

Xue Yao was puzzled, and quickly asked: "Does he have such a great ability?"

"He didn't do it directly, but it has something to do with him, but Xiao Yaoyao has to deal with that video first, and we'll talk later."

"Ah! Let's talk later."

Xue Yao quickly hung up the phone, and now the public opinion on the Internet is polarized. Some people think it is "Summer Palace Chronicle", while others think it is another crew.

Su Tong and He Botao had already tried to throw out "Court Chronicle", but because there was no evidence of strength, they were quickly brushed away by interested people.

"Hey, I didn't expect that there was not a single still photo of "Court Chronicle". Did they manage it so well?"

Su Tong stared at the screen with his mouth curled up, a little worried.

He Botao smiled and rubbed her soft hair.

"Boss..." A staff member came over to report, but saw this scene.

He immediately said: "It's all right." Then he turned his head and left.

Su Tong turned his head ignorantly, and looked in the direction where the staff left, "What's wrong with him?"

"It's probably out of my mind."

"Oh." Su Tong turned his head and continued to look at the shield, and then said excitedly: "Boss, look quickly, the only scarf of the little gossip."

Wei V of the little gossip: [Since everyone has called me so enthusiastically, I can't live up to everyone's expectations. Let's make a long story short and read the content directly. 】

Because the controversy has already formed, the content of the scarf she posted this time is very simple.

First, the original link of the gossip video was attached, followed by three more videos.

After the netizens clicked on it, they were all excited.

[Sure enough, looking for Xiaowei will give you a solid hammer. Not only do you know who the heroine is, but you also have the hero and Ms. Chanel. ]
[Wow, the voice is exactly the same. I recognized the man as a man with a 'personality' surnamed L, but the two women are very strange. ]
[Hey, that crying woman looks like a press conference, why haven't you seen it?Which one is it? ]
[I know I know. ]
[If you know something upstairs, tell me quickly, or I will send you a small blade. ]
[Don't, don't, say it now.That was a press conference held at Starlight in YK Mall. ]
[Starlight?When did it open and why was there no media publicity? ]
[Because it's too embarrassing. ]
[what? ]

The enthusiastic netizen Xue Yao who knew the inside story immediately publicized what happened in the YK mall to the netizens.

[No, this Ms. Xie is really a good actress. ]
[I really didn't expect that when she resigned as Qin Xin'er, there would be such a part. I felt sorry for her back then. ]
[That's right, I was worried that she wouldn't be able to film a good drama in the future, but I didn't expect such a drama to come out. ]
[Identified, Xie Lin = drama master. ]
[Then why didn't the media expose this matter? ]
[Because I don't want to be used, why do I want to help this actor to promote it? ]
[Indeed it is. ]
[Who is Ms. Chanel? ]
[I found it, Ms. Chanel's is an interview from Fashion Week, and the introduction above is Qin Yi, the daughter of the Qin Enterprise. ]
[Qin Yi?Isn't he the one who invested in "Court Chronicle"?She also issued a scarf before, I will look for it. ]
[No need to look for it, everyone sees (screenshot). ]

Then Xue Yao watched the netizens keep reposting the scarf, and most of them reposted it for the reason of "the truth is revealed, the hype of the dramatist".

At the same time, I also sympathized with the "Summer Palace Chronicle" crew who were always pulled out.

And rushed under Xie Lin's scarf together, unanimously expressing that the hype dramatists get out of the entertainment circle.He also went to comment under the scarf of the crew of Starlight's "Court Chronicle", saying that he would resist bullying watching "Court Chronicle".

Xie Lin looked at the comments on the phone, and his face became darker the more he looked at it. Why is the trend of public opinion completely different from what she thought? !

This video was recorded by her and then deliberately posted on the Internet.

Because she heard Qin Yi tell the people in Xingguang that after the filming of this movie, they will hide her in the snow and terminate the contract directly after the five-year contract is over, and the people in Xingguang also agreed.

If they do this, her acting career will end here, and she must save herself!
She deliberately found a staff member with a bad mouth in the crew, and cried about being harassed by Luo Yuan.

In less than half a day, everyone in the crew knew about it.

When Qin Yi came back, someone outside notified her.

After seeing the information on the mobile phone, she immediately expressed that she would add body movements so that she could make better use of the situation.

She leaned into Luo Yuan's arms, and Luo Yuan readily accepted it, and even kissed her.

Then there will be Qin Yi's fury.

The original intention of Xie Lin to put this video on the Internet is to make everyone sympathize with her.

She wants everyone to know that Qin Yi, as a producer, makes it difficult for the actors in the crew, and if something happens to Xue Zang later, she can continue to complain online.

In order to calm things down, Xingguang will arrange her work well, so that she can escape the fate of being hidden in the snow.

She also intentionally notified Qin Yi anonymously after the video was sent out, so that Qin Yi could know earlier and make arrangements.

But Xie Lin never expected that things would not go according to the script she set up.

After Qin Yi received the message, she was really as angry as Xie Lin thought.It's just that after she calmed down, she thought that the person on the video had typed, and no one knew who it was.

Why not take advantage of it?
She immediately called the navy that she bought last time, because Duan Zhenyong didn't mention the key points at the press conference, so she didn't use it, but the money has already been paid and cannot be wasted.

So she took advantage of the clothing problem in this video to blackmail "Summer Palace Chronicle", hoping that they would deal with it and slow down the progress of the filming.

Several bigwigs have contacted her privately, saying that as soon as the filming of "Court Chronicle" is finished, they can arrange to speed up the broadcast process.

In this way, her drama was broadcast first, and "Summer Palace Chronicle" was broadcast later, so it can be said that they plagiarized their own drama.

But she didn't expect that something happened again after arranging the navy to follow up.

The other party actually used a table to explain the matter, but the sailors she invited were not weak, and immediately brought the matter back.

Seeing that things were so frozen, who knew that Cheng Yaojin, the little gossip Weifa's scarf, would come out halfway, ruining the situation she had worked so hard to create before.

Her identity was revealed by someone, and when she saw the sarcastic comments made by those people under her scarf, she was so angry that she closed the comments.

It's just that the crew was also hacked, she immediately notified the navy to pour dirty water on Xie Lin.

Qin Yi thought that it would be better to take this opportunity to drive away this dramatist, so that she could say noblely that their production crew couldn't tolerate such nasty people.

(End of this chapter)

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