Gold Assistant

Chapter 215

Chapter 215

Xue Yao folded her hands on her knees and nestled into the sofa, staring blankly at the front, wondering where she had seen it before?
She searched hard for the memory of every world in her mind.

It's been a long, long time.

In the end, she still couldn't find the answer, and she frowned helplessly.

But after a while, she burst out laughing, she only traveled through a few worlds, and the memory was searched so hard.I don't know if it would take a day for those hardworking fast travelers to search for memories.

After comforting herself, she happily got up and ran to the kitchen when there was a knock on the door.

She smiled slightly, and the only one who knocked on the door instead of ringing the bell was Xiaobai.

"Come on."

Xue Yao opened the door and saw that it was Xiao Bai who was getting more and more handsome.

After letting him in, Xue Yao smiled and asked, "What's the matter, don't you have to go to class today?"

"Well, sister... The teacher said that I will help my sister with work today." Before Xiaobai could say her husband's name, she immediately took it back.

He quietly raised his eyes to glance at Xue Yao, but luckily he didn't notice.The brother-in-law said that my sister is thin-skinned, and I can't let her know for the time being.

Xiaobai, who was still a blank slate in terms of relationship, didn't quite understand the key point, but he trusted Chen Ting very much, so he obediently followed his instructions.

Just now when Chen Ting learned that Xue Yao was alone at home today, he was a little worried and checked with his spiritual sense.

In fact, worrying was just an excuse, he just wanted to see his Xiaoyao.

Who knew that what he saw was Xue Yao looking at the front with a blank face, and there seemed to be indelible confusion in her eyes.

My heart hurts a little, did Xiaoyao encounter any problems?
He opened SHI's email, but found no new information about her, so he sent Xiaobai to inquire.

Thinking of the mission, Xiaobai followed Xue Yao into the kitchen, "What is sister thinking about today?"

Xiaobai knew that she had storage space, so she stopped hiding it.

"I'm thinking about the crab I'm going to eat today!"


Chen Ting, who was heartbroken in 602, suddenly laughed, his Xiaoyao.

Xue Yao found a giant crab when she searched the large space yesterday, and she didn't know how to eat it.

She transformed the crab out of the large space.

Xiao Bai's reaction was exactly as she expected, she just marveled at the size of the crab, and didn't care where it came from.

As if it was normal for her to conjure things out of thin air.

"Wow, it's so big, how long can it last?" Xiaobai measured the long crab legs with his hands, and found that the legs were longer than both of him if stretched out.

"Hee hee, let's eat slowly."

This crab must not be taken out whole, or it will be discovered.

Gently wipe the joints of the crab legs with kitchen paper, and found that they are still very clean. Does the space have automatic disinfection?

She took out the scissors to cut off the crab's leg. It was estimated that the meat in this leg was worth ten normal crabs.

But no matter how hard she tried and what posture she used, there was not even a single scar on the crab leg.

Seeing her sweating profusely, Xiaobai immediately asked, "Sister, why don't you wipe some wine there?"


Xue Yao looked at him suspiciously.

Xiaobai immediately stood on tiptoe, trying to point at the joints of the crab legs. "right here."

"Okay, I'll try." For some reason, Xue Yao faintly felt that what Xiaobai said was right.

Because she didn't know how much alcohol was suitable, she directly took out the liquor with the highest alcohol content from the small space.

Thinking of her own physical problems, she deliberately put on a mask and carefully poured a small glass of white wine.

Use a brush to gently brush the wine on the joints of the crab legs, and then pick up the super alloy scissors to cut it.

With a click, the crab legs fell off.

"Success." She happily gave Xiaobai a high-five.

Seeing that his proposal worked, Xiaobai blushed with excitement.

Xue Yao took the opportunity to cut off all the crab legs and crab claws, leaving two crab legs, and took the rest back, waiting for the next time to eat.

Xiaobai helped her brush the shells of the crab legs with white wine, cut them open, dug out the crab meat inside, and packed two large porcelain pots.

One big and one small opened their eyes wide, swallowing their saliva and looking at the two pots of crystal clear crab meat.

Xiaobai stretched out his hand directly, wanting to pick a piece out of the porcelain basin and eat it.

Xue Yao patted his little hand very bluntly.

"This... seems like I haven't heard that it can be eaten raw." Xue Yao swallowed again.

"I'll cook it right now, Xiaobai just wait."

She immediately took a pot of water and put it on the stove to boil over high heat.

After a short while, the water in the pot began to gurgle.

Patting Xiaobai's evil little hand again, Xue Yao picked up a small piece of crab leg meat and rinsed it in the pot. In just a few seconds, the crystal clear crab meat quickly turned white and bloomed like petals in the water with.

"Okay, this piece is yours, be careful it's hot."

Xue Yao put the boiled crab leg meat into a small porcelain plate and handed it to Xiao Bai who was watching her eagerly.

"Mmm, whoosh." Xiaobai obediently blew several times before putting it in his mouth.

After eating, he squinted his eyes with a satisfied smile, "It's delicious, sister also eat quickly."

"it is good."

Xue Yao felt the taste of crab leg meat, she didn't add anything, just boiled it in plain water, so that she could taste the original taste of crab meat.

There is a little bit of fishy smell, but there is a fragrance in the fishy smell. The taste of the meat is sweet and tender. It just melts with a light sip, and the taste of the meat soon turns into umami.

It's really delicious!
The two of them cooked several pieces of crab leg meat with this pot of white water, and they stopped eating until their stomachs were half full.

She rinsed several paragraphs and put them in a small porcelain dish, "Xiaobai, take it to the teacher."


Xiaobai picked up the small porcelain plate, opened the door and ran to 602.

The team members on duty in 602 looked at the things in Xiaobai's hands and asked curiously, "Xiaobai, what is this?"

Xiaobai quickly put the small porcelain plate in his arms, and said with special force: "My sister specially made this for my brother-in-law."


The players felt hurt, they were just curious to know what it was, not who made it for whom.

Xiaobai opened the door of Chen Ting's room and put the small porcelain plate on the table, "Brother-in-law, eat!"

Under Xiao Bai's expectant gaze, Chen Ting put the crab leg meat into his mouth, showing a satisfied and enjoying expression.

"Delicious." Then he added, "Your sister's cooking is delicious."

Xiaobai bounced and took the porcelain plate back to 601.

After hearing Chen Ting's comments, the members of the Special Task Force were looking forward to the meal at noon.

In the past, Xue Yao followed to the crew, and they rarely cooked at noon. They all did it by themselves, but after eating the meals Xue Yao cooked, the next cooks would be disgusted by all kinds of people.

Xue Yao didn't know what was going on in the hearts of those people in 602. She was very happy when she saw the clean little porcelain plate and heard the evaluation brought back by Xiao Bai.

Then she started to prepare the lunch dishes. Looking at the pot and a half of crab legs, she made them into crab meat floss.

This not only hides the normal size of the crab meat, but it is also a very good dish.

Then she glanced at the crab shells that had been peeled off next to her. This should not be wasted, it could be used to make soup and porridge.

(End of this chapter)

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