Gold Assistant

Chapter 216 Little Goblin

Chapter 216 Little Goblin

Put the crab leg meat in a large pot to boil, wait until boiled and then remove it, then put the crab shells in the water and continue to cook, the water in the pot will become a great broth.

Add soy sauce, ginger juice, and a little brown sugar to the boiled crab legs.

Xue Yao struggled in her heart, glanced at the cooking wine beside her, thought for a long time, and finally decided not to let it go.Although the taste may be a little bit worse, these crab legs are fresh enough, so it won't be too bad.

Next, fry these crab legs into crab floss, which can make it durable.

After frying the meat floss, the portion seems to be doubled. It is filled with three large porcelain pots, and it is estimated that it can be eaten until tomorrow.

Then she scooped up the crab shells in the pot and filtered them through a sieve, lest there be any fine crab shells left behind.

If you eat crab shells while drinking porridge, it is not good.

After filtering, throw in the radish cut into small pieces and continue to cook. This soup will become more delicious after a while.

But when she turned her head, she found that Xiao Bai was eating crab floss with a small bowl.The porcelain basin that was originally full has already lost a quarter.

Xue Yao asked: "Is it delicious?"

Xiaobai nodded desperately, not forgetting to chew.

It seems that these crab meat floss can't be saved tomorrow, maybe even at night. Let's do it again in the afternoon, but it will be put in the space then.

At noon, Ah Er and members of the Special Task Force came over to serve the food.

Seeing the pot of delicious porridge, tempting crabmeat floss, and soft steamed buns, their eyes lit up, staring at the food in front of them like hungry wolves.

Seeing their appearance, Xue Yao specially divided Chen Ting's share and asked Ah Er to send it over first.

Just after a while, the food was sent back again.

At the same time, Chen Ting turned his wheelchair and followed.

"Brother Ting, why are you here?" Xue Yao was a little puzzled.

Chen Ting raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and then smiled slightly.

"Xiaobai can't beat them, so let's have lunch together."

Xue Yao was instantly fascinated by the beauty in front of her eyes, she greeted him with a smile.

She hadn't thought about it at all, if Xiaobai couldn't grab it, it would be fine if he came over to eat, what did Chen Ting come to...

Dividing the radish porridge with the aroma of crab meat, Xue Yao ate it even more deliciously because of the masculinity in front of her. Even the porridge smelled faintly of wine.

Uh... booze? !

Too bad, the crab shell was brushed with strong white wine, because the shell was very clean, she threw it into boiling water without washing it.

After a while, Xue Yao lay down on the table with sparkling eyes, fixedly looked at Chen Ting, and kept giggling.


Chen Ting had just finished eating a bowl of porridge, when he looked up and saw her stupid look, he asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Xue Yao smiled until her eyes narrowed, and the corners of her mouth turned up.

"Master is so handsome."

As soon as Shi Shi was called, Chen Ting knew she was drunk, but where did she get the wine from?
"Is Xiaobai full? If you are full, please help take the food to the kitchen, okay?"

"En." Swallowing the last mouthful of steamed buns, Xiaobai moved the things to the kitchen one by one.

When he returned to the hall, Xue Yao was already sitting in Chen Ting's arms, she grabbed Chen Ting's collar and shouted: "Master."







This meaningless conversation went on for almost 5 minutes, but Chen Ting still responded with a very good temper.

Xiaobai felt that he was about to be brainwashed by this sentence, and Chen Ting could respond with different words every time.

Suddenly Xue Yao embraced Chen Ting's face and kissed, "Master, I'm afraid you'll ignore me like last time."

"I called you for a long time that day, but I didn't wake up. I was so scared."

"It won't happen in the future. I will always be with you and always respond to you." Chen Ting stroked her hair distressedly.

What Xiaoyao said should be what he dreamed a few days ago, and he didn't wake up after being poisoned.

"I don't believe it." Xue Yao murmured with her mouth pouted.

Chen Ting held her hand up and kissed it. Xue Yao felt itchy and laughed out loud.

"Come and let's pull the hook." She waved her little finger in front of Chen Ting's eyes.

"it is good."

The little fingers of the two hooked together. "If you pull the hook and hang yourself, you cannot change it for 100 years."

After finishing speaking, Xue Yao murmured again: "100 years is too little, last time it was [-] years ago, we have to pull the hook again."

"it is good."

"If the hook is hanged for thousands of years, it cannot be changed."

After this time, Xue Yao secretly kissed Chen Ting's lips in excitement.

Then she blushed, buried her head in Chen Ting's neck, and sang happily. It could be heard that it was a very old song. It didn't even have lyrics, and could only hum the melody.

Suddenly Xue Yao crawled down from Chen Ting's embrace, she looked at Chen Ting with a blushing face and bright eyes.

"Teacher, we have already worshiped, can we enter the bridal chamber now?"

Chen Ting didn't expect her to say such a thing, causing his expression to freeze.

"What's the matter, Master? You don't like Xiaoyao anymore."

Xue Yao pouted and complained with tears in her eyes, "Master, you have changed, you have changed your mind, was it seduced by some little fairy? Is it the peach blossom spirit at the foot of the mountain who can make wine.

It's still the owner of the inn in Wuhui Town. He is defeated by me. Every time I see you, he still laughs. Could it be that he wants to grab a man from me?

No, I want to find out these goblins who stole men from me. "

She turned her head and searched around in the living room, and when she saw Xiao Bai standing in a daze in the kitchen, she pointed at Xiao Bai angrily and howled.

"New love."

Xiaobai was shocked, his little hands grabbed the door frame of the kitchen, he couldn't bear such a heavy word.

"That's Xiaobai." Chen Ting helplessly grabbed her finger back.


Xue Yao broke free from Chen Ting's hand, ran up to Xiao Bai's side, pulled him into the living room, and circled around twice.

Then he smiled and squinted his eyes, stretched out his sinful little hand, pinched Xiaobai's face, and shouted that it was so slippery.In the end, she squatted down, wrapped him in her arms, and kissed his little face.

"My little Baibai has grown up, so handsome." Then, as if confirming, he nodded and said, "Well, very handsome, only a little bit worse than Shishi."

Then she patted her head in doubt, and directly pulled open his pants, and saw the trouser fork with the little goose printed on it.

With her actions, Xiao Bai immediately snatched back his trousers in fright, and ran behind Chen Ting tremblingly, poking his head out carefully to look at Xue Yao.

How did my sister become the strange sister that I said on the Internet? It's so scary.

Xue Yao frowned suspiciously, tilted her head to look at them, and asked, "Didn't Xiaobai say he wanted to be like me? Why did he become like Shishi?"

Thinking about it, she felt a little sleepy, and nodded her head down, looking drowsy.

Chen Ting turned the wheelchair to her side, gently held her hand and said, "Go to sleep if you're sleepy."

(End of this chapter)

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