Gold Assistant

Chapter 221 Brother-in-law

Chapter 221 Brother-in-law
Xue Yao asked Roy in his unproficient French, why he was here.

It turned out that after being rejected by Liu Li, Roy wanted to see who she was dating and who he lost to.

So I ran here and waited, but I didn't expect that the date with Liu Li was actually the boyfriend she had introduced before.

When he went back that day, his sister analyzed that their relationship was fake, and it was only used to prevent the Qin family from getting married.

But now it doesn't look like it's fake, he was a little sad, so he froze in place.

What an honest boy to tell such a private matter to them who are still strangers like this.

After listening to Xue Yao's translation, Shi Xiaonan said angrily, "It turned out that you were in a daze and that's why I bumped into you."

Seeing her expression and some Chinese he had learned, Roy probably guessed the meaning, and immediately said in broken Chinese: "I'm sorry... no."

"Hee hee, I'm sorry." Shi Xiaonan was amused by his words.

The three laughed together, and Roy learned that they wanted to enter the concert but had no tickets, so he gave them the tickets in his hand.

He didn't want to go in and see Liu Li and Tao Chengxuan, that would be his own fault. He currently has no hobby of eating dog food.

Xue Yao and Shi Xiaonan took the tickets and entered the concert hall, just in time to see Liu Li and He Yingying chatting happily.

Tao Chengxuan stood sideways, listening to the two talking with a smile.

Qin Hong, who was blocked by him, couldn't intervene at all. Since everyone despised him for shouting outside just now, he didn't dare to speak too loudly now.

Seeing his aggrieved look, Xue Yao and Shi Xiaonan in the last two rows covered their mouths and laughed.

Soon the concert started, Liu Li and He Yingying stopped talking and looked at the stage in front of them seriously.

Liu Li's eyes filled with tears when she heard this concert, but Xue Yao kept looking up He Yingying's information in her mind.

Looking at Qin Hong's positive appearance, He Yingying's family background should be good, at least not worse than Tao Chengya.

It's just that there is no information about He Yingying in the book. Xue Yao secretly took out her mobile phone to search online and found the clue of Mo Investment Company.

There was a message from this company later in the book, [The new president of Mo Investment Company died suddenly. ], there is no other information.

new president?He Yingying is the only daughter of the He family, and now she is the vice president, which means that it is likely that she will die suddenly.It's just that she looks healthy and doesn't look like she has hidden diseases.

But she seems to be very friendly to Lili, find a chance to remind her to have a physical examination.

When the concert was over, Qin Hong took He Yingying away in a hurry, fearing that if it continued, his plan would be ruined again.

Liu Li looked up at Xue Yao and Shi Xiaonan with a smile like a flower.

Xue Yao looked over if she felt something, and when she saw Liu Li's smiling face, she also smiled helplessly.

They really showed their whereabouts.

"Sister, Xiao Nan, you look so pretty."

"Mr. Tao." "President Tao"

"You are Xiaoya's friends, so please call me brother too." There are people Lili values ​​in front of him, and he must treat them well.

He seems to have mentioned the title before, but maybe everyone has forgotten it after not seeing him for a long time, so he decided to show up more often.

Shi Xiaonan muttered to the side, "If Lili is married, sister Yao should call her brother-in-law, brother."

"Xiao Nan!"

"Hee hee." Shi Xiaonan quickly hid behind Xue Yao.

Tao Chengxuan said very earnestly and sincerely: "You can call brother-in-law then, or you can call now."

"Okay, brother-in-law."

After a day of observation, Xue Yao really admired this brother-in-law, after all, Wang Weiyi had a good opinion of him.


"I'll take you back." Tao Chengxuan saw that his goal had been achieved, so he didn't continue talking to avoid Liu Li's displeasure.

When they returned to the apartment and watched them enter the elevator, when they were about to turn around and go back, they saw a very energetic young man staring at him closely.

Tao Chengxuan immediately felt his scalp go numb, and he didn't even notice that the other party was so close.

"President Tao."

This is an affirmative sentence, not an interrogative sentence, the other party knows himself!

Tao Chengxuan searched in his mind, but there was no information about the person in front of him. If he had seen such a special person, he would definitely remember it.

The young man looked at Tao Chengxuan curiously with bright eyes, feeling as if he was going to pounce on him in the next moment.

"Huh?" The other party didn't seem to be malicious at the moment, so Tao Chengxuan responded calmly.

The young man who got the reply was very happy. He smiled so hard that he showed his canine teeth, and stretched out his hand. Tao Chengxuan shook hands with him involuntarily.

"My name is Ah Si, my young master invites you to go up and reminisce about the old days."

"Your young master?" Could it be...

"Yes, my young master is Chen Ting, please." The elevator door opened quickly, Ah Si blocked the elevator door with his hand, and invited Tao Chengxuan to enter.

After entering the elevator, Ah Si seemed unable to hold back and asked, "President Tao, can I ask you something?"

Tao Chengxuan's date with Liu Li today was perfect except for Xue Yao's stalking.

Hearing Ah Si's question, he said in a good mood: "Yes."

"Have you really never dated a girl before?"

This question stunned Tao Chengxuan for a moment, and before he could answer, Ah Si started talking again without stopping.

"Your expression already tells me the answer, but where did you learn what you used today?"

"Is it in the book, or did someone tell you?"

"Will your company's stock price continue to rise? I am very poor recently and want to buy some stocks."

"Is there any inside information..."


This series of questions made Tao Chengxuan, who was used to confronting his subordinates gossip in meetings, a little overwhelmed.

But he still answered with a good temper. He skipped the previous questions that involved privacy.

Tao Chengxuan said very confidently: "Don't worry, Gu Yun will continue to operate."

"Guyun is a century-old company. It has gone through many cosmetic reforms, and it is the best proof that it is still standing. This time will be no exception."

When Ah Si wanted to say something more, the elevator reached the sixth floor.

When Tao Chengxuan entered 602, he saw Chen Ting waiting in the living room, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

"Long time no see."

"Please sit down."

While Ah Er was preparing the tea, Ah Si put the mobile phone in front of Chen Ting like offering a treasure.

"Master, this is the beauty of the young lady I took today."

"Look, it's time to get in the car."

"This is a full-body photo taken after the crew changed costumes."

"It's time to eat. I have to say that our young lady's table manners are very good."

"And this one is for dessert. The cakes in that coffee shop are delicious. The young lady ordered twice."


When Ah Si was talking, he did not forget to swipe the screen with his finger to show the photos he had taken.

Chen Ting watched silently. These photos made him suspicious again. While Ah Si was sending messages, he was able to secretly take pictures when he had time.

The most important thing is that the quality of the shots is not bad. Is this hand speed really human?
(End of this chapter)

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