Gold Assistant

Chapter 222

Chapter 222

When Tao Chengxuan heard them talking about Mrs. Young, he unconsciously glanced at the photo.

Seeing the familiar background and people, he knew that Ah Si was following him today, but he didn't notice it at all.

And isn't the young lady in the photo Xue Yao?
"You..." Tao Chengxuan felt a little astonished.

Chen Ting stretched out his hand and smiled, "Brother-in-law, we will have a good time together in the future."

Time flies, "Top of Shu Mountain" has been aired for a month, and the ratings are getting more and more stable. With the development of the plot, Mu Xuan's roles are getting more and more.

Everyone gradually fell in love with the fairy she played, and Wheesung began to help her with a series of publicity.

Seeing these entertainment news, Xue Yao quietly breathed a sigh of relief, the main line of the book became stronger again.

After the last video incident, Qin Yi was called back to the Qin family, and she rarely appeared in the crew of "Court Chronicle". Even Luo Yuan rarely saw her.

In fact, this is a good thing for the crew. Without a person who doesn't know how to pretend to understand and insists on pointing, their progress is much faster.

The relationship between Xie Lin and Luo Yuan has also become stronger because of the development of the plot, and they only have to live together.

It's just that Luo Yuan still wants Qin Yi to help him repay the debt, so his relationship with Xie Lin has not been made public.

The news that "Court Chronicle" has been bought by film and television magnates in advance has spread throughout the entertainment circle under the operation of interested people.

But there is no real hammer for which big shot in the circle it is.

On the other hand, "Summer Palace Chronicle" is under the condition of one mind and one mind, and the plot of the filming is almost at the end stage.

Today Xue Yao came to the crew with a large box of materials. These are the props used for today's filming. Because the production is time-consuming, she first prepared all the materials in the apartment, and then brought them over for shooting.

She changed into Qin Xin'er's costume, stood in front of the camera skillfully, and skillfully kneaded one pink peach blossom cake after another.

Recently, she didn't know whether she suddenly fell in love with peach blossoms or hated peach blossoms, and made many kinds of desserts with peach blossoms for no reason, and then ate them all.

This led to a serious shortage of peach petals in her small space.

When Xia Tian asked her if she would make delicate flower-shaped dim sum, she immediately thought of peach blossom cakes.

Due to the location problem, after she squeezed a dozen pieces of peach blossom cakes, the scene was filmed, and then she continued to use up the remaining materials.

"Sister Yao, this peach blossom cake is so beautiful, can I eat it directly?"

Zhang Xiaojiao and Min Shasha stared straight at the beautiful peach blossom cakes in front of them.

Especially when they had been looking at these peach blossom cakes just now, how they were born from Xue Yao's hands, they all admired her very much.

"No, this one has to be baked before it can be eaten. It should be shared with everyone as a snack after dinner, and it will be ready in a while."

"Ah... I don't want to share it with everyone, I really want to pack it all up and take it away. Isn't the saying saying that eating alone is hard to gain weight? I just happen to lose weight."

Zhang Xiaojiao looked at these peach blossom crisps with a look of reluctance, and she wanted Lao Dou to try them too.

Xue Yao, who washed her hands, flicked her on the head, smiled and said, "No, your dim sum is pretty good, just make it yourself."

"But sister Yao's cooking is very delicious."

Min Shasha also nodded desperately from the side, but she was a little luckier than Zhang Xiaojiao, and she could occasionally catch Xue Yao's cooking in the apartment.

Amid Zhang Xiaojiao and Min Shasha's wailing, they took the prepared peach blossom cakes to the dining car to bake.

When passing by the shooting site, I saw Lin Xia resting and reading the script, and a middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses was sitting next to her.

The man kept talking, but Lin Xia kept a cold face, only occasionally responding.

Lin Xia is unmarried and has no boyfriend. She has always kept herself clean and never had any bad rumors.Does this sudden man have anything to do with her?

The man looked gentle and refined on the surface, but Xue Yao judged from his eyes that he was not a good man.

Zhang Xiaojiao muttered angrily: "That annoying person is here again."

again?It seems that this is not the first time for him to come to the crew, Xue Yao immediately asked: "Who is he?"

"He is Wang Jin, the boss of Yongjia Films."

"It's him? Isn't he already married?" Xue Yao recalled this person's information.

"No, I heard that his wife is lying in the intensive care unit. It's fine if he doesn't take care of her, but she even came to harass Sister Lin. It's shameless."

Min Shasha also said at the side: "It's just scum. Fortunately, there are no reporters in the crew, otherwise, I don't know what Sister Lin will be made into by them!"

Xue Yao thought of the plot in the book, Wang Jin's wife passed away around this time.

At that time, most people in the entertainment circle attended her funeral.

But Wang Jin didn't show much sadness. At that time, Yongjia Pictures also spread the news that they had successfully acquired Huading Entertainment, which was declining day by day.

Then came the news that Lin Xia was seriously ill. Will there be any relationship between the two?

Xue Yao looked at Lin Xia worriedly. Although she faced Wang Jin with some impatience on her face, she was still in good spirits.

It seems that the problem of illness has improved after giving her a recovery talisman last time.

After they finished baking peach blossom cakes in the dining car, Wang Jin still hadn't left.

This time Xue Yao walked behind them silently and eavesdropped on their conversation.

Lin Xia is considered to be half of Liu Li's teacher, and Xue Yao also likes her very much, so I don't want the plot in the book to happen to her.

"Becky, if the movie you are shooting now is played after "Court Chronicle", people will boycott it, after all, there are so many similar plots."

Lin Xia frowned, thinking of the rumors that Yongjia Films bought a satellite TV last year.She looked at Wang Jin seriously, "You are the one who bought the right to broadcast "Court Chronicle"?"

"Hehe, now that you know, I won't hide it. It was indeed I who talked about it."

"You know that the play is plagiarized but you still want to buy it. What do you want to do?"

Wang Jin raised the corners of his mouth and smiled maliciously, "If you are willing to follow me, then I will not let this show air."

"You..." Lin Xia straightened her body and glared at him angrily, trying her best to control her voice, "If you don't take care of Bao Qin at this time, what are you going to do with all these crap, you bastard!"

"If it wasn't for her back then, why would you break up with me? I just want to find my love." Wang Jin said affectionately.

Lin Xia sneered, "I broke up with you because of your flirting. It has nothing to do with Bao Qin. She didn't know you at that time."

"But later, if it wasn't for her, we would have gotten back together." Wang Jin continued to play rogue.

"Impossible! I have seen you clearly, so we are impossible. Baoqin is my friend, and you are her husband. She is sick. You should take good care of her instead of doing these useless things. thing!"


"Mr. Wang, the film crew is where the filming takes place, so don't come here again." After speaking, Lin Xia stood up angrily and left.

Xue Yao didn't expect that Lin Xia and Wang Jin still had such a past, and it was Wang Jin who bought the broadcasting rights.

(End of this chapter)

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