Gold Assistant

Chapter 231 Lip Reading

Chapter 231 Lip Reading
"Based on Qin Yi's family background, he probably wouldn't know those people, right? And when that person said he didn't know Qin Yi, it didn't look like a fake."

"Who else would it be?"

Everyone fell into deep thought.

"Will it be someone from Xingguang?" An Mo felt that Xingguang might do something after investing in "Court Chronicle".

"It's also possible, but we don't have any evidence."

Xue Yao also analyzed: "To do this, you must first have money, then be able to know those people, secondly have a grudge against our crew or someone in the crew, and finally be able to gain benefits through this matter."

Liu Li added: "This matter may have something to do with Xiaojiao. Those people always say that they belong to HSBC, and they have said it many times."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

An Mo nestled on the sofa with his head in his hands, "Ah, it's hard to guess, those people are really disgusting, it's fine if they confess themselves."

"Forget it, don't think about it, sister Yao, what are you having for dinner tonight?" Shi Xiaonan looked at Xue Yao expectantly.
"Let me think about it, what do you want to eat?"

An Mo and Liu Li raised their hands together, "I want to eat that hot and sour lotus root."

Shi Xiaonan also nodded, "Yeah! I also want to eat hot and sour lotus root. When I was on the set, that taste kept stimulating me."

"Okay, I still have some of that material, so I'll make it for you."

"Sister Yao, (sister) I love you."


After enjoying the delicious dinner, Liu Li and the others went to catch up on the drama. Recently, they were also watching "Top of Shu Mountain", which was coming to an end.

Mu Xuan's character sacrificed for love, so she gained a large number of drama fans who leave messages under her scarf every day.

Xue Yao took out her laptop and began to check the situation of Li Baoqin's ward, saving people to the end. Although she gave Lin Xia a recovery talisman, it was only a temporary solution for Li Baoqin.

If the cause of her weakness cannot be found, there is no way to cure the root cause.

Wang Jin didn't know whether he sent Li Baoqin to Saint Laurent to deceive others or something.This is just convenient for Xue Yao to check the surveillance. When Liu Li was raising her legs at Saint Laurent, she had already hacked in and left the back door.

Because of Li Baoqin's special situation, there is surveillance in her ward.In the video, only doctors, nurses and Lin Xia are taking care of her, Wang Jin does not appear.

But in the video from the day before yesterday, Xue Yao accidentally found a strange woman.

The man's face was a bit round, and his appearance was relatively ordinary.Even Xue Yao, who had just seen her, couldn't remember what she looked like, and later when she checked her whereabouts, she had to go back and look again.

The woman was sitting in front of Li Baoqin's hospital bed, and she seemed to be muttering something, but because there was no sound from the surveillance, she couldn't tell.

"It seems that we need to find someone who can speak lips."

Xue Yao called up videos from other places to find out how this woman got here, but found that she came out of another ward before entering Li Baoqin's ward.

Fortunately, the surveillance in that ward was not turned off, but I didn't expect that the person inside was actually Wang Jin.

In the video, the two chatted for a long time. Seeing how they got along, they resembled a boss and a subordinate. Then Wang Jin suddenly got angry and swept things to the ground.

The eyes full of hatred made Xue Yao shudder, they continued talking, but unfortunately she couldn't understand.

At this time, Liu Li who was on the side saw her shivering, and quickly covered her with the shawl on her body, and asked with concern: "Is sister cold?"

"It's okay, I just saw some things and felt a little scary."

An Mo, who had finished watching the show, crawled over from the other side of the sofa, "Sister Yao, what are you watching?"

Xue Yao pointed to the video surveillance and said, "His appearance is indescribably weird, so I was taken aback."

"Sister, what are they talking about?"

"I don't know, this monitoring has no sound."

"Ah, let Ah Yi come over and take a look, he can read lips."

"How does Lili know?" Xue Yao was a little surprised.

"Before he sent me to the drama theater, he met a drama actor in the parking lot. After walking away, the man turned around and said a word, which was seen by him, and then he reminded me that the man was scolding me."

"Ah, then I'll go find Ah Yi and come over to have a look."

After Xue Yao finished speaking, she couldn't wait to walk to 602, maybe she could take a look at the male god before going to bed.

"You can call..." Before Shi Xiaonan finished speaking, Xue Yao was already standing outside the door of 602, ringing the doorbell.

Ah Yi opened the door, and smiled sideways to let her in.

After Xue Yao entered, her eyes kept searching for the figure of the male god.

For some reason recently, she always wants to see the male god. Could it be the reason for those dreams?

During this period of time, she dreamed that Xiaoyao started to learn to write, and the child was nestled in Si Ting's arms every day, letting him write with his hands. It was heartwarming to think about it.

Seeing her appearance, Ah Yi immediately said, "Master is taking a bath."

Hearing this, Xue Yao immediately felt her face heat up, and her mind was full of male gods.Before she went to bed yesterday, she rewatched a movie about the male god, in which the male god had a shirtless scene...

Thinking of that shot made her face even hotter.

"The young master just went in, and it may take 10 minutes. Miss Yao sit down first and eat some fruit."

"Ah, no need, I'm here to look for you, Hajime, you can lip talk, can't you?"


"Then come and help me watch the video." Xue Yao immediately dragged Ah Yi to 601, if she stayed any longer and saw the male god just coming out of the bath, she might have a nosebleed.

Although she really wanted to stay and take a look, she couldn't give the male god the impression that she was a woman.

Back at 601, Xue Yao first released the video of the conversation between Wang Jin and Song Ya.

Ah Yi carefully watched the video twice, and then told them the content of the conversation he saw.

"Ah, what happened today was actually done by that bastard Wang Jin. I knew he was not a good person."

An Mo was furious after hearing this.

Liu Li took her hand and comforted her: "Fortunately, Aunt Lin also knows that he is not a good person, and has never given him a good face."

"Well, well, when I saw him for the first time, I felt uncomfortable, and then I told Aunt Lin. But what did he and Song Ya do to Aunt Li? What is backlash?"

"That person is Song Ya?" Xue Yao pointed to the strange woman on the screen.

An Mo nodded, "Well, she is Song Ya, Wang Jin's secretary. I have seen her several times in magazines, and she was also included in the news about the acquisition of a TV station last time."

Xue Yao was ashamed, she also read the news, but didn't remember her.

"Yi, watch another video for me."

"it is good."

Xue Yao released the video of Song Ya in Li Baoqin's ward.

Ah Yi's face changed drastically after seeing this content, he snatched the laptop in a cold sweat, and watched the video repeatedly.

Seeing him like this, everyone was very worried. They all liked this big brother who had a naive smile and always guarded him silently.

If he hadn't left for something today, those people probably wouldn't be able to run to the crew to make trouble.

When he finally stopped, his face was pale and his body was covered with sweat.

They hurriedly took paper towels, poured warm water, and made a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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