Gold Assistant

Chapter 232 Strange Things

Chapter 232 Strange Things
After a while, Ah Yi's face finally calmed down, and he said with a silly smile, "It's all right, don't worry, it's all right."

Everyone still looked at him worriedly, "Really?"

"Don't worry, I'm really fine." Then he pointed to Song Ya on the screen, "If I'm not mistaken, she should be chanting a spell."

"Chanting a spell?" Everyone exclaimed.

Something flashed through Xue Yao's mind, but before she could catch it, it disappeared.

An Mo hurriedly asked, "Brother Ah Yi, do you know what she read? What will happen to Aunt Li?"

Ha Yi explained to her: "Probably using her body as a guide to transfer Qi to another person's body."

"Head lowering? What is that? Is it related to Maoshan technique?" Shi Xiaonan had never heard of it before, so he asked.

"Downheading is a form of witchcraft in Southeast Asia."

Xue Yao thought that Song Ya had lived in Thailand before, maybe that's where she learned.

If this is the case, those who go to investigate are in danger!After reacting, she immediately called Zhang Xiaojiao, and said in a hurry: "Xiaojiao! I asked you to help me investigate the matter before, so they stop immediately, it is dangerous!"

"Ah! Okay, I'll tell them right away." Zhang Xiaojiao gave orders immediately without asking carefully.

Everyone looked at her suspiciously, and Liu Li asked, "Sister, why did you ask Xiaojiao to help you investigate?"

"Before I heard Aunt Lin talk about Aunt Li, I thought it was very strange, so I asked Xiaojiao to check it out, and by the way, I gave their company a list. She said that she hadn't opened much."

Xue Yao had no choice but to tell the story.


"Ah Yi, is there a solution to this lowering of the head?"

Ah Yi scratched his head and said, "Well, I'll go and ask for you, it's better for you to leave this matter alone."


After Ah Yi asked Xue Yao to send him the video, he went back to 602.

When Xue Yao came to 602, Chen Ting in the bathroom knew about it. He wanted to speed up the shower and go out to meet her.But later, when I heard that she was looking for Hajime, I suppressed myself and followed them with my spiritual sense.

After learning about the lowering of the head, he said softly: "I didn't expect that there were still fish that slipped through the net."

Then he frowned tightly, he couldn't let Xiaoyao continue to get in touch with such things, he had to solve them as soon as possible.

An hour later, Zhang Xiaojiao called, and she said in a trembling voice, "Xiaoyao, it's a good thing you notified me quickly. It's really thrilling! Something weird happened."

"What happened?" Xue Yao sat up straight and asked immediately.

When Liu Li and the others heard this tone, they also looked at her with concern.

Zhang Xiaojiao was on the other end of the phone, talking about the whole thing with lingering fear.

The uncle she mentioned before found the record of Song Ya's adoption through her contacts in country T.

15 years ago, Song Delun went to T country to make a movie and met a homeless girl.Her village was attacked by unknown people, and the whole village was killed, leaving her alone as an orphan.

In the end, Song Delun took her back to Huaguo as an adopted daughter under everyone's opposition, and the orphan girl was renamed Song Ya from then on.

The village was set on fire after Song Ya left, and there was nothing left.

The affairs of Country T were cut off like this. Originally, it was enough to tell Xue Yao the information, because she said before that as long as the relevant information was found.

It's just that when the uncle checked the information, he remembered another incident 15 years ago.An important person from country T died suddenly. Because the death condition was too horrific, it was rumored that his head was lowered.

Then there was the news that the village was suddenly destroyed. It was originally two unrelated things, but the uncle connected the things together after seeing the location of the village.

When he was young, he once helped his boss at the time and sent things to that village.To this day, he still remembers the strange phenomenon he saw when he entered that village.

After visiting many times, some local brothers told him that there was a head-down master in that village.

The uncle suddenly told the person in charge that he was going to investigate Song Ya's affairs, asked Song Ya's home address and left.

After receiving Xue Yao's call, Zhang Xiaojiao immediately told the person in charge to stop the investigation.So the person in charge called the uncle, but the phone kept ringing but no one answered.

They were worried about something, so they sent people to look for it. Fortunately, someone happened to be near Song Ya's house and saw the uncle.

At that time, the uncle was on the side of the road, but the signal light for pedestrians was obviously red, so he kept walking, and he walked very slowly, and finally stood in the middle of the road.

A container truck was coming from the other side of the road. The brothers on the other side of the road waved and shouted at him desperately, but my uncle didn't respond.

Later, a person passed by and saw this scene, and immediately rushed out to pull the uncle back to the side of the road.Uncle just woke up. After knowing what happened, he passed out and is still lying in the hospital.

"Xiaoyao, it's good that you informed us in time, otherwise Uncle Jiang would have died." Zhang Xiaojiao sighed again.

Xue Yao also felt scared. If she hadn't wanted to check on Song Ya, these things wouldn't have happened.

"It's all my fault, why did you ask you to check on Songya?"

Zhang Xiaojiao quickly said: "No, it's our problem, obviously Xiaoyao has already reminded me."

"Oh, is that uncle okay?"

"Well, he is lying in the hospital now. The doctor checked him and said that he is too emotionally volatile and overtired. He can just rest and recuperate. Don't worry."

"It's fine, don't look into Song Ya's affairs any more."

"Okay, we got it."

After hanging up the phone, Xue Yao told several people about the matter.

Liu Li held An Mo's hand tightly, and said with some fear, "This is too weird."

An Mo said with a lonely expression, "That's right, but a lot of things happened fifteen years ago, and I also met them at that time."

There was a sad atmosphere in the air, only then did Xue Yao and Liu Li realize that An Mo met An's couple 15 years ago.

Liu Li hugged An Mo and said, "Don't be sad, Momo, you have us now, Uncle Chang and Aunt Chang."

"Well, I have you now." An Mo hugged Liu Li back, and after a while she looked at Xue Yao with bright eyes, "Sister Yao, after hearing such a scary story, I feel a little hungry."

After she finished speaking, the sad breath immediately disappeared without a trace.

"Uh..." Xue Yao couldn't help but tapped her forehead with her finger, "You, you can't have supper at night."

An Mo immediately grabbed Xue Yao's hand, and said coquettishly, "Sister Yao, good sister, I'm really hungry. If I'm hungry, I won't be able to sleep. If I can't sleep, I will have dark circles under my eyes tomorrow."

Liu Li next to her touched her stomach, and said to help, "Sister, I...I'm hungry too."

"I've been hungry for a long time, but I'm too embarrassed to say it." Shi Xiaonan also groaned, rubbing his belly.

When they said this, Xue Yao also felt hungry, but she didn't expect that being hungry could also be contagious.

Xue Yao helplessly pretended to go to the kitchen to get things, but actually took out the cucumbers that had been put in before from the space, washed them, cut them, and took them to the living room.

"Each person can only eat three yuan, and then quickly brush your teeth and go to bed."


(End of this chapter)

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