Gold Assistant

Chapter 238 There is a password

Chapter 238 There is a password
When Shi Lekang was introducing everyone on stage, Chen Ting and the others watched the venue's surveillance in another room.

Xue Yao, who was still drunk, glanced at the people on the left and right like a thief, and they were all looking at the screen seriously.She secretly sat in Chen Ting's arms, put her finger to her mouth, and smiled at Ah Yi.

Hajime didn't do anything, and continued to put on his silly smile.

Chen Ting pampered her back.

Seeing that others ignored them, Xue Yao happily grabbed Chen Ting's collar and whispered something in his ear.

At this time, Shi Xiaonan came over with a mobile phone and was taken aback when he saw Xue Yao and Chen Ting's appearance.

It took a while before she recovered.

"Brother Ting, this seems to be Shi Li's phone."

Xue Yao, who was in Chen Ting's arms, was a little unhappy about being disturbed.

She snatched the phone, and suddenly the phone rang, and a new message came in.

"Huh? There is a password." Xue Yao was a little disappointed, then she smiled again and put the phone in Chen Ting's hand.

She pretended to flick left and right in her pocket, and finally found a handful of copper coins.

She followed Chen Ting's heart and asked, "Master, when was that hot-eyed woman born? And where was she born? How many people are there in the family..."

Chen Ting motioned Ah to take the laptop that was placed behind the wheelchair.

To make it easier for him to operate, Xue Yao stood up.

After finding the information, Chen Ting reported the same information. After Xue Yao finished listening, she closed her eyes for a while, and then threw the copper coins on the table.

Although Tao Chengxuan and the others were looking at the monitoring screen, they couldn't help paying attention to Xue Yao's movements.

After a while, Xue Yao put away the copper coins, took the phone confidently, and pressed the password on it.

"Ah, it turned out to be wrong." She pouted and looked at the phone.

Those who have been paying attention to her will have three black lines across their foreheads.

Ah Si immediately covered her mouth with her hand, that was the young lady, so she couldn't smile.

But Xue Yao was not discouraged and tried again, but the result was still wrong.

Everyone's attention is back on the screen.

Xue Yao pouted and looked at Chen Ting disappointedly.

"Try again, it doesn't matter if it's locked, it's not our phone anyway."

When everyone heard his words, they all looked dull. These words are shameless. This actor is a fake.

While silently coding Xue Yao in the video, Wang Jun watched the interaction between Chen Ting and Xue Yao.

Well, I learned another trick.

He turned his head and glanced at An Mo in the surveillance, and he could try it when he gets along with Momo in the future.

"En." Xue Yao nodded happily.

After a while, everyone heard Xue Yao excitedly saying: "Master, I opened it."

She threw herself into Chen Ting's arms again, raised her face, as if begging for praise.

Chen Ting smiled softly, "My Xiaoyao is the best."

"Hee hee, huh? Is this message successful? Teacher, what do we want to reply?"

"Success is a good thing, let's go back."

"it is good."

Everyone: "..."

I don't know anything, so I just mess around with other people's information, okay?

When introducing a few newcomers to the studio just now, the reporters already vaguely knew that there should be some changes in today's news.

These few people are the main personnel in the crew, even if there is a party, it probably won't have much impact.

The video of the silhouettes of the characters continued to be played on the stage, and the media reporters watching were all amazed.

Just from this little clip, we can see that this TV series is very exquisite in terms of character modeling and costumes.

Shi Lekang added: "This video will be uploaded to the crew's official bib at that time, everyone is welcome to forward it."

The reporter who was specially arranged by others in the audience was already a little impatient.

Although the current expected effect has not been achieved, they still decided to struggle.

A reporter took advantage of the break after the video to ask questions.

"Today, there was a rumor on the Internet that the crew of "Summer Palace Chronicle" held a psychedelic party in Longteng, do you have any explanation for the crew?"

Shi Lekang was stunned for at least ten seconds, then looked at him with doubts in his eyes, and asked, "What psychedelic party?"

The reporters in the audience all looked at him with contempt.

Fit, keep fitting!
Not for this matter, will you hold this impromptu press conference?
The reporter just now immediately recounted the hot searched content on the Internet, and emphasized that the public has the right to know about such violations of public security regulations.

Xerox laughed mischievously, "Then you should go to the person who released the news and ask which crew it is about. I hate this kind of hidden information the most, it's so disrespectful."


"Netizens are guessing that the report is about "Summer Palace Chronicle". Do you have any response?"

At this time, Shi Lekang noticed that Wang Jun had returned, and signaled to him that the matter had been dealt with, so he continued.

"It's still the same sentence, ask the person who reported the report, let him directly say what crew it is, don't let everyone guess, it's really annoying."

At this time, a reporter opened his scarf and saw that the senior reporter had sent the latest information.

Senior informant: [Ah, in fact, everyone has already guessed it, but there are still some who are maintaining it.In order not to be deceived, I decided to announce this crew, which is the crew of "Summer Palace Chronicle"! 】

[The same sentence, no picture, no truth. ]
[I, Moli, and Haowen CP have both issued the latest scarves. They don't look like they have taken drugs as you said. ]
[That is, they have photos as evidence, but you have nothing here. ]
[Hey, another group of, a few photos fooled you, couldn't those photos be taken before? ]
[I knew you would say that, when Moli posted the photo, I included the date and time. ]
[Cut, now that PS technology is so advanced, how difficult is it to pick a random date. ]
[A technical expert has already tested it, the photo does not have a P, okay.Say others are yourself. ]

Because of this latest scarf, people on the Internet were once again arguing, and without any surprises, this scarf quickly climbed to the top of the hot search list.

Shi Lekang looked at the content on the phone, smiled ruffiantly, and was waiting for you.He immediately clicked on the report on the phone, and quickly revised the statement saved last time.

The general content is to prosecute the senior whistleblower.

Senior informant: 【The truth will never be covered up. Even if I am defeated by despicable people, there will still be tens of thousands of people who will stand up and lift the veil of your hypocrisy. 】

[Brother, are you drinking too much? ]
[Just now I saw other entertainment journalists say that the crew of "Summer Palace Chronicle" is holding an impromptu press conference, and I don't know what the result will be. ]
[Wait for the latest news. ]
[Eating melons, waiting to see the neck master get slapped in the face. ]
[In other words, if the owner and the defendant slander, should they be sentenced or fined? ]

After reading the information on the Internet, Shi Lekang signaled to Wang Jun that he could start playing the edited video.

(End of this chapter)

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