Gold Assistant

Chapter 239 Can't Cover Up the Facts

Chapter 239 Can't Cover Up the Facts
"Since everyone wants to know so much, what happened here, let's take a look together."

Shi Lekang raised his hand to the big screen again, so that everyone's attention would be focused there.

A woman in a back alley appeared on the screen.

Some people in the audience received a reply, the message said that it had been successful, and asked them to continue to make things worse.

Although they didn't know the specific arrangement of the matter, when they saw the successful news, they started to clamor, "Don't change the subject, answer everyone's questions quickly, it's useless to escape."

"That's right, that's right, come out and admit your mistake earlier, maybe you can get everyone's forgiveness."

"No amount of effort can cover up the truth."


After the people in the audience finished speaking, Shi Lekang had silently recorded which media they belonged to and made a blacklist.

Then he said with a smile: "This is the answer, please read it patiently."

The woman on the screen sneaked up to Long Teng's back door. She sent a message on her mobile phone, and someone came to answer her soon.

Wang Weiyi, who had been paying attention to the whole incident in the lobby, asked Wang Jun when she saw the person's face, "Ah Jun, where is this person now?"

"Don't worry, elder sister, the police have already taken her away."

"That's good, before opening, clean up the people in the restaurant again."

"it is good."

The woman was taken to the dressing room, and the two had a brief conversation.

"Why did you come so late? The dishes are all ready and have already started serving."

The woman took out a tube of white stuff from her bag, and said with a sneer, "Put it in a drink, it will be more effective. By the way, find me a set of work clothes."

"What are you going to do? Don't mess around!"

The woman gritted her teeth and said, "I want to see them make a fool of myself!"

"I only have men's clothing here."

The woman took out a wig from her bag, "It's okay, I'm ready."

The camera then cuts to the woman entering and exiting the dressing room.

Then the camera followed her all the way to the banquet hall.

At this time, the few people who were arranged to lead the rhythm knew that there was a problem with this matter, and their expressions changed. While everyone's attention was on the screen, they quietly backed away and planned to escape.

It's just that they didn't expect that someone was waiting for them at the door of the venue.

The woman in disguise went smoothly all the way, but when she was in the banquet hall, she met Xue Yao who was smelling the vegetables.

When everyone saw Xue Yao, her whole body was coded, as if she was a special photo that couldn't be described.

After hearing the conversation between the two, everyone in the audience exclaimed that the crew of "Summer Palace Chronicle" was really lucky.

The video cuts off when the woman is forced to drink and start tearing her clothes.

Shi Lekang looked at the people in the audience and smiled mischievously, "This is the truth that everyone wants to see. I hope everyone can report it truthfully."

The media reporters in the audience found that such a big reversal of the incident was a very good subject, so they all expressed that they would report it truthfully.

Suddenly someone noticed, "Huh? Where are those people who said they want to see the truth?"

Only then did they realize that those who yelled the loudest were gone, and they couldn't help but look up at Shi Lekang on the stage.

"They were invited to the police station for tea."


This thing happened silently beside them, it was terrible!

The psychedelic party didn't end because of this announcement. The relevant media all helped to use their official accounts online to send clarification and positive reports to "Summer Palace Chronicle".

But they all have a tacit understanding, they didn't announce the whole content, but left suspense, let everyone pay attention to the latest news of the magazine.

And the netizens who have been supporting "Summer Palace Chronicle" are all celebrating happily.They ran to the accounts of the senior reporter and Entertainment Reuters, and posted comments to slap their faces.

It's just that when they search for the account, they are prompted that the account does not exist.

Not long after, when they searched again, what came out was not the account information, but the news released by the network administration.

These two accounts were suspected of posting false information and were reported. Now it has been verified that the information is indeed false. The relevant accounts have been closed and the local police have been contacted to detain and review the posters.

Some people who were taken away by the rhythm felt frightened, the speed of the Network Administration this time was really fast.

Could there be someone from "Summer Palace Chronicle" lurking in the Network Management Bureau?
Someone lurking in the network administration suddenly sneezed, and An Mo, who returned to the venue, immediately handed him a pack of tissues.

Wang Jun smirked holding a tissue, which was a gift from Momo.

After the media reporters dispersed, Shi Lekang and the others got together to discuss who was behind this incident and why did they do this?
Shi Lekang first analyzed, "This man is very rich."


Everyone gave him a contemptuous look.

No money to get that drug?

Can you hire so many sailors without money?

No money to let so many media speak for him secretly?

Knowing that what he just said was a bit useless, Shi Lekang continued with a smile, "This matter involves the crew, Long Teng, and even the interests of Gu Yun. I think there may be more than one person behind it."

Wang Weiyi also nodded, "Indeed, Zhou Kun is also involved here, maybe the gang of drug criminals is also involved. The drug probably came from the drug criminals, I will tell Artest about it."

"Well, Brother Tai should be able to find something." Shi Lekang nodded.

Tao Chengxuan thought for a while, and said, "I think the only person who has conflicts with Gu Yun and wants to provoke trouble is the only one."

"Well, Huanxin's man named Zhang Dong has had disputes with Long Teng and us, so he shouldn't be able to escape." Tao Chengya also put forward her own point of view.

"It's just that Shi Li is a stylist, why would she take such a big risk?"

At this time, the Minister of Security, who was in charge of the security of the restaurant, stood beside him, hesitant to speak.

Wang Weiyi asked softly, "Uncle An, what's wrong?"

Through the video, I saw that Shi Li sneaked in through the back door, changed into the clothes of the waiter like no one else, and walked in the restaurant with a big swagger.

Uncle An blamed himself very much, which showed that there were loopholes in their security work.Although the restaurant has not officially opened yet, and Shi Li has internal staff to help, the responsibility still falls on the security department.

In order to make up for his mistakes, he immediately told what he knew.

"Miss, that woman may be Zhou Kun's girlfriend. I've seen the two of them together, and Zhou Kun also said that he has a girlfriend in the entertainment industry."

After listening to everyone's opinions, Shi Lekang made a brief summary.

"Well, it seems that the person surnamed Zhang joined Zhou Kun in this matter, and then asked Shi Li to carry it out."

Before anyone else could respond, Xue Yao, who was nestled in Chen Ting's arms, almost couldn't open her eyes, said in a daze, "Master, when can I go to bed?"

(End of this chapter)

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