Gold Assistant

Chapter 240 The Man Behind

Chapter 240 The Man Behind
Everyone checked the time and found that it was past eleven o'clock in the evening.

"Go back now." Chen Ting said softly to Xue Yao.


When Ah Yi was about to push the wheelchair away, Xue Yao gave him a sleepy look and immediately woke up.

She climbed down from Chen Ting's arms, took over the work of pushing the wheelchair with a smile, and sang an ancient song.

Seeing Xue Yao who was pushing a wheelchair and singing happily, Liu Li said helplessly, "Why hasn't my sister sobered up yet?"

"I don't know, Sister Yao just fell asleep a few times ago. But this song is really nice. I didn't expect Sister Yao to sing so well."


Accompanied by Xue Yao's singing, a group of people came to the parking lot.After Ah Yi opened the car door, when he was about to carry Chen Ting into the car, Xue Yao grabbed his sleeve.

"I come."

"Miss Yao..."

Ah Yi didn't have time to stop, Xue Yao quickly walked to the wheelchair.

She quietly took out a powerful talisman, patted her heart with her hand and said, "Master, can I hug you?"

Chen Ting noticed her little movements, and nodded with a doting smile.

Xue Yao walked forward happily, put her left hand under Chen Ting's shoulder blades, and her right hand on the crook of his leg, hooked her arms upwards, and hugged Chen Ting horizontally.

The relaxed expression on her face made one think she was hugging a cardboard figure.

Everyone: "..."

They looked like they had been struck by lightning, their eyes widened.

I must have been dazzled just now, seeing Ah as a petite Xue Yao!
Regardless of the difference in body shape between the two parties, or the size of the arms, it is impossible for Xue Yao to be able to hug Chen Ting.

She didn't practice martial arts like Shi Xiaonan did.

They rubbed their eyes, and saw Xue Yao gently carried Chen Ting into the back seat, and then actively sat in.

After that, she threw herself into Chen Ting's arms like a little bird clinging to others, and said softly, "Master, I'm so sleepy."

That appearance is completely invisible, she just picked up a strong man.

"Go to sleep." Chen Ting kissed her forehead.

During the whole process, his expression remained unchanged, as if Xue Yao just did a very simple thing.

After waiting for a while, everyone outside still hadn't come to their senses, so Chen Ting had no choice but to say to Ah Yi, "Drive."

"Yes, master." After hearing Chen Ting's voice, Ah Yi woke up and responded quickly.

Everyone had to sigh, the actor is so determined!
On the other side, in the Saint Laurent Hospital, after Wang Jin received the latest news, his eyes were full of gloom, and he looked at Song Ya angrily.

Thinking of what happened recently, he snorted coldly, and said very displeasedly: "Didn't you say that after transferring that woman's qi to me, it will be smooth sailing and good luck?"

"Let me see."

Song Ya frowned, checking the information on the Internet.

"How could this be? Shi Li Mingming sent back the news that it was a success?"

"Your ability to do things is getting worse and worse." Wang Jinmi focused her eyes and said fiercely: "In order to avoid long nights and dreams, you should quickly transfer all the luck of that woman to me."

It was this topic again, Song Ya said angrily: "No, if you increase the speed rashly, it is easy to backlash, and you and I will lose our lives by then."

As soon as he heard that he would die, Wang Jin immediately faltered.

"Forget it. I've been waiting for so many years. It's not too late. But look at what's going on now. It's a good movie, but it's plagiarized. The people at Starlight are out of their minds." ?"

Then he said angrily: "How do the relevant departments handle things? This drama was reported by someone, but they didn't announce it. Isn't this a scam!"

It turned out that Wang Jin received a warning the day before yesterday that the script of "Court Chronicle" was plagiarized, and the relevant departments already had evidence, but it was not released for some reason.

Song Ya sorted out the information found today and told Wang Jin the ins and outs of this matter.

After Duan Zhenyong was arrested and the names of several drug-addicted artists were exposed, Yu Ling was blocked by the big bosses and financial backers behind those artists, and some even said that he would break his leg.

In order to protect himself, Yu Ling blamed everything on Qin Yi.Said that the press conference was requested by Qin Yi, and he just collected money to follow orders.

Since the Qin family still has a little influence in city B, and Qin Yi, as a member of the Qin family, it's not easy for them to do anything, so they can only hold back their anger.

Later, when they heard that the costume drama Qin Yi invested in was suspected of plagiarism, they worked together to suppress the news and prevent the relevant departments from releasing the news.

Their idea at the beginning was to let Qin Yi finish filming the trick, and then announce the news, so that Qin Yi and Xingguang could be cheated.

It's just that Wang Jin bought the right to broadcast "Court Chronicle".

This gave them another plan. As a theater giant, Yongjia Films often charged extra revenue for playing movies for no reason.

Especially after Li Baoqin, another director of the company, fell ill, Wang Jin, who was not suppressed, intensified his request to accept benefits.

Now that there is a way to cheat him, everyone immediately united and suppressed the news of the plagiarized drama again.

They plan to wait until halfway through the show to announce it, so that not only can they take revenge on Qin Yi, but also hit Wang Jin's Yongjia Films.

It's just that there is no impenetrable wall in the world. If the news is suppressed for a long time, it will not be able to hide it.

Wang Jin, who heard the news, wanted to immediately cancel the broadcast plan of "Court Chronicle", but his loss would become huge.

It just so happened that in order to advertise for Huanxin, the Qin family wanted to imitate Gu Yun and broadcast it in prime time.

Wang Jin felt that he was blessed with luck, so he couldn't easily give up the opportunity to make money.

He immediately thought of a way to contact the organization that had let him join money laundering before, and asked them to help bring down the reputation of "Summer Palace Chronicle".

When the "Court Chronicle" is played, roughly revise it, even if there is a suspicion of plagiarism, it can still be played.

As long as there are no competitors, he can still make money, and he can also earn joyful high advertising fees.

The people who contacted Wang Jin readily agreed to this request, because they received news that the crew of "Summer Palace Chronicle" would hold a celebration banquet in Longteng.

What Wang Jin didn't know was that they had an enmity with Long Teng as well.

Because of Long Teng's report before, they cut off their business in City B, and their reputation on the road plummeted. Wang Jin's request was just in line with their wishes.

They used Zhou Kun and Shi Li's relationship to let her do this.At that time, Shi Li can still stand up and reveal the secret, saying that the crew has held such parties many times, and the location is in Longteng.

In this way, both the crew and Long Teng were dragged into the water, and it was difficult to turn over.

For this reason, Wang Jin asked Song Ya to bribe the media and the navy, and was ready to let go, and make the matter as big as it was.

In contrast, the plagiarism of "Court Chronicle" has become a trivial matter.

(End of this chapter)

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