Gold Assistant

Chapter 256 It's just a platform for broadcasting

Chapter 256 It's just a platform for broadcasting

The embarrassed posture of Wang Jin and the others made the girls in front of the TV laugh.

Xia Tian looked at the TV unhappily, and snorted coldly, "It's what you deserve, let you play and copy my drama!"

According to the current situation, there is no way to stop the broadcast of "Court Chronicle", and Xia Tian can only vent verbally.

Seeing them staring at the TV, they probably didn't want to leave for dinner.Shi Xiaonan made the most convenient food, steamed the frozen dumplings in the refrigerator, and fried some side dishes.

Sure enough, as she expected, everyone gave her 32 praises for her approach.

"Xiao Nan, you are so considerate."

"Hee hee, this way you can watch while eating. Huh? Read the comments on the Internet."

Min Shasha just posted an article about today's red carpet scarves. After a quick glance, I saw many scarves written for the opening ceremony.

The good news is that many people commented on the opening ceremony in a critical tone.

But it is a pity that the popularity of "Court Chronicle" has increased again, because that "exciting scene" has also attracted many people who like to watch romantic dramas.

Xue Yao got netizens' comments on Yingfushui.

"Wow, a bottle of 3 is only 10ML, it's really expensive."

Liu Li moved her head closer, "Sister, let me have a look. Hahaha, these netizens are so awesome, they actually gave everyone our Snow Muscle Jade Paste."

"Snow Muscle Yurong Ointment is really easy to use. You see, the spots on my face are almost gone. I only used one-third of it." Xia Tian nodded in agreement.

Because of the long-term irregular life and the radiation from the computer, at a young age, Xia Tian already had spots on his face.

"Really, but Xia Xia's living habits really need to be changed." Xue Yao was very imposing, stretched out her fingers and raised Xia Xia's chin, and looked carefully.

Xia Tian's ears turned red from her posture, while Liu Li snickered beside her.

"They're coming back to the front."

Min Shasha's shout called their attention back.

Wang Jin and the others appeared in front of the camera again, and beside Qin Yi stood Luo Yuan, the director and screenwriter of "Court Chronicle" and Xie Lin.

It's just that Xie Lin is standing on the far side, and only half of his body appears in the camera, which is completely incomparable with Luo Yuan, who is also the leading actor.

Xie Lin could only continue to look at Qin Yi and Luo Yuan standing next to the C position with a resentful expression.

Wang Jin took the initiative to hand over the microphone to Qin Yi and let her speak.

Qin Yi was stunned for a moment, then took the microphone excitedly and said: "Thank you again for coming to the opening ceremony of our "Court Chronicle". If you have any questions about this drama, you can ask them."

When she went back to tidy up her grooming just now, she checked the comments on Yingfushui on the Internet.

Qin Yi frowned when she saw those contents, "What's going on, the online reviews have dropped so badly?!"

After experiencing several online public opinion wars, Qin Yi is very aware of the influence of netizens. Now that the evaluation of Yingfushui is so low, she is very worried that it will affect sales.

Qin Hong said with a look of disdain: "Our Huanxin is taking the route of top-level skin care products. Those who can only hide behind the keyboard and talk are just a bunch of poor ghosts. Anyway, they can't afford it no matter how much they spray. There is nothing to worry about." of."

"That's right, those poor dicks, no matter how hard they try, they can't afford the things we enjoy, hahahahaha."

The two stretched their hands and asked the staff to help organize their clothes, and then sat down to touch up their makeup in front of the mirror.

But they didn't know that the conversation just now had been recorded.

Due to time constraints, Qin Yi only glanced at the matter about Yingfushui on the Internet, and did not go forward.

She didn't know the matter between herself and Luo Yuan, and was brought out again.

Because of Luo Yuan's "hero saving the beauty" just now, Qin Yi proposed to take him with him.

Qin Hong thought for a while and said: "Well, today is the opening ceremony, and we really should focus on the drama, so let's bring the director, editor, and leading actors and actresses along."

Qin Yi originally only wanted to take Luo Yuan with her, but she didn't expect her cousin to call everyone else, especially the heroine, so she gave Luo Yuan a hard look.

Luo Yuan immediately acted innocent and wronged.

Compared to Qin Yi who has been busy with the opening ceremony, Luo Yuan who is sitting in the auditorium is very free.

So he brushed through all the news today, especially the part about him and Qin Yi.

Luo Yuan secretly thought that Qin Yi must respond positively to his relationship as soon as possible, so that his loan will be settled.Xie Lin is a kind girl who understands the truth, so there must be no problem with her.

When going out, he quietly sent a message to Xie Lin, asking her to cooperate with the performance.

Some media reporters who took advantage of it first raised innocuous questions.

Someone asked, "Mr. Wang, Yongjia Films specially held the opening ceremony for this drama. Do you have any expectations for this drama?"

Unexpectedly, the target of the reporters' questions was still Wang Jin, so he had no choice but to shrug his shoulders, and took the microphone back from Qin Yi's hand with an apologetic expression.

Qin Yi squinted her eyes, and vowed secretly in her heart that in future occasions like this, everyone must focus on her, and prevent others from taking the microphone.

Starting from this "Court Chronicle", if she wants to become the existence that those stars look up to, she must occupy the high ground in the entertainment industry.

Wang Jin answered with a smile while holding the microphone with a gentle look.

"This drama is fully responsible for Xingguang and Qin Enterprises. Although I haven't watched this drama, I trust these two companies. And it just so happens that the advertisement for Huanxin will be broadcast in Yongjia, so we will hold it together this ceremony."

Hearing this, Qin Hong and Qin Yi frowned immediately.

What did Wang Jin mean by these words? When he first talked about the broadcast, he obviously watched the whole play.

"Don't focus on me. Our Yongjia just provided a platform for broadcasting. Now I will hand over the microphone to Ms. Qin Yi. She is the person sent by Starlight and Qin's Enterprise to be in charge of this drama."

Wang Jin handed the microphone to Qin Yi again, took a step back, and returned the scene to Qin Yi.

Qin Yi was very satisfied with his actions, thinking that what he just said just didn't want to overwhelm the audience, so she raised the microphone with a smile on her face.

"Here, on behalf of Xingguang and the Qin family, I would like to thank Mr. Wang for his trust."

She turned her head and smiled at Wang Jin.

Wang Jin also smiled, raised his hand and waved forward, beckoning her to continue.

"I won't waste everyone's time anymore. If you have any questions, I will do my best to answer them."

Some media reporters who got the news, heard what Wang Jin said just now, and guessed that Wang Jin had also received the news. What he is doing now is to disregard his relationship with the "Court Chronicle".

But in order to have more revelations, they did not ask about the infringement at the beginning, but first asked about the relationship between Qin Yi and Luo Yuan.

"Miss Qin, the one on your left is the hero Luo Yuan, right?"

"Yes, he is our hero." Qin Yi turned to look at Luo Yuan and smiled sweetly.

The reporters immediately filmed the scene.

"May I ask what is the relationship between Miss Qin Yi and Mr. Luo Yuan?"

 Hmm... the time is wrong, the third watch is finished~
(End of this chapter)

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