Gold Assistant

Chapter 257

Chapter 257 What's the matter
"Hey, why is what this Wang Jin said so weird?" Liu Li was a little puzzled.

Shi Xiaonan also said: "That's right, it feels like I'm disregarding the relationship with "Court Chronicle."

Xue Yao suddenly thought of a possibility.

"Do you think it is possible that Wang Jin already knew that the show was infringing, so he wanted to use these words to get Yong Jia out?"

Xia Tian, ​​who had given up hope and was comforting himself with delicious dumplings, immediately raised his head, ignoring the food in his mouth, and said, "Xiaoyao, did you poke Susheng?"

Xue Yao stretched out her hand and nodded her head, "Swallow it."

Xia Tian tried hard to swallow the dumplings in his mouth, and couldn't wait to ask again: "Is it true?"

"You'll know when you look at it."

At this time, Qin Yi was already speaking on the TV screen.

Xue Yao looked at the TV and said, "I think this is why Brother Kang said 'wait'. As the biggest investor in "Summer Palace Chronicle", it would be too strange for him and Sister Yi to do nothing. .”

Everyone immediately stared at the TV intently, for fear of missing any information.

When the media reporter asked Qin Yi what was the relationship between Luo Yuan and her, her expression suddenly became extremely ugly.

She thought it was okay in her heart, but she couldn't announce it in front of the media, because the Qin family was already arranging her marriage.

Since Cherry Blossom Water is currently the only product, the market value is very high. Many investment companies wanted to cooperate with them, but they were all rejected by Mr. Qin and Mrs. Zhang.

So those people went another way, which was to marry with the Qin family.

After Qin Yi calmed down, she said lightly, "We are just good friends."

The reporters in the audience did not let her go, and continued to ask aggressively: "The gossip video that was circulated on the Internet before, and the intimate interaction between you and Luo Yuan today, it seems that it is more than that simple."

"The video you are talking about has nothing to do with me. Today's interaction is only because Mr. Luo and I are good friends, and I have studied abroad, so I didn't pay attention to some etiquette."

Perhaps because of being educated when she was locked up in Qin's house, Qin Yi insisted that she and Luo Yuan were just friends.

Then she wanted to end the interview quickly, and said quickly: "In the future, I will pay attention to keeping a distance from friends of the opposite sex. Thank you for your attention. If there is no problem..."

Media reporters and even Luo Yuan were not very satisfied with her answer.

Knowing that Qin Yi wanted to end the interview, the media reporters immediately shifted their focus and interviewed the other two parties involved in the incident.

"Mr. Luo Yuan, is what Miss Qin Yi said true?"

Luo Yuan put on a hurt expression, looked at Qin Yi, but still said with deep affection: "Yiyi said that she is a good friend, and she is a good friend."

Then the reporters asked Xie Lin again, "Miss Xie Lin, do you think what the two of them said is true?"

Xie Lin smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, they are very good friends, sometimes when talking to them, I feel like I'm the extra one."

The expressions on Luo Yuan and Xie Lin's conversation, and the answers they gave were more imaginative than Qin Yi's. The reporters wanted to continue asking, but they were interrupted.

When Qin Yi saw Luo Yuan's injury just now, a trace of regret flashed in her eyes, but for the sake of her future marriage, she was determined not to admit it.

She interrupted the media, "This is the opening ceremony of "Court Chronicle", please don't ask anything unrelated to this drama, thank you everyone."

The short episode just now was enough for the reporters to write a page, so they gave up asking questions. If Qin Yiqi ran away, the subsequent big drama would not be able to be staged.

At this moment, a reporter stood up and asked, "There are rumors that the script of the drama "Chronicles of the Palace" is a plagiarism of "Chronicles of the Summer Palace". Do you have any response from Ms. Qin Yi?"

His words immediately caused an uproar in the scene, and made Qin Yi turn pale with astonishment.

She immediately looked at the reporter who had received their red envelope, why didn't she be notified of such an important matter in advance.

It's just that the faces of those reporters were also shocked. It seems that not everyone knows about this matter. If so, she can still fool it, and at worst, she can push the matter to the screenwriter.

"How is it possible? Don't slander the screenwriter of "Court Chronicle", this is her work with painstaking efforts, how could it be plagiarized!"

After she finished speaking, she turned to look at the panicked screenwriter Liang, and warned her not to talk nonsense.

But screenwriter Liang didn't see Qin Yi's warning, what she thought of was the call she just received.

The phone call said that her script, which was written according to the outline and outline, was actually cheated by Xingguang and Qin Yi, and there was a prototype of the work, that is, plagiarism.

When she was writing the script, she felt that the plot was somewhat familiar.

It's just that Xingguang has been urging the script like urging fate, and most of the plots of the court drama are similar, so she didn't think about it.

Unexpectedly, the outline and synopsis of this script were actually copied!
If it is not clarified, her future career will be over.

"Director Liang!"

Qin Yi saw her like a fugue, stepped forward and tugged at her, trying to wake her up with a more emphatic tone.

Screenwriter Liang gave Qin Yi a complicated look.

"This script was indeed written by me."

When Qin Yi heard the scriptwriter Liang say this, she felt relieved and wanted to continue explaining, but the scriptwriter Liang didn't give her this chance.

"But I wrote it according to the outline and outline given by Xingguang and Miss Qin."

These words made Qin Yi have the urge to vomit blood, she clenched her fists so hard that her nails were almost digging into her flesh, and she barely resisted the urge to swear and hit people.

"Yes, the outline and synopsis are provided by us, which may have borrowed from some public outlines, but it is not up to the infringement you mentioned. You are professional media reporters, and you must be responsible for what you have said. You are not allowed to Defamation of "Court Chronicle", we reserve the right to sue you!"

Before the reporters could react, their mobile phones rang at the same time, and the scene was noisy.

This scene gave everyone a sense of familiarity, and they immediately picked up their phones to watch.

Sure enough, there was a certificate of infringement on the "Court Chronicle" on the scarf.

On the official scarf of Chen Ting's studio and writer Xia Tian's scarf, certifications from relevant departments were announced at the same time.

["The Chronicle of the Palace" borrowed the novel and script of "The Chronicle of the Summer Palace", seriously infringing on the original author's right of adaptation and filming. 】

The main text is a large number of screenshots of evidence involving plots and character relationship maps, as well as the review results of relevant departments.

Although the result of the review was two months ago, everyone didn't pay attention to this detail now, and everyone's attention was focused on Qin Yi and the others.

Immediately, Wang Jin stepped forward with a changed face, and asked in a deep voice, "Miss Qin Yi, what's going on?"

 If the little angel abandons the book, can you tell Wo the reason?Work hard to learn and improve in the future. QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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