Gold Assistant

Chapter 261 My Girlfriend

Chapter 261 My Girlfriend

Chen Ting acted as if nothing happened, pointed to the small screen of the laptop, and said, "Wang Jin said something that threatened Qin Yi."

"Ah? Oh!"

Xue Yao came to her senses immediately, walked to him and squatted down.

"What did he say?"

"It is said that the water in the entertainment industry is very deep, let Qin Yi not think that with the presence of Qin's company, she can sit back and relax."

"Is that so." Xue Yao squatted on the ground, resting her chin with her hands and thinking.

After Qin Yi heard those words, she was obviously scared, but why did she stand up and play the recording later, and who gave the recording to her?

Xue Yao stretched out her hand, ready to play the video, she was very curious about what happened next.

When Chen Ting looked at the small hand stretched out in front of him, he couldn't help holding it with his big hand, just like before, the size was just right.

"Brother Ting?"

Xue Yao's face was instantly flushed, she lowered her head in embarrassment, and wanted to withdraw her hand, but Chen Ting held on firmly.

She looked up at him suspiciously.

Chen Ting's usual cold and alienated aura was replaced by a warm and jade-like aura. The transition between the two was very natural, just like Si Ting who doted on Xiaoyao in his dream.

For a moment, Xue Yao felt that Xiao Si Ting and Chen Ting overlapped.

Although the two had the same face, Xue Yao always had the feeling that Chen Ting was much more complicated than Si Ting.

Of course, it may also be a matter of age, after all, Xiao Siting in the dream is only in his teens.

Realizing that Xiaoyao was distracted looking at him, Chen Ting held her hand a little harder.

He carefully controlled the strength, fearing that it would hurt her if it was too big.

"Xiao Yao."

"Huh?" Xue Yao looked at him in confusion.

Chen Ting raised his eyebrows, and smiled softly again.Xiaoyao's dazed look was so cute that he really wanted to kiss her, but he tried his best to control himself so as not to scare her.

"Master..." Xue Yao looked at his face and suddenly said this sentence.

Did Xiaoyao remember anything?
Chen Ting looked at her in surprise, and was about to say something.

Xue Yao immediately apologized, "Ah, I... shouted indiscriminately."

This made Chen Ting a little disappointed, and a layer of loss appeared in his heart.


"Brother Ting..."


Xue Yao lowered her head shyly again, and shook her grasped hand.

"Hand, can you let go of my hand?"

Chen Ting said like a rascal, "Don't let me go."

Xue Yao was stunned again, is this what the male god said?She couldn't believe her ears.

"This is my answer."

Chen Ting looked at her tenderly.

During this period of time, Xiaoyao was in the apartment, no longer wearing those thick glasses that conceal her eyes, and the members of the special task force who moved to 603 began to move around again.

When going from 602 to 601 just now, the door of 603 opened, and there were many staring eyes from inside.

His Xiaoyao is so good, it's normal to be liked by others, it seems that it is not enough for Xiaobai to call her brother-in-law to declare her sovereignty.

Chen Ting felt that he should fix people up and declare his sovereignty openly, so that they would retreat in spite of difficulties.

Xiaoyao doesn't know why, after coming to this world, she always uses evasion to deal with emotional problems.She wasn't like this before, was she injured when she was about to travel to another small world?
Thinking that his Xiaoyao might have liked someone else, his heart began to get irritable.Even if it was just a task, he still felt uncomfortable.

In order to prevent Xiaoyao from escaping, he decided to be a bit of a rogue.


Xue Yao suddenly felt that she seemed a lot stupid in front of the male god, why she didn't quite understand what he said...

"This is in response to your confession just now."

"When did I confess my love?" Xue Yao said hurriedly, she felt so confused!

"Just now you said you like me, is it a lie?"

Chen Ting immediately showed a sad expression, as if Xue Yao had done something heinous to him.

Chen Ting like this was a little strange, but Xue Yao still couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

"It's true, it's true, I like Brother Ting."

A doting smile appeared on Chen Ting's handsome face.

Xue Yao stared at him blankly, and the male god laughed even more handsomely!

How to do? !

This is a crime.

At this moment, Chen Ting stretched out his other hand, and with his slender fingers, smoothed a strand of hair that fell out of her ear to the back of her ear.

And bowed his head, and said softly and firmly in her ear, "it's agreed, you will be my girlfriend from now on."

Seduced by the beauty and Su's bursting voice, she nodded blankly, her whole body was so hot that it was about to emit smoke.

"Don't worry, even if the water in this circle is a bit deep, I will help you protect the person you want to protect."

Chen Ting took advantage of the opportunity to kiss her on the forehead and left. If this continued, he was afraid that Xiao Yao would faint due to the fever.

After Chen Ting left, Xue Yao rested her forehead with her hand, and remained in a daze.

Did she realize that she was with the male god when she came back to her senses?She murmured in a daze, "Is this a dream?"

This sudden surprise caught people off guard.

At this moment, An Mo opened the door excitedly and ran back.

"I am back."

"Eh? Sister Yao, why are you here alone?"

Seeing that Xue Yao was alone in a daze in the living room, An Mo stepped forward and patted her.

"Ah?" Xue Yao raised her head to look like her, and said, "Momo is back."

"Well, sister Yao, what are you doing here?"

"Ah, I... I'm watching a video." Xue Yao was a little nervous, so she pointed to the screen of the laptop.

"Video?" An Mo leaned over to watch it curiously, smiled like a little fox, and said happily, "It's the video of the opening ceremony. It’s really heart-warming.”

"Yes." Xue Yao smiled embarrassingly.

An Mo looked around the room, "Where are Lili and Xiaonan? Have they gone out?"

Thinking of the reason why Liu Li and Shi Xiaonan hid back to their room, Xue Yao blushed again.

"They are in the room, go and ask them to come out. Let's continue to see why Qin Yi suddenly played the recording?"


Liu Li and Shi Xiaonan came out of the room, keeping themselves from going to see Xue Yao, fearing that they might not be able to resist asking about her and Chen Ting.

For some reason, they couldn't hear the sound in the living room at all just now, obviously the door of their room didn't have much sound insulation effect.

They didn't know that it was Chen Ting who used his spiritual sense to wrap him and Xue Yao, so others couldn't hear their voices.

In the past, because of the juniors in the sect, they always liked to eavesdrop on their conversations.

Therefore, as long as he was with Xiaoyao, he would often set up a spiritual barrier to avoid being disturbed by his juniors.

Suddenly there was a strange silence in the living room, An Mo pulled Liu Li's clothes, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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