Gold Assistant

Chapter 262 The Dog Bites the Dog Bone

Chapter 262 The Dog Bites the Dog Bone
Liu Li held An Mo's hand and smiled, "It's okay."

Then he said, "Sister, what did Wang Jin say?"

Xue Yao remembered what Chen Ting said before he left, protecting the person she wanted to protect, did you mean Lili?

Is this Aiwujiwu?She suddenly felt so sweet in her heart.

"Sister?" Liu Li looked at her suspiciously.

"Well, that's it."

He repeated what Wang Jin had said.

"He is Hong Guoguo's threat, but there are indeed people in his underworld, no wonder Qin Yi is afraid."

An Mo was a little angry. That bastard who always harassed Aunt Lin even sent gangsters to threaten Aunt Lin. Fortunately, a passerby saved her.

But that passer-by seemed to have some underworld background, and when the little bastard saw him, he ran away in fright.

"Yes, this person is not only shameless, but also very thick-skinned."

Hiding in the room just now, because they couldn't hear the movement outside, Liu Li and Shi Xiaonan had no choice but to wear their scarves in boredom.

When they saw the official account of Yongjia Films, they only posted a statement afterwards, saying that the infringing drama "Court Chronicle" was withdrawn and would no longer be broadcast, but they did not mention Wang Jin's lying at all.

Although some netizens posted related comments, they were all deleted by the official account, and finally the comment area was closed.

Qin Yi and Xingguang didn't even issue a statement or an apology, so they acted as if this incident had never happened, and they hadn't even filmed "Court Chronicle".

However, this incident has been known to the public through live broadcasts, and the detailed ins and outs have even been made into a certain entry, called the "dog bites dog bone" incident.

"Huh? Isn't that brother Ah Yi? Why did he run to the scene?" An Mo noticed the strong figure standing in the corner.

Xue Yao immediately called back the video, "It's really Ah Yi."

Ah Yi looked down at the phone in the corner. If they weren't so familiar, they might not have recognized them.

Suddenly she remembered that the male god said to send Ah Yi to do something, could it be this matter?

Could it be that Ah Yi gave the recording to Qin Yi?
In the video, Qin Yi left the stage, and after going down, she suddenly paused under the stage. She looked like she was looking at her mobile phone.

Then, seeing that she was some distance away from the stage, she put the phone to her ear to listen, and the faces of Luo Yuan and Xie Lin beside her changed at the same time, and then they seemed to be talking about something.

It's a pity that this one didn't receive a sound.

Liu Li suggested, "Why don't you ask Brother Ting to take a look again, what did they say?"


Thinking of what happened just now, Xue Yao hesitated, a suspicious blush appeared on her face.

Before she could say anything, the phone rang, and Chen Ting sent her a message.

Open it and look, inside is the content of the conversation between the three in the video.

Xue Yao opened her mouth slightly in surprise, how could the message from the male god be so timely?

"Brother Ting said that he watched this paragraph just now, but forgot to tell me." She explained, and then told about the three of them.

It turned out that Qin Yi suddenly received a recording from an anonymous person.

Because the title said it could alleviate her current predicament, I immediately clicked on it to listen.

Unexpectedly, it was a recording of her and Wang Jin discussing the addition of the play.

There were only three people present at the time, and neither she nor Wang Jin recorded the recording, so it could only be recorded by Wang Jin's secretary, Song Ya.

But why did Song Ya help herself?
Qin Yi felt that even if this recording was played, it would not be able to change the infringement of "Court Chronicle", at most it would disgust Wang Jin.

After listening to it, Luo Yuan and Xie Lin thought that this recording should be played for everyone to listen to.

Xie Lin said: "Release it now, or later, others will say that this recording is fake."

"If you release it, you will completely offend Wang Jin. It won't do me any good. He warned me just now. It's not you who dared to be warned, so you don't worry about your safety, do you?"

Qin Yi's heart was originally inclined to go out and play the recording.

But when Xie Lin said this, Qin Yi didn't want to go because she really hated Xie Lin.

For this reason, Xie Lin had no choice but to back off. She didn't want to lose a way to ease the current predicament because of herself.

Just now she looked at the scarf on her mobile phone, and many people commented and made fun of her under her scarf, throwing a big watermelon for rotten sesame seeds.

Now she also regrets it very much. If she hadn't resigned at the beginning, she would be the one who signed with Chen Ting's studio now.

Recently, Mi Jiawen and Jiang Hao participated in various variety shows on the TV station for the promotion of the crew. Before the show was broadcast, its popularity soared.

It was also rated as the cutest couple CP by netizens.

Xie Lin repented over there, while Luo Yuan persuaded Qin Yi.

"Yiyi, don't be angry, your safety is the most important thing, but who sent this recording?"

Luo Yuan did not directly persuade Qin Yi to release the recording, but asked something irrelevant.

"Although it's anonymous, I know it was Song Ya who sent it."

"Song Ya... is that Wang Jin's ordinary-looking secretary?"

Luo Yuan, who has always had a good memory of women, immediately remembered who Song Ya was.

Qin Yi didn't doubt him, because Song Ya had been to the film crew on behalf of Wang Jin.

"Yes, it's her."

"Since she is Wang Jin's secretary, why did she send you such crucial evidence?"

Luo Yuan saw that Qin Yi was thinking because of his words, so he continued to guide. "You must know that releasing this recording is at most distracting others' attention, and it doesn't have much effect."

"No, this is very useful!" Qin Yi's eyes flashed with hope, "As long as the recording is released, everyone will discuss more than just infringement dramas."

"They will also discuss Wang Jin's show to deceive the audience. He has a lot more weight in the entertainment circle than us. People will pay more attention to him, distracting their attention, and will not stare at us. As time goes by No one discusses it."

Luo Yuan immediately smiled and said, "Yes! Just like the Duan Zhenyong drug incident, because of the shooting at the press conference, everyone's attention was on the shooting, but no one mentioned his drug use."

Hearing Luo Yuan mention that matter, Qin Yi was embarrassed for a while, she asked Yu Ling to hold the press conference.Also because of the list of drug users published by Duan Zhenyong, she offended some big shots in the circle.

Although no big boss has directly retaliated against her so far.But she still felt worried and uneasy, that's why she was so scared when Wang Jin threatened her just now.

After realizing that Qin Yi's expression was not right, Luo Yuan hurriedly said: "At that time, we will invite the navy to pour dirty water on Wang Jin, so that he will always appear in front of people, so that no one will think of us."

"But, I'm afraid..."

"Well, indeed we cannot ignore Wang Jin's threat."

Luo Yuan stepped forward to hug Qin Yi, comforting him gently.

"Song Ya, who is a secretary, can't even see it. She sent this recording to you and betrayed Wang Jin. I think something happened to his company. I guess he will be overwhelmed by then, so Yiyi don't be afraid."

These words made Qin Yi feel suddenly enlightened.

That's right, Wang Jin asked Song Ya to do a lot of things. Such a confidant has betrayed him now, maybe some enemy is planning to bring him down.

At present, there will be no worse situation than it is now, and it is also a way to distract others.

(End of this chapter)

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