Gold Assistant

Chapter 267

Chapter 267

Since Xue Yao and the others had been standing at the door, An Mo, who had the advantage of the location, immediately ran over, "I'll help Lili smoke."

The staff stared at her blankly, and after a while said, "Ah, good."

An Mo stretched out his little hand into the number box with a serious face.

He kept saying: "I want to help Lili draw a good number, not too far ahead, not too late, the middle one is the best."

At this time, the staff couldn't help but quietly looked at Liu Li.

Actually let the daughter of the Republic of China willingly serve as a small follower, it seems that the relationship between the two is very good.

Soon An Mo drew a ball with numbers.

"Number 15? Hee hee, not bad."

The staff immediately registered Liu Li's name and number.

An Mo quickly ran back, smiling and hugging Liu Li.

Said to Xue Yao proudly: "Sister Yao, how is my luck?"

"Okay, very good."

At this time, other people came to draw numbered balls, some came in person, and some sent assistants to come forward.

As time passed, actors who had finished their auditions came back one after another, but their expressions were very depressed, and they were probably out of action, and the atmosphere in the waiting room became more and more solemn.

At this time, another person came back, her face was very relaxed.

This is one of them that Xue Yao recognizes and has good acting skills.

With her expression like this, did she succeed?
The people in the waiting room couldn't help looking at Xue Yao and the others.

The third-tier actress chuckled, "Someone has caused so many things, but the role still hasn't been obtained."

Everyone turned to look at her.

"What are you watching? This role has already been decided, so let's go back and look for other plays."

Then, she seemed to think of something and said something.

"Sister Qing, you have to be careful. Hurry up and sign the contract with the crew. Someone here will rob the role. If the role is robbed, at least you can get compensation if you have the contract."

The person called Sister Qing smiled detachedly.

"Miss Qin, I really can't bear your words, Sister Qing, I'm two years younger than you. I didn't win the role of Concubine Mei, but there are other roles missing in this movie besides the lead actor. People, even if you can't be the leading role, it's good to be a small supporting role."

"So if you have time to chew your tongue here, why not improve your acting skills."

After speaking, Sister Qing left with her assistant.

Before leaving, he gave An Mo and Xue Yao a friendly smile.

At this time, another staff member came in and shouted, "Get ready on the 15th."

Liu Li immediately walked up to him and replied, "Here we are."

The staff's eyes lit up when they saw her.

"Okay, please come with me."

"Come on, Lili!" Xue Yao and An Mo immediately cheered her up.

Liu Li turned around and smiled at them.

The smile she looked back at was so beautiful that it made people suffocate, as if time had stopped.

When Liu Li passed by, everyone paid attention to the time consciously or unconsciously.

Liu Li seemed to have been in there longer than those people just now.

Could it be that the role of Concubine Mei is really in Liu Li's pocket?
Liu Li followed the staff into the audition hall, and her originally nervous mood gradually eased.

When entering the hall, the whole person is in the most relaxed posture.

She took a brief look at the people inside, and checked the information that Shilekang gave her one by one.

There are director, screenwriter, heroine Jia Ling, actor Xia Jianguo and investors.

At this moment, the director looked at her. Perhaps Shi Lekang had greeted her in advance, or Liu Li's makeup was very suitable today. His expression seemed quite satisfied.

After introducing himself, the director said: "You play the part of Concubine Mei after hearing that the emperor went to visit Concubine Cheng again."

"it is good."

Liu Li's voice was clear and melodious, cooler than Zhang Ling's, like the bright moon in the dark night with a sense of aloofness.

It fits perfectly with the role of Concubine Mei.

After responding to the director's words, Liu Li went to the middle chair and sat down.

She lowered her eyes slightly and stared blankly for a while.

Seeing this, the heroine Jia Ling frowned slightly. Liu Li still didn't have much experience and made a mistake from the very beginning.Generally, during auditions, actors should try their best to show their acting skills, so that everyone can see her control over emotions.

This is in a daze, but he can't show any acting skills.

Just when she was about to cross out Liu Li's name, Liu Li started to move.

"This is the Emperor's Love." There was a hint of sadness in his tone.

Then she laughed at herself and said again: "This is the Emperor's Love."

The second time the tone became sarcastic, like a curse.

Jia Ling cast his gaze on her again.

At this time, Liu Li raised his head and looked into the distance. His delicate and delicate face made people feel a sense of distance that was beyond human.

Everyone involuntarily looked in the direction she was looking at.

According to the script, it was Cheng Guifei's palace.

Liu Li stood up slowly, shrank her body slightly, and pulled her hands on her shoulders.

The movement was very light, but it could be seen that she pulled the cloak on her body because of the cold.Maybe it's really cold, or maybe it's chilling.

The audition hall was obviously air-conditioned and the temperature was moderate, but they could feel the chill coming from Liu Li's body.

The director immediately felt his eyes brighten.

This scene tells the story of Concubine Mei's first acceptance of grace when she entered the palace, and after a period of sweetness with Emperor Xia, she was heartbroken by the emperor and decided not to fight or love anymore.

"so be it."

After finishing speaking, a tear fell on Liu Li's cold face, and she turned and returned to the bedroom with a determined face.

Many people who auditioned just now, when they got here, they were all sad and weeping, and some even fell to the ground and cried sadly.

Because Concubine Mei was in love with Emperor Xia when she first entered the palace, but after seeing Emperor Xia embrace others in his arms again and again, her heart was broken.

Most people do cry when they are heartbroken.

It's just that they forgot that Concubine Mei is as proud as a plum blossom, so she won't show her sad side in front of others.

Although Liu Li didn't cry, everyone could feel her grief when they saw her tear and the expression on her face.

There are also skills in crying.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were on Liu Li again. Jia Ling and Xia Jianguo looked at each other and smiled.

They were looking forward to the rivalry with Liu Li.

Because the stories of Emperor Xia, Concubine Cheng and Concubine Mei have already been filmed badly, and the story of this movie has not changed much, so it will test everyone's acting skills even more.

It is very beneficial for everyone to have a newcomer with online appearance and good acting skills.

"Thank you everyone, my show is over."

Liu Li turned around and walked in front of everyone. The smile on her face showed another kind of beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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