Gold Assistant

Chapter 268 Punishment

Chapter 268 Punishment
After Liu Li's performance was over, he saluted them with a smile on his lips.

Suddenly, the screenwriter, who had never had much sense of presence, asked, "Can you dance?"

Liu Li was stunned for a moment, nodded and said, "Yes."

"Then can you dance a part?"

"it is good."

After finishing speaking, Liu Li began to dance lightly.

This is something I learned temporarily when I knew I was going to audition for Concubine Mei, and the movements were a bit jerky.

It's just that the people are beautiful, and the clothes are also beautiful, just like a painting.

Moreover, her dancing posture is light, which makes people feel the charm, elegance and softness of the dance.

"It's a good dance, but the fly in the ointment is that it's not smooth enough. How long have you been learning?"

Liu Li replied honestly: "I've been studying for a day."

"Only studied for one day?!"

Jia Ling was very surprised. In order to act as Concubine Cheng, she trained for two months before meeting the director's requirements.

"I learned dance before." Liu Li quickly explained.

"So that's how it is. I thought that the newcomers are so powerful now." Jia Ling praised, but his eyes flashed for a while.

It's good for a rookie to be strong, but it's not good to be too good.

The director smiled happily and said, "You can go back and wait for the news. If you have time, practice this dance more."

"OK, thanks."

When Liu Li came back from the audition, when the people in the waiting room looked at her again, their expressions changed.

Liu Li was a little puzzled, but didn't ask directly.

Since they had to go back and wait for the results of the audition, they left together.

After walking away, An Mo anxiously held her hand and asked, "Why did Lili audition take so long, what did they ask, and what do you think of the situation?"

Liu Li looked at An Mo with a frustrated expression, "Maybe it's not good."

Xue Yao's heart trembled slightly, but she faintly felt that something was wrong.

But what we need to do now is to comfort Liu Li first, "It's okay, even if you don't succeed this time, there will be many opportunities in the future."

"How could this be? Could it be that the bad luck that I didn't have anything to do with movies has been transmitted to you?"

An Mo muttered palely.

"No, no, the audition result was good, and the director asked me to go back and practice dancing more, so it's good news. I'm sorry, Momo!" Liu Li hugged An Mo guiltily.

Unexpectedly, An Mo, who was being hugged by her, suddenly smiled.

"Hee hee, I knew that you weren't discouraged when you came back, so I know the result of the audition wasn't bad."

It turned out that both of them were acting, Xue Yao was very angry, and nodded heavily on their heads.

"Okay, the two little villains actually used their acting skills to play tricks, and there will be no afternoon tea for the next week!"

Liu Li and An Mo immediately howled.

"Sister (Sister Yao), I was wrong, don't cancel the tea, okay!"

Xue Yao ignored the two of them and dragged Zhang Ling towards the parking lot.

When he left, he seemed to see an enchanting figure, but no one paid attention to it.

When she got into the car, Xue Yao still had a straight face.

Liu Li and An Mo looked downcast.

Hajime originally wanted to ask about the audition, but now he doesn't dare to ask.Zhang Ling sat in the back carefully, not even daring to move.

Suddenly, hahaha laughter came from the co-pilot's side.

Liu Li and An Mo, who were drooping their heads, immediately reacted and complained: "Sister (Sister Yao), you lied to us!"

"Just allow you to be naughty, and don't allow me to lie to you?" Xue Yao smiled in a good mood.

"No..." Liu Li replied immediately, and then asked: "Then...the refreshments for afternoon tea?"

"It won't be canceled, but it will be halved."

"Ah, sister (Sister Yao) don't want it."

"If you say anything else, just cancel it."

Liu Li and An Mo immediately quieted down without saying a word.

Xue Yao looked at the performance of the two in the rear mirror with satisfaction.

Zhang Ling suddenly felt good. She seemed to have joined the drama team. Will things like this happen often in the future?

But their acting skills are great!
Mo Li is just like what she showed in the scarf, she is a foodie.

Just thinking about the scarf, I saw Liu Li and An Mo taking a picture together, pouting unhappy.

Liu Li/An Mo V: [Miss sister said that our afternoon tea refreshments will be halved, huh. [crying]]

Zhang Ling smiled and gave them a comment.

Ling'er wanted to Ding Dong: [Who made you mischievous. ]
"Lingling, it turns out that Linger wanted Dingdong to be you."


Xue Yao also logged into Bibo to reply to her comment and forward it.

My goddess is awesome V: [That is, only those who behave badly will be punished. 】

[Curious, what did I, Moli, do something bad? ]
[Ahhhhhhhhh, Miss Sister's likes and comments, people really want it too. ]
[Ling'er thinks that Dingdong is a girl, so pay attention decisively. ]
[Wow, my sister sings very well, but the voice is a bit familiar. ]
[I see, it's Zhang Ling, the third runner-up of the first supernova! ]
Coke without ice V: [It turned out to be her. I liked her very much at the time, but why did she disappear later? ]
Martial Arts Master V: [If you are not a champion in the circle, you have no resources. ]
Coke without ice V: [That's a pity. ]
Martial Arts Master V: [But Miss Sister liked it, does it mean that she is very familiar with Linger? ]
Coke without ice V: [You mean, Linger might cooperate with me, Moli? ! ]
Martial Arts Master V: [Very likely. ]

Seeing Shi Xiaonan and Lili's fans, Xue Yao started chatting in the comment area, and replied to them.

My goddess is awesome V: [Stay tuned. 】

Coke without ice V: [Miss, I beg for spoilers! ! ]
Her comment received thousands of likes in an instant, proving that there are many diving parties.

"Ah, by the way, Lingling, where do you live? Let's pick up your brother first."

Zhang Ling quickly reported the address.

Ah Yi drove almost an hour before arriving at the place.

When they were about to get out of the car, they were stopped by Zhang Ling. She pointed to the person who had been looking outside.

"Don't come out. If others see you, you won't be able to run away. I'll just pick up my younger brother. My younger brother must be very happy. He likes to see your scarves very much. He said that it makes people happy to see them."

Xue Yao suddenly remembered that Zhang Ling said before that her younger brother had a heart attack, and if she suddenly saw her idol, it might be bad for her heart.

"Lingling, this is a blessed talisman. Wear it on your younger brother. It's good for your health. Remember to tell him slowly and don't make him too excited."

She reached into her bag, actually went into a small space, and took out a restoration charm that she had made yesterday.

Zhang Ling took the talisman with trembling hands.

Because of her younger brother's illness, the two siblings were never seen by relatives and friends, and they were always afraid that she would borrow money.

We met on the street, and we left without saying a word.

It wasn't until she won the third place in the competition that some contact was restored.But after learning that her third place didn't have much prize money, those people quickly disappeared without a trace.

Zhang Ling thought: It feels good to be cared about.

After solemnly putting the talisman into the bag, Zhang Ling went out to pick up her younger brother.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but she feels that the whole person has become much more energetic.

(End of this chapter)

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