Gold Assistant

Chapter 269 Disagree

Chapter 269 Disagree

Zhang Ling walked five flights of stairs before returning home.

When I opened the door, I saw my younger brother Zhang Dongdong sitting quietly at the desk writing, but he looked out the window with longing eyes from time to time.

When I was young, my younger brother was so skinny, and his favorite thing was to run around, but now he is left at home, unable to go anywhere.

The nanny wiped her hands and came out of the kitchen.

Seeing Zhang Ling, he said: "Since you can come back so early, tell me earlier, my business today is very important, let's go."

"Ah good."

"By the way, the nanny fee will increase by 300 yuan starting next month."

The nanny packed her things as if nothing had happened, and said something before leaving with her bag on her back.

"But... didn't it only increase by 200 yuan two months ago?"

"Miss Zhang, I can charge 50 yuan a time to clean other people's houses, and it only takes one and a half hours. I can't do anything while staying at your house. The average is only 1 yuan a day, which is a loss. "

The 200 yuan last time has made the life of the siblings a lot more difficult, and even the usual meals rarely eat meat.

She can think of it as losing weight, but her younger brother is still growing, so she really can't reduce the cost of this method any more.

It seems that we can only increase the time of singing.

When Zhang Ling was about to agree, she was held back by her younger brother.

He said to the nanny like an adult: "Give us some time to think about it, and we will reply to you tomorrow."

The nanny didn't get the expected answer. She walked to the door with a dark face, and muttered, "300 yuan is such a bargain. Why don't you just sign a contract with Mr. Qian, and the sick can go to the hospital."

"Who do you call a sick child!"

Zhang Ling was so angry that she wanted to chase her out, but was held back by Zhang Dongdong.

"Sister, don't be angry."

Zhang Ling immediately turned around and hugged her younger brother, and said in a trembling voice: "I'm not angry, our Dongdong will definitely get better."

Suddenly, she remembered the talisman that Xue Yao gave her, and quickly took it out and put it in her younger brother's hand.

"This is a talisman given to you by someone else. It is very effective. Do you feel better?"

Zhang Dongdong accepted the talisman with a smile. At first, he thought that his sister was in a daze, and believed all these things.It's just that when he put the talisman into the pocket of his coat, he found that his heart beat a little stronger.

He looked at his sister in surprise, "It's better."

"That's good, this must be kept next to your body, and don't leave your body."


Thinking that there were still people waiting downstairs, Zhang Ling immediately pulled her younger brother to sit down.

"Dongdong, I'm going to talk to others about work later."

Zhang Dongdong immediately said obediently: "Well, sister, don't worry, I'm fine if I'm alone at home."

Looking at her sensible younger brother, Zhang Ling felt a little pain in her heart.

"No, they asked me to take you there with me, so that I don't have to leave you alone at home."

"Ah..." This is the first time Zhang Dongdong heard that talking about work and bringing family members, there is no such content on the Internet.

"What I'm going to say next, after you hear it, calm down and don't get excited."


Although somewhat puzzled, Zhang Dongdong nodded.

"Ahem..." Zhang Ling coughed lightly, and told about her audition today.

Zhang Dongdong looked at his sister with surprise on his face. The reason why he likes Mo Li is that their scarves are always happy and sunny, which makes people feel positive.

In addition, I just hope that they can help recommend my sister's songs.

Unexpectedly, my sister met them like this.

"Is Moli waiting downstairs now?"


Zhang Ling looked at her younger brother carefully, as if there were no emotional fluctuations, and the heart that had been raised was relieved.

"Let's go down now. It's been a long time since my sister came back."

"it is good."

After everyone left, in the audition hall, there was disagreement about the candidate for Concubine Mei.

The director, screenwriter and Xia Jianguo all felt that Liu Li was very suitable.

But Jia Ling said that she was not optimistic about her. Investors were originally the resources she brought, so they stood by her side.

"Liu Li currently doesn't have any works other than two small commercials and a small supporting role in a TV series. After all, the theme of our movie has been filmed too many times. We should find someone who can carry the box office better."

Xia Jianguo frowned. After Jia Ling saw Liu Li's performance just now, he was obviously very satisfied. Why did he say that?
Suddenly he thought of Jia Ling's attitude, which was changed after seeing Liu Li dancing and knowing that it only took one day for her to reach this level.

In the subsequent auditions, several people's performances were obviously not as good as Liu Li's, but Jia Ling kept praising her. I guess this was the reason.

Jia Ling wanted to suppress Liu Li, but didn't want her to get up.

The screenwriter disagreed with what Jia Ling said and started arguing with her.

"What a small ad, that snow muscle jade cream is very popular, I use it myself, and the effect is very good. And "Summer Palace Chronicle" will be broadcast in a few days, I believe that Liu Li's popularity will definitely not be too high. It will be bad."

Jia Ling looked at her fixedly, "How do you know that the popularity of "Summer Palace Chronicle" will not be bad after it airs? She is just a small supporting role."

The screenwriter immediately began to explain, "Yongjia Films held a launch ceremony for "The Chronicle of the Court". It was a big joke, and you all know it."

"I have heard a little bit." Everyone nodded.

""Summer Palace Chronicle" is the original work that was infringed."

Jia Ling interrupted her impatiently, "What do these gossips have to do with our movie!"

"This is related to what you just said, Liu Li's popularity!"

The screenwriter raised his voice unhappily.

The atmosphere at the scene was a bit awkward, and the director immediately came out to smooth things over, "Calm down, and speak well if you have something to say."

The screenwriter took a deep breath and said calmly: "Because of this incident, many people are paying attention to this TV series, curious to see why a company as big as Xingguang would infringe on other scripts?"

"That's right, speaking of it, I'm also a little curious about this TV series. Starlight should have no shortage of scripts, but it's very puzzling to do such a thing now. I want to watch "Summer Palace Chronicle". It was worth the risk they took."

Xia Jianguo looked down on Jia Ling's behavior, so he spoke for the screenwriter.

"It's just an adaptation of a novel."

Jia Ling tried to change the situation and said, "I heard from my friends that the person in charge of Qin's enterprise who was parachuted to Xingguang was jealous of Liu Li, so he wanted to do something to suppress her."

Just now, during the rest time, Jia Ling inquired about Liu Li.

She could tell that the director liked Liu Li very much. If there was no special reason, Concubine Mei would let Liu Li act.

But Jia Ling felt an unprecedented threat.

If Liu Li is allowed to step into the film industry with this drama, she will definitely become her strong opponent in the future, and she does not want to cultivate such an opponent.

"It's also because of this that I don't think she can be selected. You must know that Qin's enterprise is also an influential company. If we use the people they want to target, there may be trouble."

The screenwriter immediately said: "But Liu Li is Gu Yun's spokesperson. In terms of strength, none of the ten Qin families can match Gu Yun."

 During the special period of each month, two updates will be resumed.hug.

(End of this chapter)

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