Gold Assistant

Chapter 281 The Battle Without Smoke

Chapter 281 The Battle Without Smoke

The next day, while everyone was still discussing, Yu Yitong and Wang Jin's melon time, soon a new gossip appeared to overwhelm them.

The Little Prince of Entertainment: [The youngest film star who is prolific, may never be able to film again. [With a wheelchair photo]]

The content of the text is that at the "Summer Palace Chronicle" production team's wrap-up banquet, the famous actor Chen Ting also attended the banquet as an investor.The night of the banquet suddenly turned into a press conference, which is still fresh in everyone's memory.

But as the boss, Chen Ting did not attend, why?
Because it has been almost half a year since the accident, and he still needs to rely on a wheelchair to travel.

What kind of injury hasn't healed in half a year?
In the past, Chen Ting's studio did not join any artist, but now it has accepted 6 artists in a row, except for An Mo, the others are all newcomers.

It can be seen from this that the studio is reserving personnel, but cannot afford high prices to poach them, which shows that his financial resources are insufficient.

Apart from investing in "The Chronicles of the Summer Palace", he has no other actions. What is the reason why the actor who has a lot of material doesn't have much money?
It is likely to be the injury mentioned above!
After half a year of treatment, he is still in a wheelchair, which proves that his injury is not simple.

According to reliable news, the actor whom everyone loves may never stand up again!
This will be a big loss in the showbiz! !
Not many people saw this scarf when it was published, but because of Chen Ting's name, it was quickly posted by his fans.

After all, he hadn't heard from him for a long time.

In the hall of a certain village in the city.

"Brother Shui, the scarf has already been released, what kind of rhythm should this topic bring?"

A middle-aged man with disheveled hair and a beard looked at the several screens in front of him and said, "Let's bring the topic to Chen Ting becoming disabled first."

A pale man on the other side said: "Brother Shui, won't the topic of disability arouse those people's sympathy? Then how can you blackmail him?"

Brother Shui: "Don't worry, hurry up and bring the topic out while there is no one else."

Several people in the hall immediately replied: "Yes."

A few minutes later, there were a lot of discussions about Chen Ting becoming disabled in the comment area under the scarf.

[Oh my god, this is not true, can I really not stand up?Doesn't that mean you become disabled? ]
[This scarf can't be real, can it? ]
[False, this must be false. ]
[Can't this be cured? ]
In another location, an apartment complex was converted into offices on the 401.

Su Tong found the scarf of the entertainment little prince and immediately notified He Botao.

"Boss, look, this is the photo Brother Kang reminded us to pay attention to."

He Botao leaned over to look at the monitor in front of Su Tong, and all the breath he exhaled hit Su Tong's face, making her blush.

She sat motionless, because if she moved a little, she would touch He Botao's face.

"That's right, according to Brother Kang's description, it is indeed this one. After waiting for so many days, it finally appeared. Everyone, get ready to work."

At this time Ah Si ran in with a big box.

"The coarse-grain biscuits made by the young lady are freshly baked."

"Everyone, eat while it's hot."

"It can be eaten dry or soaked in milk. Sister Tong doesn't have to worry, it's very low in calories, even Lili and Momo are eating it."

Ah Si put the box on the table and saw the content on the screen.

"I'll go, whoever cursed the young master for being disabled, Brother Tao gave me the account number, I'm going to scold them so much that they regret taking this job."

"But even if it's a sneak shot, my young master is really handsome."

He Botao immediately patted Ah Si on the shoulder with a helpless expression on his face.

"Stop, stop, stop, every time I see you, you say ten sentences before I say a word. The three computers over there belong to you, be careful not to curse people, take the rhythm away, I don't know these people for the time being What do you want to do?"

Ah Si sat down and turned on the computer, then turned the three monitors in front of him.

There were three keyboards on the table side by side. With a movement of his fingers, he began to hit the keyboard and hit back.

[Ordinary injuries take a hundred days to heal. I had such a big accident, it's normal that it takes a little longer. ]
[That is, are those in front of me fans of Ting, how could they curse their idols? ]
[Hey, I went to see their scarves just now, and several of them are well-known fans who liked her selfies and licked the screen, no wonder they are so vicious. ]
In the village in the city.

"Brother Shui, it's not good, some accounts have been discovered."

Brother Shui immediately turned black and angrily said: "Didn't you tell you to use an irrelevant account? Switch quickly and use another account."


"Brother Shui, the other party's comments are very fast. Are they from Chen Ting's navy? They came too fast."

Generally speaking, if you ask the navy to negotiate the price and discuss countermeasures, it is rare to start going online within a few minutes.

"It should be Chen Ting's studio's own PR team." Brother Shui looked at the content on the screen that changed from time to time.

"Ah, his own public relations team, isn't it that he is so poor that he doesn't even have money for treatment? There is still money to keep these people."

Shui Jun's face froze, could he say that the poor was made up indiscriminately?
In order to make his subordinates more confident when making comments, he decided not to tell the truth.

"Enable Plan B."

Everyone replied in unison: "Okay."

After three seconds, someone asked, "Brother Shui... what is Plan B?"


"Focus on that woman."


So the comments under the scarf instantly turned into a discussion about Xue Yao.

[what?Who is that person lying on the actor's lap? ]
[It looks like the figure is a woman! ! ]
[Who?Which little goblin is lying on my stomach? ! ]
[What about the front? !Only the back, no front, bad review! ]
[Could it be someone from the studio? Could that figure be Liu Li? ]
In 401, Ah Si saw these contents, and while typing, he was beeping and talking.

"That figure is our young lady, but luckily I didn't get a front view."

"My young lady is so beautiful, and the food she cooks is delicious. It's better not to let people know."

"It's not good if someone comes to snatch it."

"I must ask the young lady for credit later, nothing else, you can get a few boxes of this coarse-grain biscuit."

"It's better to hide this one. Brother Ah San can't find out that he ate half of the tofu cake that was put in the refrigerator last time."

What was typed out on the screen were other words, and this dual-purpose skill was displayed superbly.

[My smile is so gentle, as long as I am happy, it doesn't matter. (cries loudly)]
[Yeah, although I also want to fly over to take care of Ting myself, but seeing this, I... I bless them. ]
[This picture is very loving, blessings +1. ]
[As long as I am happy, nothing matters. ]
Soon the comments turned into something else.

(End of this chapter)

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