Gold Assistant

Chapter 282 Wu Hao joins

Chapter 282 Wu Hao joins
[No way, I don't even pay for the treatment?How about crowdfunding together? ]
[Yes, more people are more powerful, everyone in Huang Ting will do their part to make my Ting get better as soon as possible. ]
[I donate, how much is the account number? ]
[I donate too. ]
The people in apartment 401 were already sure that the other party was a trooper invited by others.

Although I can't think of who and why they did it for the time being.

Su Tong saw the content about crowdfunding, and asked a little puzzled: "Boss, are those sailors liars, using this opportunity to cheat money?"

He Botao's eyes were half closed, and when he was about to show off, Ah Si said it in a crackling voice.

"It shouldn't be that simple. Speaking of it, this technique is quite familiar." Ah Si didn't continue after speaking, he squinted his eyes and thought about it.

It was rare that Ah Si stopped after saying a word, and when He Botao wanted to continue, he started again.

"Ah, I remembered."

"When Tian Mimi first became popular, the same thing happened when she was injured during filming."

"At that time, someone said they would crowdfund her for her treatment."

"Later, the money went missing, and then someone photographed Tian Mimi going in and out of a brand-name store."

"Several fans donated to her with the money from selling blood, but this happened."

"Later, some people believed that she bought the famous brand with donations. Even though she later clarified that she did not take donations, did not know the crowdfunding people, and contacted fans who sold blood to donate, she was still hacked by the whole Internet for a long time. "

"Tian Mimi was suppressed like this, and even the movie roles she had booked were taken away by others."

"Huh? That role was snatched by Yu Yitong at that time!!"

Ah Si looked excited, and said as if no one else was there: "There were several accounts just now, and the previous content was all in support of Yu Yitong. Does that mean that the person who did the trick at that time was Yu Yitong?"

After he finished speaking, everyone looked at He Botao together. He had rich experience and everyone wanted to hear his analysis.

He Botao glanced helplessly at Su Tong who was also looking forward to it.

"What Ah Si said is indeed possible. Back then, I was entrusted by Tian Mimi's manager to find out who was behind the scenes.

However, because the account that received the money was a bank card discarded by someone else, they transferred the money to a foreign bank, and then transferred it to different accounts many times.

So I haven't found the prisoner. It seems that I have found someone this time. I will contact Brother Kang first. You can continue. Ah Si will take care of the rest. "

"it is good!!"

Ah Si, who was entrusted with a heavy responsibility, was as excited as if he had been beaten with chicken blood.

Seeing his appearance, He Botao felt a little worried, and said to Su Tong, "Xiaotong and Feng Hao looked at him."


Ah Si directed everyone to continue fighting.

[I Ting didn’t say anything about this, so it’s probably not true. If I really want to support him, I’ll watch "Summer Palace Chronicle" together and give some support to his artists. ]
[The little brother of the Internet Administration Bureau has posted many times about online crowdfunding scams. Without official certification, don't transfer to a private account at will. ]
[That is, everyone should not believe it casually. ]
[Now every time an actor shoots a dangerous action scene, he has bought insurance, so don't worry. ]
[Instead of paying any treatment fees, it is better to support the artists under Wo Ting, they will be fine, and I will be fine. ]
[Yes, the artists who support Wo Ting's studio, if they become popular, I Ting can get a commission and live a worry-free life. ]
[Yes, this is more useful than crowdfunding. ]
[Amway, Dongxiang Satellite TV will broadcast the first episode tonight. If you missed the premiere on China TV, you can also watch it. ]
[Although I have seen the first broadcast, I think it is okay to watch it again, but I remind everyone to prepare delicious food. ]
[Yes, we must prepare something to eat, let alone, I will go to the supermarket to buy some snacks first. ]

Thanks to the efforts of the public relations team and foreign aid Ah Si, the style of painting in the bib comment area is abruptly changed from a movie king to a crippled actor, and there is a little goblin who was turned into an artist who went to see "Summer Palace Chronicle" to support his family.

This made Yu Yitong, who bought the photos at a huge price, so angry that his heart ached.

She took her mobile phone and called the person she was looking for before: "What's the matter, didn't you guys even make death a living before?"

The other end of the phone said: "The other party's reaction and the firepower of the fans were too strong. We set up several traps and were pulled back. But don't worry, we will continue to follow up on this matter."

On the other hand, He Botao contacted Shi Lekang.

Shi Lekang chuckled: "Release the news of Wu Hao's joining our studio, just to help him promote it. I will ask Wang Jun to investigate the navy matter. This happens to be the unsolved case they have been trying to solve."

He Botao had some doubts, "When such a big incident happened, no one was caught. Can they be caught now?"

"The network technology was not as advanced as it is now, so it made it more difficult to track down, but it's different now."

After finishing the call, He Botao immediately used the official scarf of Chen Ting's studio to send a congratulatory message about welcoming Wu Hao to join the studio.

Wu Hao forwarded it immediately, and responded to encourage each other.

Afterwards, Xue Yao, Liu Li and the others reposted it one by one, and welcomed Wu Hao to join, and those who had worked with Wu Hao also sent scarves in response to congratulations.

Only his old club, Xingguang, didn't say anything.

Wu Hao's contract expired and he didn't renew it. Generally, there are no major conflicts. As his old club, he will show it on the surface.

After all, the circle is so small, there may be opportunities for cooperation in the future.

Now that this is the case, everyone has to have some ideas.

Soon the Emperor of Truth analyzed the matter.

When the filming of "Court Chronicle" started, Xingguang had a falling out with Wu Hao.At that time, Wu Hao was still filming "The Rescue Plan" directed by Xu Sen, and Xingguang actually wanted him to cut the film.

Wu Hao's fans made a fuss, and Xingguang was forced to issue a statement saying that he would let Wu Hao play a cameo role after the filming of "The Rescue Plan" was finished, not a drama.

Who knew that Director Xu Sen always asked Wu Hao to go back and make up the shots of "Rescue Plan" whether it was intentional or unintentional.Even though the filming of "Court Chronicle" was over, Wu Hao couldn't make a guest appearance.

However, that's good too, Wu Hao didn't take part in that infringing play, otherwise he would be scolded like Luo Yuan.

As soon as this analysis by the Emperor of Truth came out, all the melon eaters suddenly realized that there was such a thing in it.

Because of this, the trend of public opinion went to Wu Hao's side again.After all, "The Rescue Plan" is about to be released, and everyone is looking forward to it.

Seeing director Xu Sen's protection of Wu Hao shows that he is very hardworking in this movie. Maybe he can win this year's best actor with "Rescue Plan".

The movie where Chen Ting won the best actor was directed by Xu Sen.

No wonder Wu Hao chose to cooperate with Chen Ting's studio after leaving Starlight.In this way, the fans of Huang Ting who were still a little worried no longer need to worry about Chen Ting's medical expenses.

(End of this chapter)

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