Gold Assistant

Chapter 284

Chapter 284
Ah Si immediately nodded and said, "Yes, yes, we know each other."

"Miss Zhang and Dongdong moved to the 5th floor that day, and we were there to help."

"But Xiaobai is not here, so I didn't see it."

"Dongdong, right?"

Zhang Dongdong thought that Xiaobai wanted to introduce him to someone, so he looked into Xiaobai's doubtful eyes and replied affirmatively, "Well, Brother Ah Si and I got to know each other."

Xiaobai tilted his head and asked, "Did you accept the gift?"

"What gift?" Ah Si asked a little strangely.

"Didn't Brother Ah Si say before that as an elder, Dongdong is a junior who wants to give gifts to the younger generation?"

Ah Si remembered that when he was courting with Ah Yi brother before, when he saw Xiao Bai in a daze, he fooled him to ask everyone for gifts.

He suddenly had the feeling of picking up a stone and hitting his own foot.

Heartbroken, Ah Si pulled out a small wooden ornament hung by a red rope from around his neck.

The wood carving looks a bit old, and the surface is very smooth. It is not the kind of painted, but it is caused by years of contact with the skin.

"Do you like this?"

He was holding a carved wooden ornament and dangled in front of the two children.

When Xue Yao saw the wood carving, she felt like she had seen this pattern before?She shook her head lightly, not remembering.

"I heard from Brother Ah Er that when he picked me up, he was wearing this thing all the time."

Xiaobai turned his head to look at Xue Yao, doubts appeared in his eyes, is this gift okay?
As soon as Xue Yao heard what Ah Si said, she immediately thought that such a similar plot was the same as setting a flag before departure, it was a game that must die.

When someone gives someone else the jewelry they have worn since childhood, or something like a talisman, that person is usually close to death.

Although the world in this book is about the entertainment industry, Xue Yao has to worry about the assassination of the male god in the dark night and the shooting of Duan Zhenyong later.

She immediately stepped forward to stop it and pushed the wood carving back.

Ah Si was pushed by her and almost lost his footing.

Xue Yao said nervously: "Si, this thing was worn by you since you were a child. It cannot be given away. It should be an important token for you to find your family back home."

"Young Madam, I..."

"Stop talking, this thing must be taken back immediately, and put it away carefully! You are not allowed to give it away in the future."

After saying these words, Xue Yao seemed to have something more in her mind, which made her feel very headache.

She stared at Ah Si with wide eyes suddenly, a golden light flashed in her eyes.

Seeing those golden lights, Ah Si lost his mind for an instant.

"Put it back quickly." Seeing Ah Si not moving, Xue Yao gritted her teeth and growled.

Xiao Bai was so frightened that he immediately rushed forward to hug her, and shouted, "Sister, sister."

Zhang Ling also ran over to hug Zhang Dongdong.

After waking up, Ah Si immediately took the wood carving back and explained.

"I didn't intend to give them this wood carving."

"Just let them see it, and if they like it, go back and give it to them as a gift."

"I carved a box myself."

"Don't worry, young lady."

"The young master gave us amulets, two for each of us, it's okay."

But Xue Yao didn't seem to hear these words, she looked very strange.She stared blankly at Ah Si, but her eyes seemed to be looking into the distance through him.

Seeing that there was no way to wake Xue Yao up, Xiaobai immediately turned around, opened the door and went back to 602.

As soon as he opened the door, he shouted, "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law!"

The boy's clear voice echoed in the corridor, and all the special forces members in 603 ran over to check what was going on.

Ah Si immediately blocked the door of 601, not letting them in.

Chen Ting rushed out of the room in his wheelchair, Xiao Bai immediately stepped forward and pushed him to 601, Ah Yi followed behind.

Seeing Xue Yao's appearance, Chen Ting immediately frowned deeply, and then remembered to check with his spiritual sense, but found no problem.

"Xiao Yao."

He turned the wheelchair to Xue Yao, took her hand, and called softly.

Xue Yao gradually withdrew her out-of-focus gaze and looked back at Chen Ting beside her.

She called out tremblingly, "Master."

"I'm here."

This sentence immediately made Xue Yao shed tears.

She rushed up and hugged Chen Ting and cried loudly. Chen Ting hugged her in his arms according to the posture, patted her on the back lightly, and coaxed her softly.

"It's alright, I'm here, it's alright."

After a while, Xue Yao fell asleep.

With Ah Yi's help, Chen Ting took Xue Yao back to her room to rest.

Ah Si immediately said to the special team: "It's okay, it's okay, my young lady had a nightmare, you go back and continue to rest."

Several members of the Special Task Force looked at Ah Si speechlessly, wondering if they could find a better excuse.

But this is a matter for the young couple, and they are not good at interfering, so they have to leave disappointed.

Although there are fitness equipment here, they are still injured, so they cannot exercise.They can't go out and walk around, it's a bit boring, and now they don't even let gossip, they have to report to the captain.

Chen Ting looked at Xiaobai and asked, "Have you been drinking?"

Xiaobai tilted his head and thought for a while, "No."

"Tell me what happened?"

Brother Xiaobai and Zhang Ling immediately turned their heads to Ah Si.

Chen Ting just glanced at it lightly, and Ah Si immediately briefly explained what happened just now.

"Your woodcarving?" Chen Ting immediately caught the key point in the words.

"Well, that's it."

Ah Si immediately took out the small wood carving. Although the young master had seen it many times before, he still thought it was good to take it out.

After Chen Ting took over the wood carving, he immediately locked it with his spiritual sense, and found that the pattern on the wood carving was actually a spiritual protection formation.

It can protect the spiritual world of the wearer.

Just now Xiaoyao probably accidentally touched the wood carving, activated it, and then the protective formation counterattacked.

Ah Si lowered his head in annoyance, and asked, "Master, is Young Madam alright?"

"It's okay, you go back first, don't come up for now."


Ah Si immediately turned and left with a bitter face, but when he reached the door, he said again: "Master, if the young lady wakes up, can you tell me?"

Chen Ting looked up at him quietly, without speaking.

Ah Yi frowned, Ah Si seemed to have grown up, and when he reached the age where he would like people, the Young Madam would treat him well, no way!

Seeing that Chen Ting didn't respond, Ah Si said anxiously: "I...I just want to apologize to the young lady. What if she hates me and cooks delicious food in the future, what if she doesn't give it to me?"

Suddenly Hajime felt like he was worrying too much.

After a while, Chen Ting said, "Okay."

After Ah Si left, Zhang Ling also left with Zhang Dongdong.

She was a little apprehensive. Speaking of which, it was all caused by Xiaobai asking for gifts for Dongdong.

"Dongdong, in the future, I have to persuade Xiaobai that there are some things he can do, but you can't."

Zhang Dongdong nodded, "Yes."

In 601, Xiaobai was lying on Xue Yao's bedside, looking at her steadily.

Seeing Chen Ting coming back, he asked, "What's wrong with my sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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