Gold Assistant

Chapter 285 The Nightmare Last Night

Chapter 285 The Nightmare Last Night

Chen Ting thought for a while, "Maybe the spirit was stimulated."

"Is the sister okay?"

Chen Ting didn't answer because he didn't know. He looked at Xiaoyao's sleeping face worriedly.

Unlike getting drunk in the past, this time the spiritual world has been attacked, and I don't know how it will affect Xiaoyao.

Will she be reminded of everything?

At this moment, Xue Yao moved, she rubbed her face against the quilt, made a comfortable sound, then stretched slowly, and opened her eyes.

what!Why is the male god here? !

She immediately turned her head and looked around, this is her own room, what happened?
"Brother Ting... why are you here?" She asked cautiously and tentatively.

Brother Ting?It seems that Xiao Yao didn't think of anything.

"Does Xiaoyao still remember what happened just now?"

Chen Ting frowned again, Xiao Yao's appearance of not remembering anything made him even more worried.

Xue Yao looked up at the ceiling, thinking hard.

"Just now Xiaobai asked for a gift from Ah Si, and then Ah Si took out the wood carving he had brought with him since he was a child. I think that when encountering such a plot in novels, TV, and movies, the person who gave the gift usually hangs up quickly, so Let him take it back."

Then she said: "Then my head suddenly hurt, and my mind went blank, until a very pleasant voice came, and I saw you."

After finishing speaking, she paused, what did she just say! ?

Very nice, I like the sound very much...

Ahhh! ! !
She took a peek at the male god, and found that the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he looked in a good mood, so charming.

It's just that she remembered that she seemed to hold him and cry again just now. When did she start to cry so quickly? !

It must be influenced by Xiaoyao in the dream, she cried a lot in the dream last night.

The nightmare last night was a continuation of what happened last time.

Xiaoyao was caught by a guy covered in black in a smelly cave.

You can see everywhere in the cave, tattered clothes and piles of bones.

Look at the shape of those bones, they are human bones!

How is this going?

Because of their sect guarding the neighborhood, it has always been very peaceful, and this situation has never happened before.

After the black shadow put Xiaoyao down, he closed the entrance of the cave.

The cave, which was originally dark, has now become invisible, with no light at all.

Xiao Yao calmed down and touched something on her body, she couldn't just sit and wait for death.It's just that the small cloth bag that is usually used to store the talisman is not on him, maybe it was lost when he was caught just now.

Suddenly Xiaoyao spoke to the air beside her.

But for some reason, Xue Yao couldn't hear anything, as if the sound was blocked by someone.

Xue Yao could feel Xiao Yao shivering, but the shielding of her voice made her feel even more frightened.

Then Xiaoyao stood up in the dark, groping towards the entrance of the cave.

Xiaoyao kept talking and knocked on the big stone blocking the entrance of the cave.

After a long time, the big stone was slowly removed.

Xiao Yao immediately half-closed her eyes so that her eyes could adapt to the light outside as soon as possible.

The man with an evil aura was standing outside the entrance of the cave, Xiaoyao took advantage of his inattention and quickly escaped through the opened gap.

Once outside, she ran into the trees.

The moment the stone moved away just now, she saw that the man in black seemed to be injured on his foot, so she probably couldn't catch up to her so quickly.

When she ran into the grove, just when she relaxed a little, the man in black flew over! !

Fortunately, the branches and leaves in the grove were relatively lush, and the man in black was blocked by a tree when he flew over.

Xiaoyao seemed to be able to see the terrain in the grove, without even thinking about it, she quickly dodged left and right, barely avoiding the man in black's pursuit.

When she ran out of the grove and was no longer covered, the man in black suddenly flew over from the sky.

Xiao Yao calmly looked around, looking for an opportunity to escape.

At this time, she suddenly heard a voice, and it was still the voice of her heart.

"Xiao Yao, dodge to the left."

Xiao Yao immediately ran to the left according to the instructions of the voice.

The man in black rushed to nothing and made a hole in the sand by the river.

Si Ting, who was standing on the flying sword, and Tao Hua, who followed behind him, rushed to the river.

"Xiao Yao, are you injured?"

Si Ting stopped beside Xiao Yao, looked at her carefully, and returned the small cloth bag to her.

"No." Xiao Yao happily took the small cloth bag.

She found several spells in the cloth bag and pasted them on herself and Si Ting.

Tao Hua, who was fighting with the man in black, couldn't see it, so he shouted deliberately, "Oh, Mr. Si, come quickly, this enemy is too powerful."

Si Ting and Xiao Yao rushed up together, and because of the sufficient firepower, they quickly beat the man in black to the ground.

Xiao Yao happily grabbed Si Ting, "Master, how did you find me?"

Si Ting smoothed Shun Xiaoyao's messy hair with his hands, "Peach Blossom Girl brought me here."

"Peach blossom?"

Hmph, if it wasn't for you to visit her, I wouldn't have been caught by the man in black.

"Little sister, you are Mr. Si's junior sister, you can call me Sister Taohua."

Xiao Yao ignored her and asked directly: "How did Peach Blossom girl know that the man in black is here?"

None of their masters noticed the man in black, how did she find out.

No matter how you think about it, it's suspicious!

"Little sister, this man in black has robbed us of the sacred objects in the valley, so he has been following him, but every time he enters the mountain, he loses his trace.

This time he took you away, so we can track it down. "


"You have peach fragrance on you, so we followed the fragrance and chased after you."

Peach fragrance?She doesn't remember this thing?
Si Ting reassured her, "Second Junior Brother put it in the aircraft. He said that if you get dizzy from flying, it will refresh your mind."


Taohua rummaged through the man in black for a long time, but couldn't find anything. "How not?"

She stood up and said to Xiao Yao: "Little sister, can you take me to his lair?"

Xiao Yao looked at Si Ting at the side, saw him nodding, and led the two of them to the cave.

But before the three of them reached the cave, a smelly wind blew over.

A man in black ran out of the cave.

"Why are you outside! Where did you take my husband?!"

I didn't expect the other party to speak. The man in black just now didn't say a word.

According to her words, she should have caught Xiaoyao.

The woman in black was holding a wooden sculpture in her hand, and was chanting a strange spell.

After a while, she looked at the three of them with red eyes, and shouted loudly: "You pay for my husband's life!"

After finishing speaking, she frantically attacked the three of them. Her combat power was more than ten times stronger than that of the man in black just now.

The three of them could only barely cope.

During the fight, Si Ting still protected Xiao Yao from time to time, she was still young after all.

The woman in black discovered this, and launched a big move to hit Xiaoyao.

(End of this chapter)

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