Gold Assistant

Chapter 303 Let's make a movie yourself

Chapter 303 Let's make a movie yourself
"Brother Kang, what should we do now? It looks like "Mask" won't be able to be filmed for a while, so we can't let Lili and Momo waste time waiting."

Shi Lekang thought for a while and said, "Actually, have you ever thought about making a movie?"

"Of course I thought about it, if Jia Ling and Yu Yitong hadn't played tricks before, Lili would have been filming.

Brother Kang asked, is there any good script?Let me say yes first, don't accept those who damage the image. "

An actor's first film is a big deal.

If they take a bad movie, it will have a great impact on them when they take other movies in the future.

Aunt Lin always said that you should cherish your feathers.

Shi Lekang couldn't help laughing, it seemed that his manager was too incompetent.

"Don't worry, I'm Lili's manager, and if I accept such a film, Ah Ling will kill me immediately with a knife."

"Sister Ling will definitely do this." Xue Yao responded affirmatively.

Then Shi Lekang explained again.

It turned out that the screenwriter that Zhan Minghui had contacted before was poached away, so his schedule was vacant.

Last summer, I saw the relationship between Xue Yao and Chen Ting, so I was inspired to come up with an outline.

Although she promised Chen Ting to write a sweet pet article, the outline was well drawn up.But what she wrote still had glass shards hidden in the thick candy.

According to her words, words actually have their own souls.

Xia Tian didn't dare to ask Chen Ting to fulfill his promise, so he had to ask Shi Lekang for help to see if it could be made into a drama.

It was an urban romantic drama with relatively little content, so it could be adapted into a movie.

It just so happens that the movies released in recent years are often epic masterpieces and sci-fi blockbusters, and there are relatively few such relaxing popcorn movies.

Shi Lekang felt that Xia Tian's script was quite marketable, but it would be better if the glass slag in the ending could be changed.

At the beginning, Xia Tian only wanted to make a short drama with about 5 episodes.

I didn't expect it to be made into a movie at all, so it doesn't matter if I just change the ending. Anyway, it is common for her to write novels and texts in the past.

"Because the script is still being revised, you can go to Xia Tian to read the latest version, and then ask Momo and Lili if they want to act?"

Xue Yao remembered what An Mo said last time, that movies can't be made just because they want to. "But isn't it difficult to make a movie?"

"It's quite difficult for others, but for Ah Ting and I, there is no difficulty. After all, we have been in the film industry for so many years, and we still have connections.

The TV circle is not our home field, so there were some things that I didn't control very well. "

That's right, the male god is also a superstar actor.

"Ah, there is also the problem of being filmed in theaters. Before "Fantasy Travels" was a public welfare film supported by the state, I also had a headache for this problem."

Shi Lekang smiled mysteriously, "Hey, you will know later."


There is a feeling of wanting to kill the monster.

After Xue Yao hung up the phone, she ran downstairs to find Xia Tian, ​​wanting to read the script Shi Lekang said.

Regarding the "Mask" matter, they can't do anything for the time being, they can only let the public relations team guide the public opinion, saying that there is no result yet, don't draw conclusions too early and stand in line, wait for the court to have the appraisal result.

Perhaps because the images they have erected before are all positive, even if the netizens are not on their side, they are just neutral and have not turned to the opposite.

When Xue Yao went to the 5th floor to look for Xia Tian, ​​she was taken aback.

The originally delicate and pretty girl now has a pale face. Even with glasses, you can still see the heavy blue under her eyes and messy hair, like someone who has stayed up all night.

After opening the door, she leaned against the door frame weakly, and said quietly, "Xiao Yao, please come in."

Then, like a ghost, he floated back to the living room.

She slumped on the sofa and motioned Xue Yao to sit down with her eyes.

Seeing her like this, Xue Yao immediately stepped forward to spread out the sofa and turned it into a small bed to make her sleep more comfortably.

After Xia Tian lay down, he sighed comfortably.

Xue Yao waved her finger several times in front of her.

"I can see that Xiaoyao stretched out two fingers."

As if he had regained his breath, Xia Tian's voice became a little more normal.

"Xia Xia, how long have you not slept?" Her appearance was really scary.

"Slept, I slept yesterday." Xia Tian said struggling.

Xue Yao looked at her suspiciously, "How long did you sleep yesterday?"

"2, not 3 hours." Xia Tian said with some uncertainty

"You don't care about your body too much. Don't say anything now. You should sleep for a while, and wait until you wake up."

"But I can't sleep. When I close my eyes, my mind is full of changing the script. The words and sentences in the script will drill into my mind together, shouting for revision."

Thinking of this, Xia Tian shivered suddenly.

Xue Yao looked at Xia Tian with a trace of worry in her eyes. Lack of sleep and mental weakness would easily lead to ruin.

She took out a sleeping talisman from the space, pasted it on Xia Tian's body, and took out the quilt from the room to let her sleep well.

Two hours later, Xia Tian woke up from his sleep and smelled a burst of sweet and seductive aroma.

This made her whole body wake up.

After getting up and stretching, she felt that the fatigue of the past few days had been swept away.

She thought of what happened before going to bed, and touched her nose in embarrassment, as if Xue Yao saw a very bad side.

After running to wash up, Xia Tian walked to the kitchen, looked at the busy Xue Yao, and immediately asked, "Xiao Yao, what are you doing? It smells so good."

"I'm making white fungus soup for you to nourish."

"Ah, I like tremella soup, beauty!"

Xia Tian leaned his head over to look immediately.

In the earthenware pot, the white fungus has been boiled until it becomes gelatinous, sticky and thick, and lotus seeds are added in it, which seems to have been boiled until it becomes soft and rotten.

Xue Yao served her a bowl and said, "It's just cooked, it's a little hot."

"Yeah." Xia Tian carefully scooped up a spoonful, blew lightly with his mouth several times, and then slowly sucked the white fungus soup into his mouth.

The white fungus soup was just like what she saw, it had been boiled until it melted, and it was as soft and sweet as porridge.

Holding the bowl, she looked like she was about to cry.

"Xiaoyao, it's delicious, I'm so envious, no, I'm jealous that Lili and the others can eat what you make every day."



Xue Yao poked her forehead and said with a smile, "If you have time, you can go to the 6th floor to eat, we don't mind."

"Well, well, I will definitely go."

Then Xue Yao pointed to the pottery pot, "If you haven't finished this pot, remember to put it in the refrigerator when it's cold, so that you can cook it thoroughly or put it in the microwave before drinking it tomorrow."

Xia Tian put down the bowl contentedly, and after drinking the tremella soup, she felt her whole body became energetic.

"Drinking tomorrow? Impossible, Sasha and I can solve it today. By the way, Xiaoyao came to see me, is there something wrong?"

Xue Yao briefly told her about filming.

"Can I read the script?"

(End of this chapter)

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