Gold Assistant

Chapter 304

Chapter 304
"This script hasn't been revised yet, you should read the first edition first." Xia Tian took out a dozen bound A4 papers.

After Xue Yao took it, she used her ability to see ten lines at a glance, and finished reading the script in about 10 minutes.

This story tells the love story of three people in the past and present.

The emperor who had just ascended the throne in the previous life, because he did not have much talent, could not use his ability to frighten the veterans and relatives of the emperor, so he had to use the harem to check and balance the previous dynasty.

Sometimes in order to win people's hearts, he will act like he prefers a certain concubine.

Let the harem also become a place where the former dynasty competed for the hearts of the people.

Such an approach turned his two favorite concubines, Concubine Lin and Concubine Zeng, from friends to mortal enemies.

All three were later reincarnated.

Lin Xue, who graduated from a prestigious university, agreed to help his grandson, Chu Hang, who was known for being playful and romantic, in order to repay the old president who sponsored her to go to school.

After working as Chuhang's president secretary for a year, Lin Xue's work ability won the reputation of everyone in the company, but she found that she was more and more like Chuhang's servant.

The private lives of the two were entangled.

In the middle of the night, the girl was in trouble, and she needed to be rescued.In the middle of a meeting at the company, everyone was left behind because she was going on a date with a female star, and she was asked to clean up the mess.

Lin Xue couldn't stand being disturbed by her boss anymore, so she decided to help Chu Hang find a personal assistant to handle his private life and other matters.

The one who applied for the job was the beautiful and intelligent Zeng Qian.

Zeng Qian used her status as a personal assistant to surround Chu Hang all day long, fascinating him beyond belief.

But in fact Zeng Qian is a commercial spy invited by a hostile company.

The purpose is to steal information about a new product being developed by Chuhang Company

Seeing how Chu Hang was getting along with Zeng Qian, Lin Xue was a little sad, so she drifted away from Chu Hang, and finally resigned and left.

Then one day the company's new product information was leaked out.

Everyone blamed Chuhang for only focusing on dating, not taking a good look at the company, and jointly emptied his position.

Zeng Qian also disappeared at this time.

Chu Hang found Lin Xue in despair, and said that he could not live without her.

For the sake of the old president, Lin Xue used her professional ability to find the defects of the new product.

She thought of exposing this matter at the other party's press conference, but she just needed someone's help.

At this moment, Zeng Qian appeared. It turned out that she was a commercial spy for her younger brother's medical expenses.

But in the process of getting along before, she fell in love with Chu Hang who is like a big boy.

Seeing the decadent Chu Hang on TV, she decided to come back to help him.

Finally, at the press conference of the hostile company, they successfully resolved the crisis.

It's just that Chuhang couldn't choose between the two.

The ending ends here.

After Xue Yao finished reading, her mind was full of black lines.

The plot of this script is compact, and there is also love-hate entanglement in the plot. It can indeed make a good movie, but it is a bit bloody.

but! !
This story has half a cent to do with her!

How can it be said that it was inspired by her getting along with the male god.

Xue Yao glared at Xia Tian resentfully.

Xia Tian touched his nose again, and said somewhat evasively: "So words have their own souls, and I often can't control them."

She can't say that the novel will deviate from the outline if she often codes.

Xue Yao gave her a big roll of eyes.

What Shi Lekang asked her to change was the ending.

"It really needs to be changed. This man is a bit of a scumbag. He typically eats from the bowl and looks into the pot. Also, this previous life is a bit weird, so it doesn't matter if you don't want it?"

Xia Tian immediately burst into tears, looked at her pitifully and said: "Please keep it, I am very obsessed with past and present lives recently."


It's just that this kind of past life is added to the story a bit bluntly, as if it doesn't make any sense, just like being in water time.

If you shoot it like this, you will be scolded.

While the two were still discussing, Xue Yao's phone rang.

Liu Li and the others came back, but they couldn't see Xue Yao, so they called to ask where she was.

After hearing her talk about filming and reading scripts here in Xia Tian, ​​the two ran down happily.

Just as soon as you enter the house, you can smell the sweet fragrance.

"What did you cook, Xia Xia? It smells so good!" An Mo looked at Xia Tian expectantly with her big bright eyes.

Xia Tian hesitated and said: "Xiao Yao helped me cook a pot of white fungus soup."

She was a little worried that An Mo would drink up her tremella soup.

Sure enough, An Mo looked pitiful, pulled Xue Yao's apron and asked, "Sister Yao, Lili and I were in the hospital just now, and we ate a little food."

She also gestured a small distance with her hand.

Xia Tian looked at Xue Yao eagerly, his eyes full of reluctance.

Liu Li covered her mouth and snickered.

"Xia Xia, I'll cook another pot for you later, don't worry." After Xue Yao finished speaking, she went to the kitchen to fill Liu Li and An Mo with tremella soup.

Xia Tian had no choice but to nod, then looked at An Mo sadly, and said, "Bawangmo."

"Hee hee, I'll bring you something delicious next time." An Mo smiled mischievously at her.

"You said it, Lili testifies."


Then Liu Li and An Mo flipped through the script with their left hands, and drank the soup with their right hands.

Xue Yao immediately took a picture of this scene, then put down her phone, and went back to the kitchen to help Xia Tian cook the second pot of white fungus soup, fortunately she still had fresh white fungus in her small space.

About half an hour later, An Mo finished reading the script first, and she discussed some content in the script with Xia Tian in a soft voice.

It didn't take long for Liu Li to finish reading. She pointed to the beginning and said with an elegant smile, "What dynasty did Xia Xia belong to in her previous life? It feels a bit weak, and it doesn't have much connection with this life."

I hate that these two sisters are poking people's hearts!
Xia Tian huddled on the sofa a little bit, and said annoyedly: "The dynasty in the previous life was fictional, and half of the original writing was about the stories of the previous life, so there is a foreshadowing.

But the movie has too little time, so we can only give up part of it. "

Xue Yao, who came out of the kitchen, caught sight of a word "commercial spy" on the script. She remembered the previous story of "The Secret Biography of the Royal Concubine", and immediately had an idea in her mind.

She suggested: "Xia Xia, do you want to apply this past life to Emperor Xia Wen, it just so happens that he has two famous concubines, Concubine Cheng and Concubine Mei.

In this way, there will be an impression in everyone's mind, and the foreshadowing will be fine, and Concubine Cheng is a spy sent by another country, which echoes the commercial spies in this life. "

After Xia Tian listened to what she said, his eyes lit up, his thoughts opened up, and the story became rounded.

"Yes, yes, it can be done like this, the past life and the present life will echo, Xiao Yao, thank you so much!"

Xue Yao smiled mischievously, "Our movie is a modern drama, so it should be possible to finish it soon."

Liu Li pulled her curiously and asked, "Sister, what idea did you think of?"

(End of this chapter)

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