Gold Assistant

Chapter 313 Criminal Cases

Chapter 313 Criminal Cases
Xingguang published a condolence letter on Luo Yuan's incident.

The article stated that they were under tremendous pressure, so they were forced to hide Luo Yuan and Xie Lin.

It's just that they didn't expect things to develop to such a point. Now they will definitely try their best to withstand the pressure, stop giving in, and let Xie Lin re-enter the entertainment industry.

The article posted by Xingguang confirmed that Luo Yuan and Xie Lin were blocked.

This news, like drops of water dripping into the oil pan, exploded in an instant, splashing oil everywhere.

It aroused condemnation from many people.

The spearhead immediately pointed at Chen Ting's studio.

But no matter how fierce the public opinion on the Internet was, this time the studio and the artists under the name all kept silent, and no one came out to speak out.

At the beginning, some people said that the studio had a guilty conscience.

Before, whether it was Chen Ting, Liu Li, or the drama that had a problem, someone would immediately stand up and clarify.

Now they do nothing.

Obviously there is a ghost in his heart.

Public opinion on the Internet began to be one-sided.

The studio still didn't respond, and warned various fan groups not to pay attention.

After seeing the public opinion on the Internet, the fans felt aggrieved.

If the studio has such a great ability and can force Xingguang to hide their artists, then there will be no infringing dramas in the first place.

But they still obediently obeyed the arrangements of the fans.

Not long after, Xingguang published another bib, saying that he would help Luo Yuan with the farewell ceremony in three days, and hoped to see an apology from the relevant parties before then.

The move has popular support.

Someone even made a 72-hour countdown counter.

Chen Ting, who was in the room, clicked on another video.

That was Hua Yun's monitoring.

After being harassed by hooligans last time, Tao Chengya decided to reinstall the latest high-definition monitors inside and outside Hua Yun's store, and the picture quality can be compared to TV dramas.

After reading it, Xue Yao found something wrong with Luo Yuan's appearance.

She repeatedly checked the video.

"Brother Ting, look here."

She tapped the screen with her hand.

"When he followed Xie Lin to Hua Yun, he didn't speak a word.

Until here, he looked as if he just woke up and found himself in a strange place, so he asked Xie Lin, 'Why am I here?That is Jiang Hao and Mi Jiawen? '

In other words, he didn't know in advance that Hua Yun was coming, and Xie Lin's claim that they were here to apologize did not hold water. "

Then Xue Yao pulled the progress bar again, pointing out several suspicious points.

"Here, and there...she's looking into other people's eyes on purpose. God..."

Xue Yao seemed to have thought of something, and immediately clicked on the video in the coffee shop again.

Sure enough, the same situation was found.

After looking at Xie Lin, Luo Yuan started to go crazy.

At first, she just thought that Xie Lin fed Luo Yuan his psychotropic drugs, causing him to go insane, and that's why he committed suicide.

It now appears that the suicide was probably controlled by Xie Lin.

She remembered the insanity she had seen before.

Chen Ting also shared his own discovery.

"According to what Xie Lin said, the two of them love each other very much, so why did Luo Yuan have no nostalgia before jumping off?"

He clicked on the video and pointed to the section where Luo Yuan went from the dining table to the floor-to-ceiling windows. "From the moment he finished speaking to the time he ran out, he never took a look at Xie Lin."

Chen Ting knew very well that if he loved someone deeply but had to leave, he would definitely be reluctant to part with it.

When he knew the final mission in the small world, he was worried all day and all night, what would Xiaoyao do if he left.

Who can help take care of her.

At that time, he didn't want her out of his sight at all.

Sad emotions flooded into his mind, in order not to be discovered, he immediately half-closed his eyes and looked at the snow-white quilt.

will be reluctant...

Xue Yao didn't notice Chen Ting's emotions, she continued talking.

"Then let's tell the police about this clue."

Then she hesitated again, "However, will they not believe us? After all, from our standpoint, it seems that we are clearing the suspicion."

Chen Ting patted Xue Yao's head and said, "Trust them."

Then he took a box from the bedside cabinet.

"This is for you."

"give me?"

Xue Yao looked at the box suspiciously. "Can I open it now?"


After opening the box, there is a large stack of good talisman papers and many treated peach wood blocks inside.

Looking at the lines on the peach wood block, it is estimated that the trees are hundreds of years old.

Xue Yao touched the mahogany with a face full of joy.

A few days ago, she saw TV news that a peach tree that had grown for almost 500 years suddenly fell down.At that time, she really wanted to fly over and grab a piece of mahogany back.

Unexpectedly, the male god sent it to her.

"Is this the peach tree that was mentioned in the news?"

Xue Yao opened her bright eyes and looked at Chen Ting.

"It's that one, but it's a pity that it's too late, and there's only this section left."

"It's not a pity, it's good to have these."

After finishing speaking, Xue Yao stood up blushing, kissed Chen Ting on the cheek, and then ran away with the box in her arms.

A voice came from afar, "Thank you."

Chen Ting touched the place where he was kissed, bowed his head and smiled.

The shy Xiaoyao is so cute.

The present is good, let the past pass by, and people should grasp the present and look to the future.

This time he will take good care of Xiaoyao.

About an hour after contacting Xerox, the police began to deal with the matter.

After all, a person ending his life in that way has a great impact on society.

The police first deleted all related videos and issued a related statement.

[This is a criminal case, and it is currently being investigated with all its strength. The police will announce the case to the public in a timely manner according to the progress of the case.The public is advised not to spread falsehoods, and those who spread maliciously will be held accountable. 】

This news is even more surprising than the news that Xingguang was forced to hide Luo Yuan and Xie Lin under pressure.

It was obviously a suicide, why is it now a criminal case?

It turned out that after the police received the report, they surveyed the scene and watched the video of Luo Yuan jumping, and initially judged it as a suicide case.

After recording the statement, Xie Lin was asked to leave, but she was also reminded not to leave City B, and would contact her if there was anything to do in the future.

It wasn't long before the person in charge of the coffee shop hurried back.

It turned out that the person in charge returned to the store, looked at the previous surveillance, and found that Luo Yuan followed Xie Lin to the restaurant and said something strange.

'Where is this place?Xie Lin, what did you do to me? '

This did not appear in the video recorded by other people. After all, those people started recording after Luo Yuan suddenly stood up and said this sentence.

The person in charge realized that this matter was not as simple as suicide, so he immediately responded to the police.

Later, with the news from Shi Lekang, the police immediately sent someone to Xie Lin's house to look for her.

(End of this chapter)

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