Gold Assistant

Chapter 314

Chapter 314
When the police came to Xie Lin's community, they found the police officer who had been monitoring.

Knowing that Xie Lin hadn't left at home, he went straight up.

They also met several media reporters who had just finished their interview downstairs.

When the reporters saw the police, they all stopped.

Is there any news?
Although they were entertainment reporters, they didn't prevent them from filming other news content, so they walked back.

When I saw a police officer going to press the elevator, I reminded him.

"Mr. Police Officer, the elevator is broken, you have to take the stairs."

Just then there was a ding sound, the elevator door opened, and everything appeared normal.

The reporters all said, "Huh? That's weird, it was still broken just now."

A group of people came to Xie Lin's house, but found that the door of her house was open.

Several police officers stepped forward cautiously.

The person in charge of the police team turned around and asked the reporter who followed up.

"When you left just now? Was the door open?"

The reporters immediately clarified.

"The door is closed. When we left, Xie Lin was told not to send it off, so we closed the door."

Police officer: "Then how long have you been away?"

"Huh? About 15 minutes. We waited for a long time for the elevator but it didn't come. We saw that its lights didn't flicker. We finally went down the stairs.

Because we have more equipment, we will walk slower. "

At this time, the police officers who entered the house to search came back to report.

"Captain, is there anyone inside?"

"no one?"

The captain immediately went into the room to check and found broken cups on the ground, showing signs of struggle.

The reporters poked their heads at the door and took pictures of it with their cameras.

The captain reported the incident to the bureau.

The people on the Internet are amazed that the suicide case has been turned into a criminal case.

Immediately afterwards, the wanted news came out, and Xie Lin became a suspect.

Netizens immediately exploded.

[No way, am I dazzled?Is Xie Lin a wanted criminal? ]
[The background of a certain studio is so strong?Turning the family members of the victims into suspects? ]
[Don't talk nonsense upstairs, the police will release it like this, there must be evidence, just wait for the latest news. ]
[If Xie Lin is a wanted criminal, doesn't that mean...Luo Yuan was killed by her?But how did she do it? ]
[It’s terrible, I watched the video of that interview just now, and I still feel that she is very pitiful. ]
[With this kind of acting skills, you don't need to go on the right path, alas. ]
[It's not that I suspect the police, I just hope to see relevant news as soon as possible, this incident is too incredible. ]
[wait for news. ]

Following the release of the police news, those who had previously condemned Chen Ting's studio also began to retreat.

It's just that there are still some diehard fans of Luo Yuan who think that the previous ban was the original sin, and they continue to make trouble under the official collar of the studio.

At this moment, an account named former Starlight employee commented under the scarf.

[I used to be a staff member of Starlight. The freezing or blocking really has nothing to do with the studio. It was Huang Yongrui who felt that it would be embarrassing to be found out for filming an infringing drama, so he ordered the two of them to be frozen, so that everyone would forget about it. 】

This comment was liked on Trending for everyone to see.

Some people also questioned who Huang Yongrui was.

As a result, people continue to be popularized. Huang Yongrui is the CEO of Starlight and Wu Wuqian's boyfriend.

[It turned out to be him. ]
[Is there any evidence for this kind of thing? ]
[After thinking about it carefully, I think it makes sense. Xingguang was afraid that others would bring up this matter again, so he asked all the relevant people to disappear. With Xuezang as the protagonist, this is the best way. ]
[Yes, as the studio is the winner, there is really no need to block them. ]

Then the former Starlight employee released a recording on his scarf.

In the recording, one can clearly hear the voice of a man roaring like thunder.

"Isn't it foolproof? How do those people do things!"

"In addition to letting the Qin family act as a scapegoat, it is also necessary to prevent others from mentioning this matter in the future."

"Hide those two leading actors for me. As long as they are in the entertainment industry for a day, someone will bring up this matter and go to say hello to other people. No one can use them."

As soon as this recording came out, almost every fan of Luo Yuan reposted it, and posted Starlight's official scarf, asking them to give an explanation.

Only this time, it was Starlight's turn that no one stood up to speak.

In a high-end apartment, Huo Ling said to the phone: "Qiqi, thank you for your help."

Qiqi on the other end of the phone was lying on the sofa with a wry smile.

"A Ling, you are too polite, I was the one who apologized to you before!

Knowing that Huang Yongrui is your fiancé, I am still with him.Now he's taken a fancy to Wan Qian and dumped me, and I'm just taking revenge. "

Huo Ling smiled in relief.

"Actually, I am very grateful to Qiqi. If it weren't for you, I might have married him according to the elder's request. At that time, it would be really bad. Thank you for letting me see the true face of that man."

"Hee, yes, it's just that I can see his true face clearly. I was so stupid back then."

"Qiqi, what are you going to do next? If you expose Huang Yongrui's affairs like this, I'm afraid he will retaliate against you. If you come to me, at least he won't dare to trouble me."

Qiqi raised the corners of her mouth and smiled, but tears rolled down her face.

For such a man, I gave up my good friend who I have known for many years. I was really obsessed before.

Fortunately, everything is still in time.

"A Ling, don't worry, I still have some criminal evidence of Huang Yongrui on hand, he dare not do anything to me. I will leave here in a few days and travel around the world. This is our dream when we were studying. .”

Hearing this, Huo Ling was shocked.

She hurriedly said: "Qiqi, does Huang Yongrui know that you have taken these evidences?"

Qiqi was stunned for a moment.

"Well... he knows."

"No, it's too dangerous for you to do this. I know Huang Yongrui, and he will not stop there. Where are you now? I'll find someone to pick you up."

Qiqi was startled by Huo Ling's tone, and immediately reported her address.

Huo Ling looked at the address and found that this place was a little far from Chen Ting's apartment.

Originally, she wanted to ask Hajime for help.

However, where Qiqi is currently located is very close to Huifeng Street.

Huo Ling called Zhang Xiaojiao and asked her for help, asking her to find someone to pick up Qiqi.

Zhang Xiaojiao immediately agreed to Huo Ling's request.

After putting down the phone, she turned to A Yao, who had been following her and Yang Yi, and said, "Brother Yao, there is a very beautiful and mature lady who may be retaliated by the bad guys.

Are you going to help her, or continue to be a light bulb for me and Ayi? "

(End of this chapter)

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