Gold Assistant

Chapter 318 "True Love and Falsehood" Starts Filming

Chapter 318 "True Love and Falsehood" Starts Filming

The next day, Chen Kele went to work with eyes swollen from crying.

When she uploaded the received test report into the computer, she began to screen and check.

It didn't take long to see matching data coming out.

Corresponding information was found for both data sets.

She prints it out immediately.

When she picked up the documents and looked at them, her face was full of surprise.

After Xie Lin disappeared, the police collected two pieces of DNA data in the house.

Presumably it belonged to Xie Lin and Luo Yuan.

Sure enough, one of them belonged to Luo Yuan, which was consistent with the one collected from his corpse.

The other was not sure.

Now the matched one is a girl named Chu Yu.

It's just... Chu Yu's DNA was collected 15 years ago.

"15 years ago? Isn't that the same as Momo?"

Chen Kele immediately checked the information about Xie Lin that the police found.

But the information only records the content before she was six years old, which is 15 years ago according to the time.

There were too many doubts in this matter, so she immediately contacted Jian Le'an and passed the information to him.

Due to the ups and downs during this period, the crew of "True Love and Falsehood" started the film very low-key.

The crew also only let Wang Weina's "Pursuit" do a small report.

Because the funds are very sufficient, the preparatory work was completed very quickly.

Xue Yao and the others arrived at the set early in the morning.

Because they all participated in the creation of the script of this movie, and played against the script many times afterwards, they are already very familiar with the plot.

Today's filming is the part of the previous life dance, and Zhang Ru also came to the scene to help check the effect and give guidance.

Zhang Ru's face has not undergone any special processing. Although it is not as beautiful as before, it has returned to its natural state and is no longer stiff.

For the costumes of this play, I still invited Min Shasha.

Because of the popularity of "Summer Palace Chronicle", she has now become a famous figure in the school.

The transcript has been handed in, and now I can graduate when the time comes, so I have plenty of time.

Liu Li and An Mo sat obediently in front of the mirror, doing pre-makeup care by themselves, waiting for Xue Yao to help them make up.

Chen Fen walked in at this moment.

She looked at the three busy people and stood quietly aside.

Xue Yao had already noticed that she had come in, and after finishing her work, she immediately asked, "Sister Fen, what's the matter?"

Chen Fen looked at Xue Yao pitifully with her Bambi-like eyes.

"Xiao Yao, can you help Ah Hao make up?"

"Okay, but what about his dedicated makeup artist?"

Xue Yao had heard that Wu Hao's makeup artist was one of the best in the industry.

"Oh, don't talk about it, that person knows that I'm with Ah Hao, so he won't do it." The petite Chen Fen poked her hands on the dressing table unhappily, her appearance was very cute.

All three of them thought there was gossip in it,'s hard to ask now, so they can only endure it.

"Well, I'll go there later."

"Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome."

The first scene today is a performance at a banquet.

Concubine Mei, played by Liu Li, and Concubine Cheng, played by An Mo, were going to perform dances at this banquet.

And Wu Hao's Emperor Xia sat aside to admire, and finally played drums for the two concubines.

At first, everyone was a little worried that An Mo couldn't play Cheng Fei's enchanting, after all, she had always been cute before.

It's just that under Xue Yao's skillful hands, with Min Shasha's costume, An Mo's dress is amazing.

When she walked out, the charm revealed in her bones, just a slight smile fascinated all beings.

Seeing this situation, Chen Fen said to Xue Yao worriedly: "Xiaoyao, Momo will be too beautiful like this, after all, she is a female supporting role."

Xue Yao said to her very confidently: "Sister Fen, don't worry, look."

I saw Liu Li walking out of the clothing room.

She was wearing an elegant light blue dress. At first glance, she might not be as eye-catching as An Mo, but as she continued to look at her, she became more and more comfortable.

Concubine Mei was elegant and refined, while Concubine Cheng was charming and enchanting. Standing on the stage, neither of them took away the brilliance of the other, but instead complemented each other.

Zhan Minghui is not like other directors who would choose a simple plot to transition for a smooth transition at the beginning, but chose the most dazzling scene at the beginning.

Of course, this is also because he has seen the practice of the two of them, so he is so confident.

As soon as the slate is shot in front of the camera, the shooting officially begins.

On the stage, Concubine Cheng smiled charmingly, Concubine Mei danced like a fairy descending to the earth, and the two cooperated quite tacitly, smiling at each other from time to time.

The two have their own beauty, so that people who see it feel that their eyes are not enough.

The filming of this dance was very smooth. When Zhan Minghui shouted 'ka', everyone applauded enthusiastically.

The strict Zhang Ru also smiled with general satisfaction.

Liu Li and An Mo were panting and resting on the stage. They would continue to play with Wu Hao on this stage later, so they didn't leave.

Shi Xiaonan was very dutiful, and jumped onto the high platform with double thermos cups and towels.

This flexible action made the staff on the side gasp in amazement.

In the second act, Wu Hao joins the dance of the two, snuggling up with Concubine Cheng for a while, and dancing with Concubine Mei for a while.

The smiles of Concubine Cheng and Concubine Mei began to become forced, and they stared at each other from time to time during the dance.

Emperor Xia seemed to have noticed the anger between the two, and immediately stepped aside to play drums for them.

It's just that cracks have appeared, the dance of the two favorite concubines is no longer as tacit as it was at the beginning, and mistakes continue to occur.

In the end, when Concubine Cheng sprained her ankle, Emperor Xia carried her back to the palace, and Concubine Mei stood there sadly and shed a tear.

A short dance showed the harmony at the beginning, the cracks that appeared due to Emperor Xia's intervention, and the final breakup.

After Zhan Minghui yelled 'Cut', everyone woke up from this love-hate relationship.

The crowd at the scene once again responded with warm applause
Chen Fen excitedly held Xue Yao's hand, and couldn't stop admiring.

Xue Yao also felt that after "Summer Palace Chronicle", Liu Li's acting skills have really improved rapidly, and even An Mo's acting skills have improved again.

The most exciting part of this scene is that Emperor Xia, Concubine Mei and Concubine Cheng did not speak during the whole process, but only expressed this triangular relationship through dance, eyes and body.

People can see the plot at a glance.

Wu Hao's performance was also amazing.

He seldom made costume dramas before, let alone danced on stage, but he didn't expect the effect to be very good.

It is indeed a hot candidate for the next best actor.

Originally, the staff were a little worried because of the collective disapproval of people in the industry.

Although it is said that they get a fixed salary, whether the film is good or bad after the filming is finished, their money will not be more or less.

But it's better to have a successful film on your resume than a flop.

Now it's just the beginning of the scene, Xue Yao saw that everyone's expressions have changed, their faces are full of hope, and they even walk with wind.

(End of this chapter)

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