Gold Assistant

Chapter 319

Chapter 319

The filming of the film went very smoothly, but there were huge waves in the circle.

Huang Yongrui, the president of Starlight, was taken to the police station during the meeting and could not be released on bail.

Everyone is guessing what is going on, and he cannot be released on bail.

This news is undoubtedly worse for the already crumbling Starlight.

The company's stock plummeted, and its artists began to look for a way out.

It's just that the incident has been dragging on like this, and the police haven't given any definite information. Just like Luo Yuan's case, it sank again.

However, the most indispensable thing in the entertainment circle is gossip and gossip.

Soon everyone's attention was attracted by the new news.

Xue Yao was watching the latest gossip content on her mobile phone.

Huixing's boss, Li Jinghui, went in and out of a certain building late at night, suspected to be the boudoir of the company's female artist Mu Xuan.

"Finally waiting for this news."

Xue Yao breathed a sigh of relief, she hadn't seen anything about the two of them before, and thought she had messed up the main line.

It's just that this gossip news came out not long ago, and before everyone started to imagine and dig into it, they were overwhelmed by another even more shocking event.

It's also news from Huixing Company, but it's not a good thing.

Du Manlu, an artist under Huixing, reported to the police, saying that he was almost drugged by Mr. Liu in the circle.

Mr. Liu is also Liu Ruizong, the son of Liu Yue, the president of Hongjiahong Gaming Group.

After the police received the report, after careful investigation, they found more suspected victims.

After the unannounced visit, the victims all stood up and reported.

The police issued an arrest warrant for Liu Ruizong.

When the police went to find Liu Ruizong, he was tasting a bottle of 82-year-old Lafite that had been circulated on the Internet for a long time at home.

He also took a photo of himself and posted it on the scarf.

Liu Gongzi V: [The loneliness of tasting wine alone. 】

Someone responded quickly to the comment.

He will open the scarves of those who reply one by one, and if there are beautiful women taking selfies, he will choose to pay attention.

In particular, some postings say where they are filming recently, or what magazines they want to take pictures in, and so on, and they will also set special reminders.

It wasn't long before the doorbell rang.

After the servants at home went to open the door, they saw a team of well-dressed police officers.

After showing his police ID, the policeman asked politely, "Is Mr. Liu Ruizong here?"

"Yes... yes, please come in." The servant turned his head and shouted to the people in the living room: "Master, I am your guest."

Liu Ruizong looked at the person and knew something was wrong, so he immediately sent a message on his mobile phone to notify the bodyguard.

The officer came forward and presented the arrest warrant and described the events to him.

"No, I won't force it. It's all voluntary. Those people are wronging me."

Liu Ruizong vigorously denied and argued.

Police officer: "Please cooperate and go to the police station for investigation."

"it is good."

Liu Ruizong readily agreed, but when he stood up, he knocked over the red wine on the table.

While shaking his clothes, he said embarrassingly: "Hey, I was so careless. Can I go upstairs and change clothes first? It will be soon."

The policeman thought for a while, then nodded in agreement, and signaled the guys around him to follow.

It didn't take long before I heard exclamations and fighting sounds from upstairs.

The police officers quickly ran up to check.

It turned out that Liu Ruizong used the opportunity of changing clothes to let the bodyguards injure the police officers who followed him, and then escaped with the helicopter at home.

After some searching, the police officers quickly found the place where the helicopter landed.

But Liu Ruizong has disappeared.

The police immediately issued a warrant for his arrest, and resisting arrest and assaulting the police were enough.

Finally, when the police searched his home, they found a notepad that recorded every time he took drugs, and also found some indescribable CDs.

After this incident was exposed, many actresses who had been in contact with Liu Ruizong were in danger.

People in the entertainment industry stepped forward one after another, condemning Liu Ruizong's behavior, and appealed to the public not to hurt the victimized actresses again.

It is recommended not to discuss this matter and wait for the police to announce the news.

But that doesn't stop the message from spreading.

Those who paid close attention to Liu Ruizong on the scarf immediately canceled the relationship with him.

It's just that some people didn't let them go, and some even went to the comment area to say, how could those things not be voluntary.

Among them, Du Manlu's comment area became the hardest hit.

Those people attacked her with sarcasm, saying that she couldn't climb into Mr. Liu's bed, that's why she slandered him in this way.

Du Manlu wore a long scarf and told the story of the incident.

She was Young Master Liu whom she had been introduced to about half a year ago.

However, she did not have a good impression of Mr. Liu at that time, so the two were not together.

It's just that Mr. Liu didn't give up, and after that, he found various opportunities and reasons many times to appear in her shooting scene or party.

She felt that it was annoying but she couldn't avoid it. Just at that time, the company had an opportunity to study vocal music abroad, so she applied for it.

Thinking about the time of going abroad should make Mr. Liu lose interest.

When I returned to China a few days ago, the little sisters said that they would clean up the dust for her, eat together and sing K straight down.

Because Du Manlu has been away from Huaguo for too long, she doesn't know much about the current situation in the circle, so she is thinking of asking the little sisters through the party.

Everyone had a great time.

She went to the bathroom halfway, and the little sisters said that there would be a surprise for her later, so she should come back quickly.

"Okay, okay, I'll be back soon."

She came back from the bathroom humming a song, but when she opened the door, she saw Liu Ruizong sitting in the middle of the room.

The little sisters immediately clapped their hands, laughed and coaxed and said, "Isn't it a surprise, a surprise."

"Lulu, as soon as Mr. Liu heard the news of your return to China, he asked us to invite you out."

"Yeah, it's been half a year, Mr. Liu has been in love for a long time."

"It's really enviable."

Liu Ruizong walked to the door and took Du Manlu's hand, and said affectionately, "Lulu, I finally waited for you to come back."

Du Manlu tried her best to withdraw her hand, and smiled awkwardly.


The little sister next to her continued to boo, "Hahaha, Lulu is really shy."

Du Manlu immediately stepped aside, and said with an apologetic face, "I'm sorry, the jet lag hasn't reversed since I just came back, and I feel a little uncomfortable. I'll go first. Have fun."

After speaking, I wanted to turn around and leave.

Immediately he was stopped by Liu Ruizong.

With a dark face, he said in a bad tone: "Lulu, why are you leaving as soon as I come, do you have any objections to me?"

Du Manlu didn't dare to offend him, so she could only say with a smile on her face, "Is there any opinion, I just feel uncomfortable, don't you want to spoil everyone's happiness?"

(End of this chapter)

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