Gold Assistant

Chapter 320

Chapter 320
Only then did the little sisters realize that there seemed to be something wrong between the two of them, and they tried to smooth things over one after another.

"Oh, it's because we didn't do a good job. Lulu just came back, and the jet lag hasn't reversed yet. Of course, she will be tired and uncomfortable."

"Yes, the body is important."

"Yes, how about we meet again next time."

They walked forward silently, trying to separate the two.

But it was too late, Liu Ruizong waved his hand and asked the bodyguards to step forward and stand at the door.

Du Manlu could only continue to laugh apologetically, "Mr. Liu, I really feel unwell today."

The corners of Liu Ruizong's lips curled up, he picked up the cup on the table, and said with a smile, "Okay, after you drink this cup, I'll let you go right away."

Du Manlu looked at the glass of drink with some doubts, it was her drink before, she took it without thinking too much, and said in her mouth, "Thank you Mr. Liu for your understanding."

It's just that after she took a sip, she suddenly remembered what happened before she went abroad.

At that time, she went to Tongmengfang to find friends and heard a conversation.

A girl wearing black-rimmed glasses deliberately reminded An Mo and Liu Li, who are now popular.

She said that the two of them should pay attention to their diet when they go to any public places in the future.

At that time, An Mo replied that Sister Ling also mentioned that after returning from the bathroom, don't touch even the cups or bottles that she drank.

Du Manlu looked at the cup in front of her, and the string in her mind suddenly tightened.

She began to feel dizzy, and everything around her was spinning, she immediately pretended to be weak, threw the cup in her hand, and stopped drinking.

But she had some scheming, and when she threw away the cup, she poured the drink on her clothes and satchel.

Seeing her appearance, Liu Ruizong immediately supported her and called the bodyguards to take her away.

The little sisters were frightened by the sudden situation in front of them!
They were all stunned there.

After a while, they came to their senses and immediately shouted, "What should I do? Should I call the police?"

They just thought that if Du Manlu followed Mr. Liu, they would benefit from good resources in the future.

But I didn't expect it to be like this.

"It's useless to call the police for this kind of thing, please contact Lulu's manager first."

"Yes, yes, yes, contact the agent first. If you call the police, you may be discovered by the media."

One of them immediately called Du Manlu's agent, Li Jinghong.

"Brother Hong, I'm Xiao Jin."

On the other end of the phone, a man responded, "Xiao Jin, what's the matter?"

Xiaojin immediately told about Du Manlu and Liu Ruizong.

Li Jinghong said: "Well, I see, you guys leave there first, don't worry, I will deal with it."

"Thank you Brother Hong."

After Xiaojin hung up the phone, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Hong said he will deal with it, don't worry, everyone, let's go."


It's just that after Li Jinghong hung up the phone, he smiled at a Mediterranean man beside him.

"Mr. Liu is too impatient. Du Manlu just came back, so I'm going to start now."

The Mediterranean man smiled wretchedly.

"Isn't it? I haven't succeeded before. Now that I hear that Du Manlu is returning to China, I don't want to go there right away."

"Akai, you are doing well with Mr. Liu now." Li Jinghong poured two glasses of red wine, pushed a glass to the other side, and began to taste the wine, without thinking of saving Du Manlu at all.

"Hey, it's just to make a living."

Song Kai picked up another glass of red wine, tasted it and said, "Brother Hong, what wine do you have?"

Li Jinghong looked at him and said, "What's wrong?"

"This wine isn't very good. You wouldn't drink this kind of wine before."

Li Jinghong sighed, and said helplessly: "Brother dismissed me from the position of director, and assigned some unpopular artists to me. These days are hard."

"Hey, don't worry, after Mr. Liu and Du Manlu are together, if you don't have any resources, she will become your cash cow by then. Let me toast you first."

Song Kai raised his wine glass, and Li Jinghong also clinked glasses with him, and then finished the red wine in one gulp.

"to your regards."

On the other side, Liu Ruizong asked the bodyguard to hold Du Manlu and came to the parking lot.

Due to not drinking much, Du Manlu was already a little sober.

But in the current situation, there are certain difficulties in self-help.

She tried to call for help, but the only one in the parking lot was a young man in a baseball cap passing by.

Compared with Liu Ruizong's bodyguards, those young and thin limbs, she thinks it's better not to harm anyone.

She regretted very much that she took out the electric shock device that had been placed all the time because she changed her bag.

Then she thought of a way.

While everyone was not paying attention, she immediately put her finger into her mouth, picked it, and she began to vomit non-stop.

This is the sequelae caused by her previous bad weight loss methods.

The vomit got on her and the bodyguards, and some even flew on Liu Ruizong.

"I¥...¥#@#, what's going on?!"

Liu Ruizong immediately pinched his nose, took a few steps back and looked at Du Manlu with disgust, and threw away the vomit-stained suit jacket.

Looking at the dirty Du Manlu, his face turned black.

This is the prey that I waited for half a year to get, but I really can't eat it like that.

He said to the bodyguard: "You take her to the side to clean up and then come back."

"Yes." The bodyguard responded immediately, ready to take Du Manlu away.

But Liu Ruizong thought about it again, "I'll use your car to bring her back later, I'll go first, I can't let her dirty my new car."

Without waiting for the bodyguard's response, Liu Ruizong drove away in his supercar.

Only the bodyguard was left, and Du Manlu was thinking about how to save himself.

She suddenly saw that the young man who had left the parking lot just now threw a fire extinguisher at the head of the bodyguard.

Since all the bodyguard's attention was on Du Manlu, Xiaonian knocked out the bodyguard with one blow.

"Miss, wake up!" The young man immediately patted Du Manlu's face.

When Du Manlu heard him yelling like that, she knew that he had come here specially to save herself.

So she opened her eyes immediately, and looked at the person in front of her with tears in her eyes.

He choked up and said, "Thank you!"

" didn't faint?" Xiaonian was a little surprised.

"Well, let's get out of here quickly." Du Manlu stood up and patted her body as clean as possible.

The young man picked up the suit on the ground and put it on her. "Let's go."

After only taking two steps, Du Manlu stopped.

"What's wrong?" The young man looked back at her.

"If you leave like this, there will be trouble, just wait for me."

Du Manlu turned around and walked to the bodyguard, squatted down, reached out to take out his wallet, and took out all the money in it.

Xiaonian looked at her suspiciously, "Why did you do this?"

"In this way, they will think that I was robbed, and then I was taken away, so they can delay for some time."

"Okay, let's go."

Not long after the two left, the bodyguard woke up leisurely.

When he found the wallet on the ground, he cursed.

After searching around, he found no one, so he had to drive back in a desperate manner. He still had to find a way to explain to Young Master Liu about the missing person.

(End of this chapter)

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