Gold Assistant

Chapter 322 Childhood Photos

Chapter 322 Childhood Photos
After I am Julie's bib was released, it didn't attract much attention at first.

Firstly, Julie doesn't have many fans, and secondly, everyone is a little tired of these seemingly false news, and there is no real hammer in this scarf.

It's just that this news was seen by Yu Yitong.


The person who robbed Mr. Lin with Zhang Ru?
The reception reminded her of a video someone showed her two years ago.

The corners of her lips curled up slightly.

Contacted that person, lobbied and bought the video at a high price.

Not long after, she sent the video to a reporter from a well-known website that she met a while ago.

She hadn't won every confrontation with the bib before, so she decided to change the battlefield, and then contacted the navy to let them heat up Julie's bib slowly.

As long as it works well, An Mo can't escape this disaster.

"Hmph, I'll let you make a movie too, let's see how you turn around this time."

Wang Jun frowned, staring closely at the report in his hand.

It was sent to him by courier from Chen Kele.

As a result, he went to watch Momo's filming as soon as he was on vacation, and he didn't see it until today.

Judging from the time in the data, Xie Lin, uh, Chu Yu should also be the victim of the disappearance case 15 years ago.

He immediately checked through the bureau's database, only to find that the address registered by the Chu family back then had been demolished and rebuilt, and the Chu family lost contact after that.

Afterwards, no matter what method was used, no information about the Chu family could be found.

The clues of the Chu family were interrupted.

It seems that now we can only find clues in Xie Lin and the Xie family.

"Huh? The appearance of Xie Lin when he was a child seems familiar."

Holding the documents, Wang Jun closed his eyes and tried hard to recall.

The leader came over and coughed deliberately, "Ahem."

The colleague immediately stabbed Wang Jun.

Wang Jun opened his eyes and saw the leader standing beside him, he stood up and greeted him with a 'shoo'.

The leader advised him earnestly.

"Ah Jun, if you don't have enough rest, you can apply for another day off with me. We have already locked the location of that group of sailors, and we know the list of members inside.

As long as you find evidence, you can arrest people, but don't sleep during working hours, it will have a bad effect. "

"Leader... I didn't sleep, I was thinking about something!"

Wang Jun pointed to the information in his hand and argued.

Colleagues also looked over curiously, "Oh, what is this? Isn't that the wanted Xie Lin?"

"Well, it's her."

The leader touched the thermos cup and asked, "Have you found any clues about her?"

Wang Jun nodded, and took out Xie Lin's childhood photos.

"The appearance in this photo seems to have been seen somewhere, but I can't remember it."

The leader took the photo and looked at it carefully, and said in surprise, "Isn't this the person you're looking for, the person who appeared with An Mo?"

"What??" Wang Jun quickly snatched the photo and checked it carefully.

He really was the one who appeared outside the forest with An Mo.

"Leader, I... I want to ask for leave!"

The leader waved his hand and said, "I see that you have finished your work today, and this is also a business matter. You can go."

"Thank you, leader!"

"Hey, wait, help me get Wu Hao's signature back."


I didn't expect the leader to chase stars, but why did he ask for Wu Hao's signature?

Everyone in the workshop stared at him.

Sensing everyone's gaze, the leader said, "My wife wants it, do you have any objections?"

", ah, I haven't finished writing the message just now."

"I've run out of water, I'm going to pour another glass."

All of a sudden, in the busy workshop just now, only the sound of keyboard beating could be heard.

Wang Jun went to the Guyun Building and found the crew of "True Love and Falsehood".

In order to make the movie scenes more realistic, Tao Chengxuan deliberately vacated a working floor and lent it to the crew for filming.

After all, Gu Yun is the sponsor, and they will benefit from the movie.

In fact, this was suggested by Grandma Tao.

In this way, she can often see her grandson-in-law. Well, her grandson-in-law can often see her, so it's not uncommon.

When Wang Jun arrived, he happened to see Cheng Qian, played by An Mo, holding a cherry to seduce Xia Yuan, played by Wu Hao.

"President Xia, these are freshly washed cherries, try them."

"Oh, is it sweet? I don't like eating sour things." Xia Yuan raised his eyebrows, his eyes fixed on Cheng Qian and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

Cheng Qian, who was wearing a sexy and generous shoulder dress, twisted the handle of a cherry and turned around with a smile.

"I don't know, but..."

As she spoke, she kissed the cherry, then handed the cherry to Xia Yuan's mouth, smiling charmingly.

"Hey, in this case, do you think it will be sweeter?"

Xia Yuan opened his mouth, bit off the cherry, and spit out the stalk and pit.

"Sure enough, it's sweeter this way."

Although the two of them didn't act too intimately, Wang Jun was furious when he saw it, and he felt so aggrieved.

Momo has not fed fruit to herself yet.

Ah Ting's ice cube has already eaten the fruit that Xue Yao fed.

Obviously he was the one who decided to pursue someone first, so why did he develop faster than him.

After finally waiting for Zhan Minghui to call 'card', Wang Jun immediately rushed to An Mo's side.

He was going to ask the teacher to indict him, but he heard An Mo say to Zhan Minghui, "Brother Hui, is this better than eating cherries and feeding them?"

what! ?It turned out that the scene was actually mouth-feeding?
Wang Jun immediately cast a bad look at Xia Tian in the distance.

Xia Tian shivered, immediately raised his head and looked around.

Xue Yao and Liu Li immediately asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

"I don't know, it seems that I suddenly felt a wave of malice."


They also looked up and looked around, but found no strange faces.

"Be careful. I'll ask Xiaojiao to tell her security staff to be more vigilant."


After Tao Chengxuan came back from abroad, in addition to replacing the top management, he even changed the security department.

Because of the recipe leak, it was finally found out that the person in charge of security released the water.

Now he directly hired Zhang Xiaojiao's security company.

Wang Jun, who had already withdrawn his gaze, walked to An Mo's side with an aggrieved look on his face.

"Mo Mo."

An Mo turned her head and saw him with a little surprise on her face. She was about to share the success she just had with others.

"Brother Jun, you're here."

Seeing the smile on An Mo's face, Wang Jun's heart was instantly filled with pink hearts.

Momo is smiling at me, she smiles so cutely.

Seeing that Wang Jun didn't respond for a long time, An Mo stepped forward and poked him.

"Brother Jun?"

After Wang Jun woke up, he quickly responded, "Well, I'm here."

"What's the matter with you? Don't you have to work today?" At this moment, An Mo remembered that when this person left yesterday, he said reluctantly that he had to go to work today.

Remembering his purpose of coming here, Wang Jun quickly opened the file and took out the photos.

"Momo, do you have any impression of this person?"

An Mo looked at the photo for a long time, frowned and said, "Huh? It looks familiar."

(End of this chapter)

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