Gold Assistant

Chapter 323 Police Visit

Chapter 323 Police Visit
"Really? Do you remember her?" Wang Jun looked at An Mo nervously.

Xue Yao and Liu Li also came over, and they also looked at him suspiciously. "Why are you here today, Brother Jun?"

"I found some clues, so I came to Momo and asked."

An Mo looked at the photo for a long time, then suddenly raised his head and said, "I know who she is!"

"Who is it?" the crowd asked.

"It's Xie Lin, you can see that this face is exactly the same as Xie Lin's."

She pointed to the little girl in the photo.

Xue Yao also poked her head over to look, "Yes, they are exactly the same, why did Brother Jun bring her photo here?"

"Didn't you realize that she is the one who appeared outside the forest with Momo back then?"

"Ah, is it?"

The three girls picked up the photo again and looked at it carefully, and then looked at Wang Jun with confused eyes.

They really didn't see it.

An Mo recalled the first time he met Xie Lin.

At that time, her sixth sense reminded that Xie Lin was not a good person.If she had met Xie Lin before, there should be no reminder.

But it was not easy for her to explain this to Wang Jun, so she could only say: "I really can't remember the past."

"It's okay, let me tell you about her situation."

Only then did Xue Yao and Liu Li realize that Momo was Chang Anan's business before they told Wang Jun.

The two looked at each other, An Mo is here now, let's talk to Wang Jun when the time comes.

Wang Jun told Chen Kele's discovery, and also talked about the information he found.

"She used to be called Chu Yu, and she also disappeared fifteen years ago. Later, she was adopted by the Xie family and changed her name to Xie Lin. But there is no record in the data, whether she still has the memory of that year."

"For some reason, the Chu family suddenly disappeared after reporting the crime fifteen years ago."

"There are also members of the Xie family, all of whom died in a fire five years ago, and only Xie Lin survived."

"I think it may be up to Xie Lin to find out the truth of the year."

Xue Yao and the others didn't expect Xie Lin to make such a big circle.

There is also the matter of the autopsy. It is estimated that there are many things that everyone does not know.

Xue Yao said to Wang Jun: "Brother Jun, I think we need to tell Uncle Chang about this matter. Our scene is quite serious now, so I need to trouble you to go."

"Okay." Wang Jun put away the materials, and reluctantly said goodbye to An Mo.

He just turned back halfway.

The three looked at him puzzled.

But he avoided the three of them, walked towards Wu Hao, and took out a notebook.

"Hello, could you please sign my autograph and take a photo for me?"

Wu Hao was in the crew these days and often saw Wang Jun circle around An Mo.

As someone who had experienced it, he could tell that Wang Jun loved An Mo badly.

When he was filming the scene of eating cherries just now, he felt the glare from Wang Jun.

Now that he came to ask for his autograph, would there be any fraud in it?
But he still took the book and signed it for him.

Wang Jun took a photo of him with his mobile phone and showed him the photo.

"Is this one okay?"

"Yes, but this is an unexposed look, so I hope not to show it to others."

Wang Jun immediately said: "This is for our leader's wife. Don't worry, her secrecy is the strictest."

Only then did Wu Hao suddenly realize.

At this time, a security guard hurried towards An Mo and the others.

"Miss An, some police officers came outside, and they said they wanted to know something about you."

An Mo looked at Xue Yao, checked her eyes, and said, "Okay, please bring them in."


After a while, the police officers came to the shooting scene and saw An Mo standing there.

It's just... what happened to the group of people behind her who were staring at her like a tiger?

Xue Yao stepped forward, showing a professional smile with six teeth.

"Hello, I'm An Mo's assistant, please come this way."


The police officer came to An Mo, looked at the people behind her, and said with some embarrassment: "Miss An, what we want to ask may involve your personal privacy, do you think we need to clear the scene?"

"Personal privacy?" An Mo looked at him excitedly. "Did you find my family?"

Wang Jun also came over and showed his ID.

"Have you got any information? Why don't I know?"

The policeman looked at them in confusion, "What family? We're here to ask about Liu Ruizong."

"Liu Ruizong? I don't know him." An Mo replied sullenly.

It was not news from her family, she was a little disappointed.

"Are you really not clearing the scene?" the police officer asked again.

An Mo smiled and said, "No, they are all people I trust."

The staff present, after hearing this sentence, were moved and swore in their hearts that they would not reveal what happened today.


The police officer reluctantly took out his notebook and asked, "According to Liu Ruizong's notebook, you had a magazine interview job in S City a few months ago, and that magazine was actually invested by Liu Ruizong.

According to the plan in his notepad, he is going to find you.

That issue of the magazine did not include your interview content, but replaced it with Du Manlu. May I ask if something happened between you and Liu Ruizong at that time? "

This remark caused the staff present to fall into deep thought.

The content of the interview was changed, is it because An Mo's refusal offended Liu Ruizong?
"A magazine interview in City S? I didn't accept that job." An Mo told them calmly.

"Miss An, we know that some things are difficult to talk about, but now the police have controlled Liu Ruizong, so you don't have to be afraid."

An Mo suddenly smiled at the police officers.


Since what she is going to film today is a seduction scene, the costumes are more sexy, and the makeup is also very charming.

Now such a smile is even more charming.

The hearts of several police officers were beating loudly.

Wang Jun immediately picked up a scarf and put it on An Mo.

An Mo looked up and smiled sweetly at him, "Thank you."

When the police officers saw this, they guessed the relationship between the two. No wonder An Mo didn't want to say anything.

"Miss An, the matter is over, don't be afraid, that person will be punished by law."

"I really didn't accept that job. At that time, in order to go back to City B to see Lili, I pushed the interview and went to participate in the ribbon-cutting ceremony in City B instead. And on the day of the interview, Lili and I even made a video, You see."

An Mo tried his best to turn over the scarf, and turned out the video that was laughed at by netizens at the beginning, saying that it was Wumao technology.

"Look, there is still time on this video. Lili, Sister Yao, and the hospital staff can all testify for me."

When the police officers saw this video, they immediately recalled that they had also seen this video and discussed it, but they did not pay attention to the time on it.

Now that things are clear, they leave without bothering.

(End of this chapter)

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