Gold Assistant

Chapter 324 Are You Not Angry?

Chapter 324 Are You Not Angry?

The police officers' visit made everyone disgusted by Liu Ruizong again.

Wang Jun was about to go up to say something comforting, but he just stared at Liu Li and hugged An Mo in front of him.

The two hugged each other intimately and talked.

Wang Jun felt embarrassed.

"Fortunately, Momo decided to come and see me at that time."

"Well, it's really lucky. I think after getting to know Lili and Sister Yao, my luck is much better."

After Xue Yao heard this, she began to think deeply.

She still remembered the confusion at the beginning, why An Mo only appeared in the early stage of the book, and there was no news at all after the end.

It seems that the reason is here.

In the world in the book, An Mo should have met Liu Ruizong.

Now because of her arrival, An Mo's fate has changed.

And Du Manlu may have been spotted by Liu Ruizong in that magazine interview.

She is very thankful that Du Manlu heard what they said in Tongmengfang, otherwise she would feel guilty.

It didn't take long for the news to appear on the entertainment section of a well-known website.

It says that a popular actress was also caught by Liu Ruizong two years ago, and a video with the time marked in the upper right corner, but the characters are not very clear is attached.

The man in the video looks like Liu Ruizong in appearance and clothing. He is holding a woman who seems to be drunk in the elevator, but the woman keeps her head down and cannot see who it is.

Due to the delay of the police officer's visit, the time was relatively tight, and then everyone devoted themselves to the filming without distraction.

No one knows what happened to Julie and the entertainment section of the website.

Gu Yun's staff saw the police coming to the set to look for An Mo, and someone posted the matter on the scarf.

But because everyone in the crew is tight-lipped, others don't know what the police officers are about.

At this time, someone forwarded the revelations and videos on the website to the bib.

Immediately, someone mentioned the scarf that Julie sent, saying that the time was just right. Did An Mo really fall into the hands of Liu Ruizong?
The group of sailors invited by Yu Yitong took the opportunity to connect everything together.

The time was two years ago, the actress who was drunk, Liu Ruizong in the elevator, and the police went to An Mo for questioning today.

Who is that woman being held?
Needless to say, the answer is almost obvious.

Immediately, all the spearheads were pointed at An Mo.

He Botao and the others were busy advertising Zhang Ling's new album, and they didn't find out about it.

Netizens have already been selected by many fake candidates, which made them a little hot.

Now there is a real hammer, which ignites their gossip fire.

They began to work together to find out the relationship between An Mo and Liu Ruizong.

From time to time, some people said that they also attended the reception at that time, and indeed saw Liu Ruizong pouring An Mo a drink, and the two disappeared not long after that.

Some people also said that their friend's brother was the security guard of the Xingguang dormitory, which can prove that An Mo did not go back that night of the reception.

Then the people from Xingguang said that An Mo started to reduce his work after that day.

After hearing the news, the public found that An Mo had indeed only made a few films after that, which was a lot less workload than before.

It seemed that the woman in the elevator was really An Mo.

An Mo's fans immediately said that was not true.

The woman in the elevator couldn't even see her face, so why should she be called Momo.

Afterwards, Aite Anmo kept saying that as long as she stood up and said no, they would definitely believe it.

Others began to criticize them as, and now that such a solid hammer has come out, they still don't believe it, they must be blind.

So the two sides started fighting each other.

Liu Li's fans left immediately, and they were united with An Mo's fans.

The navy army immediately dragged Liu Li into the water, saying that Liu Li might have been involved in Yunyun as well.

The water in the network is getting more and more muddy.

Some people also stood up and said that An Mo was actually a victim, and we shouldn't discuss it like this. It's just adding salt to other people's wounds.

But the sailors said that they have the right to know.

People in the Network Management Bureau were also discussing whether the An Mo incident was true.

"This video is not fake. The only problem now is that the woman in the elevator didn't show her face."

"If it's true, then Ah Jun..."

"I'm afraid his family will disagree."

"Oh, what a good couple, Liu Ruizong is such a jerk."

The leader said: "The truth of the matter has not yet come out, so don't draw conclusions too early."

"Leader, we know that you value Ah Jun very much, and the wife of the leader also likes An Mo, but this matter is confirmed."

"Yes, leader, people can't be too stubborn."

At this time, Wang Jun came back.

After he came in, everyone fell silent.

Feeling the strange atmosphere, Wang Jun looked at them and said, "What's wrong?"

No one responded.

Wang Jun called his name immediately, "Ayi, tell me."

Ah Yi stood up and walked out with a pile of documents in his arms, "Oh, I forgot to give the documents to others."

has a problem!
Wang Jun squinted at the others, they all pretended to be busy typing on the keyboard.

He had no choice but to walk up to the leader, hand over the signed book, and ask, "Leader, what happened to them?"

The leader sighed and pointed to the scarf on the screen.

"See for yourself."

Wang Jun saw the word An Mo at a glance.

He immediately grabbed the mouse and checked the content.

It's just that the more I look at it, the angrier I get. Those people arrange his Momo in this way, it's too hateful!
Next, he clicked on the elevator video to watch.

The others in the workshop immediately held their breath and looked at Wang Jun motionlessly.

The people sitting nearby stood up quietly, for fear that he would lose his temper.

However, after watching the video, Wang Jun was not as angry as they thought, but started to check the IP addresses of those people.

The leader watched his movements, held a thermos cup and said, "Ah Jun, I know you are very angry now. But as law enforcement officers, we cannot break the law knowingly.

So even if you find out their IP addresses, you can't use your own technology to hack them. "

Wang Jun turned his head very calmly and looked at the leader.

"Leader, I didn't want to blackmail them."

A colleague couldn't help asking, "Aren't you angry about An Mo?"

"Of course I'm angry. They are slandering Momo like this. I want to write down everyone's IP address and let Ah Ting tell them the slander."

"Slander?! Are you saying that the person in the elevator is not An Mo?"

"of course not."

The people in the workshop immediately lamented that Wang Jun loved An Mo so much that he didn't even believe such a fact in front of him.

If it wasn't for this, they would be a happy couple.

Now... oh, what a pity!

Everyone showed regretful expressions.

Wang Jun noticed that something was wrong with everyone, and when he thought of the situation when he came back just now, he belatedly understood what they were thinking.

"You don't all think that the person in that video is Momo, that's why it's so strange."


You just found out.

(End of this chapter)

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