Gold Assistant

Chapter 328 Is it yours?

Chapter 328 Is it yours?

Xue Yao also found Qin Lu in Zhang Ru's photo.

Because of the audition before, she completely remembered this person.

It's just that before she could make a move, Qin Lu was picked up by netizens.

And the matter between her and Liu Ruizong was also revealed.

After Xue Yao and the others saw the news, they deserved it.

Let her do it, let her frame Momo.

But Liu Li couldn't figure it out, "Why did Qin Lu put her video on the Internet, isn't she afraid of being recognized by others?"

"Who knows what she's thinking."

After this incident, An Mo and Liu Li's fans got along better and became more cohesive.

The people also got to know Zhang Ru again because of this incident.

The little gossip Wei Wei had previously posted about the bib about her plastic surgery, which was reposted by everyone again.

Many people who scolded her also ran to apologize under her scarf.

A Juan excitedly read out these comments.

When some people praised her as a hero of the female high school, she smiled slightly and said to A Juan: "It's not such an exaggeration, I just do what I think I should do."

A Juan immediately sent what she said to her scarf.

Unexpectedly, this scarf was also forwarded by everyone, and once again ushered in a new round of praise and comments.

Afterwards, Chen Ting's studio began to settle accounts after the fall, and reported several accounts to the Internet Administration Bureau, and soon those accounts were blocked.

The well-known website that played the video at the beginning also received a letter from the studio's lawyer.

However, since they did not name the names when they uploaded the video, the final result was that the website issued an apology and took down the video.

And Julie, who posted the scarf at the beginning, couldn't deal with it, because the content she posted was actually not wrong.

Liu Ruizong did drink An Mo, and An Mo was taken away, but that person was Zhang Ru, not Liu Ruizong.

Xue Yao squinted her eyes, and immediately reposted the previous matter about Julie with her trumpet.

Spray if you don't like it: [The content we post will not intentionally lead people astray. (Forward the story of Julie hooking up with Mr. Lin.)]

[The little spray is awesome. ]
[I'm still thinking about why that Julie suddenly fell in love with An Mo. It turned out that Xiang Zhuang danced the sword with the intention of Peigong. ]
[But what does Hei Anmo have to do with Zhang Ru? ]
[It's not my fan at first glance upstairs. ]
[Seek popular science. ]
[My Mo was learning ancient dance a few days ago, when she wore a scarf, she was learning from Zhang Ru.At first everyone thought it was a person with the same name, but unexpectedly it was really the same person. ]
[Julie doesn't want Zhang Ru to have a chance to stand up again, but wants to take this opportunity to step on Wo Mo, and then make Zhang Ru unable to turn over. ]
[What a terrible woman's heart. ]

Seeing that Zhang Ru became famous because of this incident, and her previous incident was fired again, Julie slapped herself angrily.

"Zhang Ru, An Mo, you wait!"

Seeing the public opinion on the Internet, Yu Yitong immediately called Brother Shui, wanting him to hype up the fact that An Mo was once Liu Ruizong's target.

It's just that no one answered the phone, and no one called back after an hour.

She frowned, noticing something unusual.

"Yu Wei, go and see what happened to Brother Shui."


Not long after, Yu Wei came back to report that the place where Brother Shui lived was sealed up by the police.

"Seizure? Do you know why?"

"I didn't find out, but I saw people from the Drug Enforcement Division."

Yu Yitong stood up nervously, "Didn't you say you can't touch those things? We are only responsible for money laundering. What's going on with them!"

Yu Wei didn't speak.

Yu Yitong immediately took out the card in the phone, "Throw this card away."

"Yes." Yu Wei took the card and left.

Yu Yitong was glad that in order to avoid accidents, he used an anonymous card to contact them.

Even if the other party may guess who she is, as long as she strongly denies it, it will be fine.

She was a little relieved.

Police station.

Jian Letai just complied with the request of the Network Administration Bureau and took Wang Jun to interrogate the gang of sailors.

Unexpectedly, this made his case a major breakthrough.

People from the police evidence department were looking at the computers that had been taken back with a headache.

Seeing Wang Jun is like seeing a savior.

"Ah Jun, come quickly. These computers have installed protection programs, and the gang of sailors are unwilling to reveal their passwords. Can you do me a favor?"

Wang Jun confirmed with Jian Letai, and he said, "Go, come back to me after you're done."

"it is good."

Wang Jun turned on one of the computers, checked it briefly, took out his laptop from his bag, and connected the two computers with a data cable.

It took three to ten minutes before he unlocked the software on the first computer.

He wrote down a series of passwords in his notebook, "Use this to get in."

"Okay, thank you."

"you are welcome."

Wang Jun hurriedly put away his things and ran to the interrogation room.

Jian Letai was interrogating that brother Shui, where did the bag of happy angels come from, but brother Shui didn't say anything, just looked at the table expressionlessly.

After more than half an hour of stalemate, Brother Shui was still unmoved, like a well-trained spy.

Normal interrogation is useless against such people.

Since he couldn't get any information from him, Jian Letai ended the conversation and asked the police to take him down and call someone else over instead.

While waiting, the policeman who had just asked Wang Jun for help ran over in a hurry with a laptop in his arms.

A Jun, the white-faced man who was brought here, turned even paler when he saw the laptop.

Jian Letai noticed this scene, he took the laptop from the police officer and brought it into the interrogation room.

Putting the laptop on the table, he pointed to the evidence on the table and asked, "Is this bag of happy angels yours?"

The white-faced man didn't even look at it, he just kept shaking and shook his head desperately.

However, his gaze was involuntarily cast on the laptop.

Jane Letai tapped the laptop.

"The laptop is yours?"

"not mine."

Then, as if thinking of something, he immediately lowered his head.

"Whose is that?"

The white-faced man didn't continue talking.

Jian Letai smiled and said: "It's okay, we have a computer expert here, and he can unlock this computer protection software in less than 30 minutes, and then your chance will be gone."

After speaking, he let Wang Jun in, and let Wang Jun start decoding in front of the white-faced man.

Jane Letai weighed the bag of happy angels.

"You may not know that the criminal law has been revised recently, and the trafficking of more than 15 grams of happy angels is punishable by more than [-] years in prison or the death penalty."

"There are probably [-] grams in this bag. After inspection, none of you are smoking."

"If it's not for your own use, then it's for sale. It is estimated that you will be sentenced to the maximum penalty of death."

(End of this chapter)

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