Gold Assistant

Chapter 329

Chapter 329

After hearing Jian Letai's words, A Jun, the white-faced man, was stunned.

He is just a sailor, taking orders to speak online, with a rhythm.

How could it have anything to do with the death penalty?!

Jian Letai stopped talking, just looked at him coldly, and the surroundings instantly became very quiet.

The sound of Wang Jun typing on the keyboard in the interrogation room hit the white-faced man's heart repeatedly.He began to tremble again, and a cold sweat broke out all over his body.

He glanced at Wang Jun quietly.

Seeing the relaxed expression on Wang Jun's face, just like what Jane Letai said, it was very easy for him to unlock the password of that laptop.

Gradually, the psychological defense line of the white-faced man began to collapse and disintegrate.

He doesn't want to die yet.

And what happened to the happy angel was basically done by Brother Shui without telling them, so why let them be buried with him.

"I said, I said."

Jian Letai raised her eyebrows, raised her hand to signal him to continue, and began to take notes.

It turned out that the notebook and the happy angel were given to Brother Shui by a stranger a few days ago.

He always avoids everyone to use it in the corner. Instead of using the network in the dormitory, he bought a wireless WIFI by himself.

I also ran out from time to time, sometimes in the middle of the night.

"Can you describe what that stranger looked like?"

The white-faced man shook his head.

This made Jane Letai a little disappointed.

"When did he appear? What clothes did he wear?" Wang Jun suddenly asked.

Both Jian Letai and the white-faced man looked at him.

"That person was wearing sunglasses, so he couldn't see clearly. He was wearing a gray suit." The white-faced man began to recall.

Jian Letai wrote down the information and waited to check it later.

Wang Jun did as Jane Letai said, he decoded the laptop within 10 minutes.

After entering the computer, but found nothing.

This made Wang Jun dumbfounded.

So I started fiddling non-stop.

Jian Letai had someone take the white-faced man down, and turned to look at Wang Jun.

"Well, did you find anything?"

Wang Jun looked at the computer with a sad face, "This computer is a bit weird, and there is nothing in it."

"Nothing? Then why is he so scared?"

"It should be hidden by some technology. Can I take out the computer and ask a friend for help?"

Jian Letai was a little embarrassed, "This is evidence. If you leave the police station before you figure it out, you won't be able to testify. Why don't you ask that friend and let him teach you, how can you say that you are also a genius."

"Let me try."

After Wang Jun asked Chen Ting, he was told to find a blind spot for monitoring.

Jian Letai left together as the supervisor.

Not long after, Wang Jun stared at the screen dumbfounded, and even forgot to hang up the phone.

The mouse in the laptop started to move by itself.

After a while, a series of commands began to be entered in the command bar.

Soon the desktop of the laptop changed, and then many folders appeared.

It's just that after opening it, there are all garbled characters inside.

I saw the mouse click here and there, and the garbled characters were rearranged and turned into a transaction record.

A childish voice came from the other end of the phone, and said excitedly: "I finished it in 30 minutes, can I go to my sister?"

Another voice seemed a little depressed and said: "Okay."

Because Wang Jun didn't use the hands-free, his voice was a little low.

Jian Letai felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was for a while.

When Wang Jun heard the voice, he was so shocked that he felt bad all over.

Wouldn't it be what he thought?
If this is the case, he... feels so ashamed.

He quickly picked up the phone and asked, "Is this all right?"

"All right."

Then there was a beep on the phone.

After reading the form, Jian Letai showed a surprised expression.

"Ah Jun, you have done a great job in finding this group of sailors."

"Ah? But there's nothing about Tian Mimi here, and what are they trading? One by one, the trading volume is so low?"

"Liu is a generic name, it may be 10 grams, 50 grams, but looking at the bag of happy angels, it is likely to refer to 100 grams."

Jian Letai returned to the interrogation room with his laptop, and called the team members to come over.

On the other hand, the person who reviewed Liu Ruizong's case also got some information from him and immediately notified the Drug Enforcement Division.

A few days later, the police held a press conference to report the progress of the case.

The Network Management Bureau also put the ins and outs on the Internet to popularize science for everyone.

After Xue Yao saw these contents, she was very surprised.

Really pulled out a bunch of ah.

Because Duan Zhenyong, a bulk cargo man, was arrested, the anti-narcotics department got the list of drugs, and began to investigate following the clues.It's just that what I found was the smokers, and there was no information about the traffickers.

Jian Letai once asked Xue Yao for help and got the Zhenhua Pill.But that group of people was very cunning, they had a one-way connection, and Duan Zhenyong didn't know much about it.

The thread is broken.

Then Starlight President Huang Yongrui's transaction list confirmed the purchase records of those people.

And because Huang Yongrui was arrested suddenly, the transaction item was transferred to that brother Shui.

Based on these materials and clues, the Anti-Narcotics Division finally found the right way, arrested a group of people involved in the case, and destroyed a drug production site.

It's a pity that there is still no channel for the materials to flow into City B.

After those drug dealers lost Longteng's channels, they will definitely find new ways, but Jian Letai has been watching the Qin family for a long time, and only caught some smugglers without any material information.

This incident made the Internet, which had been quiet for a few days, start to churn again.

Xue Yao also became a melon eater, constantly flipping through the pages, waiting for the latest news.

She used these news to compare the original plot in the book, and discovered many things that she hadn't noticed before.

However, with the release of the news, Huang Yongrui was arrested, causing no one to suppress the internal struggle of Starlight.The Qin family saw the opportunity and spent a lot of money to buy other people's shares, planning to break into the entertainment industry.

It's just that after this incident, Starlight's status in the circle plummeted, and it gradually went from glory to decline.

Artists under the banner left one after another.

In the end, Xingguang could only shoot a few, which could be done in one room at a small cost, lingering on.

It's just that the time keeps changing and the crowds are constantly flowing. Maybe everyone is used to seeing the ups and downs in the circle. Except for certain circles, Starlight is gradually forgotten by people.

The Qin family's investment in the entertainment industry can be said to be nothing.

So I put all my thoughts on joy.

Huanxin's new product made with the incomplete formula of the ancient rhyme, after entering the low-priced market, although there were some twists and turns at the beginning because it was too overbearing, it still occupied a certain market share at a cheap price.

After all, there is no need to pay for research, which saves a lot of money.

Huading has returned to the position of the Big Three in the entertainment industry.

This made Walt's investor and Zhang Dahu laugh happily from ear to ear.

 Thank you for your rewards and votes~ Meme~
(End of this chapter)

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