Gold Assistant

Chapter 334

Chapter 334

Zhang Dongdong blushed and murmured in a low voice, "I went to a small amusement park, but it's also very fun, and it's in the East District."

Xue Yao smiled and rubbed his hair.

No matter how mature and smart he usually behaves, he is still a child.

"You should be tired of that place, let's go and see other places. Ah Si, do you have anything to introduce?"

Without even thinking about it, Ah Si said directly, "I heard that there is a new theme park in the North District."

"It is an amusement park that combines imagination, creativity and entertainment."

"Most of the motorized amusement facilities inside are newly designed and can be played for several days."

"Both adults and children can find something they like and have a lot of fun."


The more he spoke, the more excited he became.

One had to suspect that he had already done his homework and wanted to go to this family.

Seeing his appearance, Xue Yao felt that even if they proposed to go to another place just now, Ah Si would lobby them to change the land.

Ah Si looked at Xue Yao expectantly, and asked, "Do you want to go to this place in the North District?"

Xiaobai and Zhang Dongdong's eyes sparkled after hearing his words.

The two raised their small faces together and looked at Xue Yao expectantly.

"Okay, let's go to this one, but let me explain first that you can't play too dangerous mobile games, otherwise I won't take you to play next time."


Ah Si and the two children responded excitedly and loudly.

Xue Yao looked at Ah Si who was more excited than the two children with black lines all over her face.

It seems that the person who wants to go the most is him...

When the four of them set off for the amusement park, Chen Ting also set off for Yves Saint Laurent.

It's just that I didn't expect to meet Chang Yuande in Saint Laurent's building.

He frowned and sat in the hall.

Chen Ting greeted him politely.

"Uncle Chang."

Ah Yi and Ah Er also shouted: "Mr. Chang."

Chang Yuande loosened his brows and looked at Chen Ting with concern, "Ah Ting is here to check."


Chen Ting said very little, but it could be seen that he respected Chang Yuande very much.

Chang Yuande was also used to Chen Ting's way of speaking.

As if thinking of something, he raised his eyes to look at Ah Er, and then said with a smile: "I have something to ask Ah Er, after you finish the inspection, let's talk about it?"

"it is good."

Before Chen Ting went for the examination, he asked Ah Yi to find out what Uncle Chang did in the hospital.

Saint Laurent's efficiency was very high. After a while, the doctor got Chen Ting's examination report.

The doctor looked at the above data, nodded with satisfaction, and said happily: "You have recovered very well, and you can start moderate full-body rehabilitation training tomorrow. I will send you the plan."

Then the doctor took the opportunity of taking the planner, pulled Ah Er aside and said, "You have to supervise well, you can start slowly, rehabilitation training is long-term and boring, and patients are prone to negative emotions.

It is best to set some rewards, or let people encourage him. "

rewards and encouragement?Ah Er immediately had a clue.

He nodded and said, "Understood."

When they left the hospital, Chang Yuande drove back to the apartment with them, saying that what he asked needed to be kept secret, and that he could stop by to see the team members who lived in 603.

In the car, Ah told the news he heard.

It turned out that Chang Yuande was notified by the dean to go to Saint Laurent to check on Wang Jin's situation.

No wonder he talked to Ah Er.

After reaching the 6th floor, Chang Yuande glanced at 601.

Chen Ting remembered that when Xiaoyao chatted with him on WeChat last night, she said that Aunt Chang ran away from home.

It's just that she also said that Aunt Chang doesn't look like someone who has quarreled.

"Aunt Chang and An Mo went to the shooting site."

"Haha, I know, she sent me a message just now."

Sure enough, Uncle Chang's sad face just now was not because of a quarrel with his wife.

"So it's a lie that Aunt Chang said she quarreled with you and ran away from home?"

"Oh, Yinglan is using this excuse, so should I cooperate and do something?"


It seems that the couple have reverted to their old ways after finding their daughter back.

There is an old saying that 'three years old is 80 years old', An Mo lived with them before the age of four, so that's why he developed such a mischievous character.

Xue Yao and his party came to the amusement park in the North District.

After coming out of the parking lot, I heard adults and children screaming excitedly from a distance.

Ah Si excitedly ran to the ticket office and bought four sets of tickets.

"Ah Si, this is too much, I can't finish it today, and some Xiaobai can't play it."

Xue Yao found out that all the mobile games can be played with the whole game package.

Ah Si shook the package and said: "This package is very cost-effective. As long as there are remaining items on the ticket within a year, you can enter for free. Xiaobai can't play, we can play twice."

"Won't they lose money like this?" It sounds like a good deal, Xue Yao didn't say anything when she saw Xiaobai and Dongdong eager to try.

"Of course not. There are no free items in it. If you want to play, you need to buy tickets, so admission tickets are nothing."

Xue Yao nodded. Since the environmental bag was held by Ah Si, she took Xiao Bai with her right hand and Zhang Dongdong with her left hand and went straight in.

"By the way, Xiaobai, Dongdong, this place is too big, so you can't run around later, you must follow me and Brother Ah Si carefully."

The two children were staring at the rides and nodding constantly, but they didn't know if they were listening.

Xue Yao smiled helplessly, it seemed that she and Ah Si were the only ones to watch closely.

She wanted to talk to Ah Si, but she didn't expect him to stare at those mobile games like the two children.

Alas, this is equivalent to bringing three children to play.

Xue Yao sighed, took out the tracking symbols from the small space, and stuck them on the three of them, hoping that nothing would happen.

Ah Si squatted down, looked at the package ticket in his hand, and discussed with the two children.

"If not, let's go and see in the order on the package ticket.

"If you see a lot of people in line, give up."

"Let's play with fewer people."

The two children nodded immediately, "Yes, yes."

Since she was out to play with two children, Xue Yao didn't wear glasses for convenience, but just put on a baseball cap to cover most of her face.

But also because of this, the lower half of her pretty face is even more noticeable.

Some passers-by also took the opportunity to take pictures of her and put them on their scarves, saying that they found a beauty without makeup, which caused a bit of a stir.

The first ride they come to is the Water Pirate Ship.

Fortunately, there were only a few dozen people in line ahead.

So Ah Si quickly ran over with them.

It's just that the group of people in front have just started playing, and they have to wait for the next boat.

"Sister, what is this?" Xiaobai pointed to the water gun outside the queue.

Ah Si immediately replied: "This one is used to attack people on the pirate ship."

"That's it, point the water gun at them, and then press the switch, and water will be sprayed on them."

"It was fun."

(End of this chapter)

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