Gold Assistant

Chapter 335

Chapter 335
"Why attack? Are they bad guys? Are they the same as those star robbers in Interstellar?" Xiao Bai asked a little confused.

"No, no, it's just a way of playing with pirate ships."

"This is to let everyone experience the little fun of fighting at sea."


Star thief?

After Xue Yao heard this word, some familiar scenes flashed in her head, but they disappeared quickly.

Always feeling that those are very important things, Xue Yao froze there, trying hard to think back.

After listening to Ah Si's words, Xiao Bai dragged Zhang Dongdong to the front of the water gun.

He pointed the water gun at the pirate ship and pressed the switch to attack.

It's just that he didn't have a good head, and all the water hit the pirate's hull, but no one was hit.

The people on the pirate ship noticed this and laughed and laughed.

Seeing Xiaobai being ridiculed, Dongdong also raised a water gun to hit them.

Ah Si watched and encouraged the two children the whole time.

However, like Xiaobai, Dongdong only hit the hull.

At this time, the people on the pirate ship laughed even harder.

Xue Yao was awakened by those voices, only to find out what the two children were doing.

Fortunately, everyone on the boat wore waterproof clothing.

Xue Yao covered her face, thinking again that she brought three children to play.

The people who were queuing in front found it to be quite fun, and also picked up water guns and shot at the pirate ship.

Some of those people were masters, and they quickly beat up the people on the pirate ship, yelling for revenge later.

Xue Yao could imagine the miserable situation when they boarded the boat to play later.

At this time, she saw the tourist notice hanging outside the pirate ship.

One of them says that the equipment does not have children's play seats, so children under 1.2 meters cannot play.

"Xiaobai, Dongdong is back."

Although Xiaobai and Dongdong had a good time, they obediently put down their water guns and ran back.

"Sister (Sister Yao)."

Ah Si also ran back.

Xue Yao tapped on the notice for tourists, "Look."

Xiaobai pouted immediately, and went to measure the height on the sign.

He gestured and said, "Sister, look, I'm tall enough."


Xue Yao stared at his high feet, with black lines all over her face.

She typed another note, "Look at this."

One of them states that people with heart disease cannot play.

Zhang Dongdong lowered his head and said in a muffled voice, "I can wait outside."

But Xiaobai resolutely gave up after seeing this note. He pulled Zhang Dongdong and said, "This pirate ship doesn't look very fun, let's go play something else."

"En." Zhang Dongdong nodded happily.

At this moment, the group of people on the pirate ship in front came down.

It's just that those people didn't leave. One by one, they rolled up their sleeves and eagerly picked up the water guns.

Hearing the screams of those people on the pirate ship, the four left with a sneer.

After playing several motor sports, it was noon in a blink of an eye.

Xue Yao took the recycle bag, took out several boxes of exquisite sandwiches, and asked Ah Si to take the two children to wash their hands.

Then the phone rang.

"Hey, Lili."

An Mo on the other end of the phone shouted, "Lili is on speakerphone."

Liu Li smiled and turned on the speakerphone, and asked, "Sister, are you going to the newly opened game park in the North District today?"

"Yeah, how do you know?" Xue Yao was a little puzzled.

An Mo immediately responded with a smile, "Because we saw your photos on the scarf."


"Yeah, someone recognized Xiaobai as the person who made the MV for "Little"."

"Then I'll go take a look."

Xue Yao anxiously hung up the phone.

Xiaobai didn't wear makeup, and those people's eyes were too sharp.

An Mo pouted and said, "I haven't told Elder Sister Yao about the goddess without makeup yet."

"Hee hee, my sister can see it too if she goes to flip through her scarf."


After Xue Yao opened the scarf, she realized that Xiaobai's scarf was only a small part, but her scarf accounted for more than half.

Most people forwarded a scarf called Cai Ji Fei Fa.

Caiji Fengfei V: [Wow, wow, I found a goddess without makeup, let's take a look without further ado. (photo)】

In the photo, Xue Yao took off her hat and was sitting on the side waiting for the three children.

At that time they went to experience the space capsule.

It's just that after Xue Yao saw the space capsule, she felt an unknown fear, so she waited for them outside.

When she followed the interstellar queen before, she already had this problem.

Therefore, every time she travels on a spaceship, she first enters a comatose state and is sent to the spaceship.

She suddenly remembered the last time she and Liu Li flew by plane.

She was also very scared at that time.

It's just that she can't figure it out, there is no problem flying with a sword in the world of Xianxia.

Should not be afraid of heights.

She compared the difference between Yujian flying and taking an airplane or a spaceship.

That is, one is standing on the metal, and the other is inside the metal.

Could it be that she is afraid of flying in a confined space?
However, how did this problem come about, was it caused during the first mission?

Alas, she felt more and more that the memory of the first mission was very important, and she would ask the male god when she went back at night to see if he knew how to restore the memory.

Ah Si came back with the two children, and they began to eat.

But every now and then someone takes a photo with their phone.

Xue Yao glanced at the scarf, and searched for the keyword Suyan Goddess, and sure enough, someone posted the photo soon.

Fanfudu V: [I also took pictures of the goddess without makeup, her skin is really good, is the man next to her her boyfriend? (photo)】

[Cai and Feng Fei: Cai Fei thinks not, Cai Fei has observed that the man respects the goddess very much.The goddess may be his boss or elders, bringing them to play. ]
[Gongsun Shuzhu: I agree with the statement above. ]
[Fan Budu: Hee hee, I decided to go back and listen to what they said, and I will tell you later. ]
[Caiji Feifei: Master be careful, don't be discovered. ]
[Gongsun Shuzhu: I wish the boss a smooth operation!come on! ]
[Chang'an: Hey~Come on! ]

Xue Yao smiled helplessly as she looked at the cute girl who was looking for cover and walking towards this side in a roundabout way.

Xiaobai looked in the direction she was staring at, and also found the person walking around, so he said: "Sister, eat quickly, we will play with that coffee cup later, I will help you look at that person .”

"Okay." Xue Yao smiled and began to enjoy the delicious sandwiches.

Fanfudu V: [The latest discovery, the latest discovery, the voice of the Suyan goddess is so nice!And the little boy called her sister, could she be some female star? 】

[Caiji Feifei: Huh?When the boss said this, Cai Fei felt that she looked familiar. ]
[Gongsun Shuzhu: Indeed, the name is on my lips, but I just can’t say it. ]
[Chang'an: My glass? ]
[Jindan Shaobing: It looks like it! ]
[Gongsun Shuzhu: But I should still be making movies, I just watched the selfie she and Momo posted, saying they were eating in the crew. ]
[Fan Budu: They look alike, they can't be sisters, hahaha. ]
[Caiji Fengfei: Maybe this is the face of the legendary star. ]

Seeing that sister's comment, Xue Yao's scalp tingled, she couldn't underestimate the sixth sense of netizens.

For some unknown reason, after she lost weight, Xue Yao looked more and more like Liu Li.

(End of this chapter)

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