Gold Assistant

Chapter 340 Follow Your Heart

Chapter 340 Follow Your Heart
The audience watching the movie smiled knowingly.

It's nice to have someone who can help you eat something you don't like.

On the big screen, the two returned to the office, and a girl with a good figure walked forward with a smile on her face.

An Mo appeared.

Her charming and beautiful appearance is unforgettable at first sight.

"Hello, I'm Cheng Qian, who came for the interview today."

Chu Hang smiled and said, "Hi, I'm Chu Hang."

When she saw Cheng Qian, Mei Xue's heart skipped a beat.

She said hastily, "I'm sorry, although you were notified to come for an interview today, we have no invites."

Cheng Qian looked at Chu Hang with a face full of disappointment, "Did you already invite someone?"

"No, no, Mei Xue, everyone has already come, so let's have an interview."

"Come on, I'll take you to the office. She hasn't had enough sleep recently, so she's a little confused."

After speaking, he happily took Cheng Qian to his office.

After seeing this scene, Mei Xue's heart ached.

Immediately, two villains were arguing in my mind.

A white-clothed Meixue said, "Everyone else is here, so he's just doing an interview according to the rules."

Another black-clothed Meixue said: "Tch, it has long been said that men are not good. Didn't Xia Di in the dream just meet someone who loves another, and this Chu Hang is the same. It's all like this, are you still dreaming?! "

Then Chu Hang came to tell Mei Xue, "Axue, Cheng Qian can also cook, and her cooking skills are not bad. These are her biscuits. Try it."

Mei Xue took the biscuit blankly and asked, "You have decided to invite her, right?"

"Hey, you can't let such a good person go, and she graduated from B University like you, so she has good working ability. With her here, you can relax a little bit."

In this way, Cheng Qian became Chu Hang's life assistant.

Cheng Qian arranged everything from dressing and matching, to eating and resting, just like Concubine Cheng in her dream.

Cheng Qian also intervenes in the company's operations from time to time.

Once, Mei Xue failed to complete a job handover in time because of her physical discomfort.It caused the other company to come to complain, and Cheng Qian finally resolved it.

For this reason, everyone in the company looked at this charming assistant with admiration.

Chuhang also gradually put away his playful temper and took charge of managing the company.

Mei Xue saw him flirting with Cheng Qian in the office more than once.

Her heart gradually became cold.

After thinking at home for a long time, she called Chuhang and wanted to talk to him.

It's just that the person who answered the phone on the other end was Cheng Qian.

"Hey, who are you looking for?"

The moment Mei Xue heard Cheng Qian's voice, she was stunned.Thinking that she had made a wrong call, she deliberately turned the phone around to look at it.

But Chuhang's name displayed on the phone deeply hurt her heart.

On the other side of the phone, Cheng Qian asked again: "Excuse me, who are you?"

Then she said to herself: "Why is there no name in this phone?"

Mei Xue frowned immediately, Chu Hang's phone didn't save her name?This is so abnormal.

At this time, Chu Hang's voice came.

"Yesterday, you threw your phone into the water. This is a new one. There are no contacts saved yet. Who made the call?"

"I don't know, I stopped talking after calling."

"Let me see... I don't have any impression of this number. It may be a harassing call. Hang up."

"Hey, how bad are you, your hands are so cold."

This was the last voice Mei Xue heard.

She slowly put down her phone, returned to her desk, and typed out a letter of resignation.

The next day, when it was almost noon, Chu Hang hurriedly appeared in Mei Xue's office.

"Axue, why did you resign?"

"You can already be on your own, and I also have my own dreams, not to mention that now the company has Cheng Qian to help you, there is nothing I can do."


Mei Xue didn't give him a chance to continue talking, "From today on, let Cheng Qian follow me, and I will hand over work with her and Secretary Zhang."

A month later, Mei Xue left Chuhang's company without looking back.

She dragged her suitcase and went on a trip.

This year, Chuhang paid her a very generous salary, which allowed her to live a worry-free life and also saved some money.

So she set out to realize her childhood dream.

Only three months later, she learned that Chuhang's company had been robbed of new product information.

Now the company's operations have fallen into a trough.

The directors sold off their stocks one after another, making the company even worse.

However, the president Chu Hang lived a decadent life because of the blow.

When Mei Xue found him, he was lying on the living room floor reeking of alcohol.

"You wake me up."

Mei Xue took a basin of water from the bathroom and poured it directly on Chu Hang's body.

After a while, he woke up and cried like a child when he saw Mei Xue.

Through his crying, Mei Xue knew that he and Cheng Qian had a big fight a month ago, and then she left and never appeared again.

Then with the help of Mei Xue, the company started operating again, but the situation was not as good as before.

At this time, Cheng Qian, who had disappeared, suddenly appeared.

Under her guidance, a breakthrough was found, and at the press conference of the hostile company, it was revealed that the other party had stolen the information.

When the matter came to an end, Chu Hang took the two girls to the parking lot and drove them home.

But he hesitated on who to send home first.

Seeing this situation, Mei Xue looked a little sad, and she said decisively: "My house is relatively close, so send me off first."


Mei Xue stood downstairs in the apartment building, watched the vehicle leave, and said to herself again: "If you pass, you can't come back."

The camera turned to the car, and Cheng Qian confessed to Chu Hang that she was actually hired by a hostile company to steal information.

But after he secretly helped pay his brother's medical expenses, Cheng Qian stopped.

But she didn't expect the other party to invite someone else.

"oh, I see."

After hearing these words, Chu Hang just looked ahead silently without any special expression.

Cheng Qian knew he was thinking of Mei Xue.

"Put me down ahead."

After Chu Hang stopped the car, he looked around and realized, "Isn't it still here?"

"Go back to Mei Xue and follow your own heart." After Cheng Qian finished speaking, she opened the door and got out of the car, stepping on her high heels and leaving.

Her face was covered with tears. In fact, when she said those words, she hoped that Chu Hang would stay with him, but he didn't say anything.

After thinking for a long time, Chu Hang drove the car downstairs to Mei Xue's, but was told by the security that Mei Xue had gone on a trip again and would not be back in a short time.

A month later, Cheng Qian walked out of the airport dragging her suitcase, and saw a familiar figure at the waiting place.

"Mei Xue?"

"Cheng Qian?"

When the two saw each other, they were very surprised, and asked at the same time: "Are you here to play with Chu Hang?"

"You are not together?"

It was another question at the same time, and both of them laughed at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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