Gold Assistant

Chapter 341 The premiere is over

Chapter 341 The premiere is over
After Mei Xue and Cheng Qian looked at each other and smiled, they left the airport arm in arm.

Later, clips of the two traveling together were played in the movie, and they also published a book.

At this time, the camera turned to Chu Hang again, and the company was back on track, and he bought back the shares that had been sold before.

When he was working, he would always look out of the office in a daze.

It's just that no one knows what he's thinking.

At night, he was living his sensual life as before.

When the subtitles and the ending song sung by Zhang Ling began to play on the big screen, the audience woke up.

They always feel that they still have something to say and don't want to leave.

Liu Li and An Mo, who had already watched the samples on the computer, did not expect that they would be so dazzling on the big screen.

Many of the scenes they filmed were retained, but Wu Hao's scenes were cut a lot.

Probably because he was afraid that his character design would be too scumbag, which would affect the title of the new best actor.

At the beginning, Wu Hao laughed and yelled that he felt that he was not the male lead at all, but a third party between Liu Li and An Mo, a supporting male.

When all the subtitles were played, some funny clips from the shooting appeared on the big screen.

Among them was the scene of Xue Yao running after Liu Li and An Mo, but Xue Yao's figure never appeared, only the voice could be heard.

"It is said that everyone can only eat one portion, how can you eat other people's?"

"Brother Yun (Sister Ru) gave it to me."

The audience immediately burst into laughter.

These two foodies!
Zhan Minghui led the lead actor and staff, stood up and bowed to everyone.

At this time, the media reporters and film critics looked at Liu Li differently.

An Mo's acting skills were consistently good, but Liu Li, a newcomer, impressed them all.

Although this movie is just a love movie, they believe that the box office will not be bad.

After all, everyone watches movies to relax and have fun. "True Love and Falsehood" not only has actors with good looks and high acting skills, but also the plot is not out of the ordinary. I believe everyone will have a good reputation.

An Mo and Liu Li can gain a firm foothold in the film industry with this film.

The roles of both of them are very brilliant, and their distinctive personalities will not lose to the new actor Wu Hao.

Especially when two people appeared at the same time, the actor's sense of presence became smaller.

This year's Golden Statue Awards are over, but there is still time for the Golden Hundred Flowers Awards. It seems that the competition for the Best Newcomer Award will be very fierce.

While everyone was watching the movie, the reporter who asked the question earlier ignored Huo Ling's reassurance and uploaded the pictures he had just taken on the Internet.

He also posted that An Mo and Liu Li were really temperamental, and they didn't even do interviews just for food.Thinking of the old seniors in the past, when they saw reporters coming to interview, they didn't even care about eating. Times have really changed.

The sour smell in the words can be seen through the screen.

It's just that he didn't expect that Liu Li and An Mo had already posted about eating mango snow tops and apologized to the reporters.

At the beginning, the people who eat melons also felt that it was too impolite for the two of them to leave the reporter behind just to eat.

It was only after seeing the scarf issued by this reporter that the situation began to reverse.

[Coke without ice: Hehe, my lord reporter, after seeing the video you posted, I know why Mo Li left suddenly and stopped accepting interviews. ]
[Little book boy shaking the fan: That's right, you asked like that because you want me to offend someone. ]
[Talking: My answer is not bad. ]
[Mengmeng stands up: This reporter's account looks familiar, where does he seem to have seen it? ]
[Renren Youze: No way, I have used the account for so long and only posted one article today? ]
[A little improvement: Needless to say, the previous ones were afraid of being known, so I deleted them. ]
[Coconut Grove: Tsk tsk tsk, I thought that An Mo and Liu Li were taking Joe, but now it seems that someone is deliberately digging a trap. ]

This reporter never thought that the content he posted not only failed to get everyone's approval, but also helped An Mo and Liu Li to be whitewashed.

After the premiere, film critics and media reporters who watched the movie gave it a high evaluation.

They posted their opinions about the movie on their blogs or on their bibs.

Among them, a big V with a scarf named "Unique Vision" also expressed his views.

[This film can be said to be a joint production of Chen Ting Studio and Huading Entertainment. In terms of actors, for the film's box office, director Zhan Minghui used the new actor Wu Hao, the daughter of the Republic of China An Mo, and the popular actor Liu Li.

Lin Xia was even invited.

Although she only played the role of the old president who appeared once, an old drama is an old drama, and the owner didn't know until the subtitles came out to see the actors.

It has to be mentioned that the makeup artist for this movie is really awesome.

Also, although this is just a love story, it makes people have to think deeply about the meaning of the story. I won’t spoil it here. For the specific situation, I suggest you go to the theater and watch it slowly. ]
Not long after, he seemed a little unsatisfied, and posted another article alone.

[There are many bright spots in this movie, the different Wu Hao, the changed An Mo, compared to them, the heroine Liu Li is like a newcomer.

But this newcomer is really eye-catching, his acting skills are very skilled, and he has already achieved a certain degree of success. It is really unexpected that he is a person who has only filmed supporting roles in TV.


I believe she will be a popular candidate for the Golden Hundred Flowers Award for Best Newcomer, and I look forward to her and An Mo's future film and television works. ]
These two bibs add up to more than a thousand words.

The leader of "unique vision", just like his screen name, has his own views on movies, and his comments are very fair and in place, so his popularity on the Internet is very high.

Many people who don't like watching romance movies originally want to go to the cinema to watch "True Love and Falsehood".

After the movie ended, Liu Li and An Mo had a make-up interview with the previous reporters.

Because they had already seen the movie, the content of their interviews changed accordingly.

No more questions about the relationship between Wu Hao and them.

After all, the content of the movie is very interesting, and there is no need to rely on gossip to attract attention.

This made both of them breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, Wu Hao already has a family, so you can't gossip with him.

Otherwise, if he announces his marriage in the future, he will be settled by Qiu Hou.

"May I ask why Chu Hang didn't get together with Mei Xue or Cheng Qian at the end of this movie?"

An Mo handed the microphone to Liu Li because Huo Ling forbade her to talk nonsense.

Liu Li smiled gracefully at everyone.

"In fact, this is quite normal. Most women in today's society have independent thoughts, and they no longer need to be attached to men like before in order to live better.

Both Mei Xue and Cheng Qian are capable people. Chu Hang looks good on the surface, but he has a fatal flaw. He can be a good friend, but he is not suitable to be a lifelong partner. "

The reporters suddenly realized, "It turns out to be like this."

Then they asked again: "The Secret Biography of the Concubine is about to be released. Your movie also has the story of Concubine Mei and Concubine Cheng. Are you afraid of being compared?"

(End of this chapter)

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