Gold Assistant

Chapter 354 Tracking Vehicles

Chapter 354 Tracking Vehicles
The two quickly craned their necks to look over.

I saw Yu Yitong sitting on the ground with his hands pressed to his heart, while Jia Ling looked frightened and stood aside in a daze, doing nothing.

The reporters kept taking pictures.

"Huh? What happened to her?"

Many people gathered around the premiere platform, and the two of them didn't see clearly.

So Shi Xiaonan dragged Zhang Xiaojiao into the crowd.

They asked the melon eaters on the side, "Miss, do you know what happened?"

The aunt who was called "Miss Sister" felt suspicious that the two were wearing masks, but the "Miss Sister" made her very happy, so she explained it carefully to them.

It turned out that after watching the scarf, the rest of the crew looked at Yu Yitong in astonishment.

The producer of the movie was found by her.

Box office and film scheduling are all the responsibility of the producer.

It's just that before doing such a thing, shouldn't I discuss it with everyone?

The same goes for all the previous propaganda, they only knew about it last.

This made everyone more dissatisfied.

Yu Yitong ignored everyone's stares, and directly said to the reporters: "Someone must deliberately blackmail us about this matter, presumably because they are afraid that "The Secret Biography of the Concubine" will affect their box office after it is released, so they used such despicable actions. "

"The Ticketing Network has already said it, and it has been reported to the Film Bureau and relevant departments for verification. I believe it will give an explanation to the public."

When she said these words, she looked calm and relaxed.

The reporters were stunned.

When they saw the article posted by, they all very much decided that it was "The Secret Biography of the Royal Concubine".

Although in that statement, the name of the movie was not directly mentioned.

But the accusations against the crew are revealed between the lines.

The crew of "The Secret Biography of the Imperial Concubine" also has the motivation to do this.

After all, after so many incidents, everyone's expectations for this movie are not high, and the film scheduling rate has also been affected.

It is also possible for the crew to use these means to recover the box office.

It's just that Yu Yitong's current appearance doesn't seem to be lying.

Did she really get hacked as she said?
The reporters were discussing in whispers there.

The director's expression was very bad when he heard the news, but what Yu Yitong said just now seemed to have some truth.

When he was about to ask Yu Yitong carefully, the manager of the hospital came over with a dark face.

"Miss Yu, director, the movie is about to be screened, are you going to enter?"

"it is good!"

When everyone lined up to enter the arena, they suddenly heard a hiss.

Yu Yitong's tube top dress fell off.

She quickly squatted down, covering her heart with her hands, with a grievance on her face.

In order to make the dress look better, she didn't wear any clothes underneath, but only put (breast) stickers on.

All of a sudden, Yu Yitong was stared at by everyone.

Xia Jianguo quickly took off his suit jacket and covered Yu Yitong.

"Stop shooting, stop shooting!!"

Yu Yitong's eyes were red, and his hands that were grasping the suit and dress turned white.

Under the escort of Xia Jianguo, Yu Yitong turned around and prepared to leave the scene.

She just took two steps, and there was another hiss.

Everyone looked closely at the place where the sound came from, and found that Jia Ling was stepping on Yu Yitong's skirt.

Thinking that the two of them spoke with stings just now, the media reporters once again showed a clear expression.

It was so!
Yu Yitong thought the same way, she looked at Jia Ling viciously.

As if to say: You wait for me!

Jia Ling didn't know why he just stood there in a daze.

The media excitedly took pictures of the whole process, and there have been headlines these days.

On the other side, Liu Li was attracted by the stories in the laptop.

She looked at Xue Yao, who was asleep next to her, feeling a little proud.

This story written by my sister is no worse than Xia Tian's novel.

Just a little more typos.

Maybe I typed too fast and didn't notice it.

She has seen Xia Tian's coding speed before, and her sister shouldn't be too slow.

My sister said before, the story of that life...

Could it be that Xiaoyao and Si Ting are the past lives of sister and brother Ting?

She actually believed in the fact that people have past lives.After all, she had seen such people when she was in Vienna.

Ask about this later.

The most important thing now is to find Momo.

Not long after, the plane arrived in City B.

Xue Yao also came to her senses. When she left through the special passage, she turned on her phone and saw a message from Uncle Chang saying that someone would come to pick them up.

But the information did not mention An Mo's situation.

They wanted to call Wang Jun to ask questions, but they were afraid of the consequences, so they suppressed their worries.

After the four of them came out, they saw several special agents who had been living in 603.

As soon as Liu Li saw them, she hurried forward and asked, "Any news about Momo?"

The Special Agents took their luggage with serious expressions on their faces.

"Get in the car and talk."

After everyone got in the car, the special operations team explained to them.

It turned out that after Wang Jun got the screenshot, he first checked the owner's information based on the license plate, but found that the three cars were all license plates.

In the end, I had to apply for the monitoring of the transportation department to compare all the way.

It didn't take long for them to find out where two of the cars had gone and get their final location.

After the other car entered an unmonitored place, it was never seen again.

So the police divided into three teams to investigate.

Wang Jun has been checking the vehicle that has no news, and there is a voice in his heart saying that Momo is in that vehicle.

But no matter how he mobilized the surveillance cameras at various intersections, he couldn't find the car that disappeared.

It seems that we can only go to the scene to check.

When he reached the place where the vehicle disappeared, he got out of the car and began to search on foot.

There were also several police officers accompanying him.

As he walked, he found that the environment in this area was somewhat familiar.

The phone rang at this moment.

The police officer on the other end of the phone told him that the results of the two vehicles being tracked had been resolved.

One of them was transporting smuggled goods, and customs has been contacted.

The trunk of the other car was indeed filled with people.

They were just two children, not An Mo and Huo Ling.

When the officers arrived, they saw the two children running away.When they rescued the two children, there was a firefight between the two sides.

Fortunately, the opponent didn't expect to be discovered by the police, so he rushed to fight. Only a few police officers were slightly injured.

After explaining the situation to everyone, Wang Jun reminded: "Be careful."

Police officers: "Yes."

Although Wang Jun is regarded as a clerk, his rank is higher than that of the police officers present, so everyone obeys his command.

A group of people searched for news about the last car on the road.

It was getting late, but no clues had been found yet.

At this moment, a man with gold-rimmed glasses on his face and a big man with tattoos all over his arms walked towards them.

Thinking of what they heard just now, the police officers became vigilant.

"Hello, we are residents of Huifeng Street. I saw a few police officers wandering here just now. Are you looking for something?

We are happy to help if needed. "

(End of this chapter)

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