Gold Assistant

Chapter 355 Discovery

Chapter 355 Discovery
Looking at the person in front of him, Wang Jun always felt familiar.

Suddenly he opened his eyes and looked around. It turned out that they had walked to Huifeng Street without knowing it.

Thinking of what happened at HJ Plaza last time, he knew who the person in front of him was.

"You are Zhang Dahu from Huifeng Street?!"

Zhang Dahu responded with a smile: "It's me."

When the other police officers heard his name, they became even more nervous.

Although Zhang Dahu didn't have a murder case or a criminal record, his name was on file in the bureau.

Wang Jun has heard Momo and Uncle Chang's evaluation of him, so he knows he can be trusted.

"We're looking for this car." After speaking, he handed over the information in his hand.

A policeman pulled Wang Jun and whispered in his ear: "That's Zhang Dahu, he has a name in the bureau."

"Don't worry, they have changed careers."

Zhang Dahu didn't mind the whispering between the police officer and Wang Jun.

In fact, the other party was already satisfied that they didn't raise their guns as soon as they saw him, which proved that their previous efforts were effective.

He handed the information to Ruan Zheng behind him, "Ah Zheng, go and ask everyone."

After Ah Zheng left, Zhang Dahu smiled and said to the police officers: "Officers, it's so late, I think you haven't eaten yet. Why don't you go to Ruan Ji to have something to eat. Recently Ah Zheng hired a new chef, who is very skilled. .”

Wang Jun was about to refuse, he couldn't eat anything now, he just wanted to find Momo quickly.

But there was an embarrassing cooing sound from behind.

"Come on, have something to eat, just in time to wait for Ah Zheng to come back."

Faced with such a situation, Wang Jun had no choice but to agree.

When I came to Ruanji Tea Restaurant, a group of big men stood outside the door, and they stared closely at the police officers in police uniforms.

The two sides became tense.

"Brother Hu, what are these police officers doing here? Do you want to help?"

Wang Jun turned around and took another document from the police officer, and said with a smile, "We are looking for news about this car. Have you seen it recently?"

The phrase "help" from the big men obviously asked Zhang Dahu, but unexpectedly the police officer thought they were asking him.

This man is interesting!
Everyone took the materials and began to circulate them.

Zhang Dahu asked: "Can you tell me why you are looking for this car?"

Time was getting tighter and tighter, and Wang Jun couldn't care less about keeping it secret.

Zhang Dahu and the others are well-informed, and there may be clues.

He looked at An Mo's photo on Ruan Ji's wall, and said with a choked voice, "Momo and Huo Ling are missing."

Seeing his expression, the big men sighed.

After a while, Ah Zheng came back.

"Brother Hu, I've already asked my friends on the street and at the end of the street. They all said that they haven't seen this car, so it shouldn't be on Huifeng Street."

Wang Jun frowned and said, "Actually, the place where the car disappeared is near here. We came here after walking for a while."

"Oh, where did it disappear?"

"It's at the intersection of Nanmu Street."

At this time a big man said loudly: "I remembered."

All eyes were on him.

The dark face of the big man turned red instantly.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm scared."

The person behind patted him on the shoulder vigorously, "Don't talk about these things, nothing, tell me what did you think of?"

"I saw this car on Nanmu Street."

The man behind him asked fiercely again: "Then why didn't you say that just now?!"

"But the license plate is wrong!"

"Learn about the set car."

"Excuse me, where is it?" Wang Jun stood up excitedly, and ran forward to grab the opponent's hand. "Please be sure to tell me."

"Uh, it's at Wu Kun's house."

"Can you lead the way?"

The big man immediately turned his head to look at Zhang Dahu, saw him nodding before saying, "Okay."

A group of people followed the big man to Nanmu Street.

On the other side, near the neighborhood where the fire broke out, a scruffy man was picking his teeth and walking.

"The food in this store is delicious, but it would be too unreasonable not to do takeaway."

"Let's eat next time."

"Oops, I forgot to take back the background program. Oh, I'm alone, and I have to do so many things, really." Thinking of this, he quickened his pace and walked towards the community.

It's just that when he returned to the community, he saw the police officers cordoned off the building.

He had a bad feeling in his heart.

Walking into the crowd, he poked the person next to him pretending to be curious.

"What happened?"

"I heard that the police found a group of human traffickers, so they sealed off the scene."

"Human traffickers?"

"Yeah, those traffickers are horrible, luckily the police found them in time.

It seems that there was a fire fight, and such a person lived in the community, it's really scary! "

At this time, a police officer and the management staff of the property came over.

"May I ask who you are?"

"I'm from the building next door, my surname is Wang."

The property manager also said: "This is Lao Wang who lives next door to my house. He is an old resident."

"Please take out your ID card and register."

"it is good."

After the policeman registered, he looked at the sloppy man again.

The other party quickly responded: "I live in Building B, my surname is Song."

Property managers also confirmed his words.

"There may be dangers around here, please go home quickly and don't stay here."

"Yes Yes Yes."

After the sloppy man got home, he hurriedly took out his mobile phone to make a call.

"Hey, Brother Xin, Zeng Gang and the others were arrested by the police."

"I'm not too sure. I just came back and saw a cordon downstairs."


After Su Zhengxin hung up the phone, he looked at An Mo and Huo Ling in the corner, thinking about how to take them away.

Wu Kun ran back in a panic.

"Brother Xin, it's not good."

"Calm down, what are you going to do in the future?"

Su Zhengxin glanced at Wu Kun.

"Brother Xin... downstairs, there are police officers downstairs."


That arrives so fast?

Su Zhengxin walked to the window and found several people in police uniforms downstairs.

Behind them was an acquaintance, Wang Weiyi's younger brother.

Why is he there?

Originally it was just a few police officers, and there was nothing wrong with it, but behind them was a man wearing gold-rimmed glasses.

He saw the man ordering people to guard various places in Nanmu Street.

Wu Kun walked up to him and said, "That fellow Zhang Dahu must have reported the case."

"Zhang Dahu? Your boss?"

"Hey, he's not my boss, he's just a bastard who wants to go ashore to clean up his crimes and leave his brothers behind."

Su Zhengxin glanced at him with a half-smile, and then said, "Arrange the transfer immediately."

"Brother Xin, just a few police officers can be dismissed in one go."

"Oh, how are you going to send them away, kill them all? Then escape under the blockade of the city's police officers?

Don't you see that every important place on the street is Zhang Dahu's people?How are you so stupid. "


(End of this chapter)

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