Gold Assistant

Chapter 356 Someone Escaped

Chapter 356 Someone Escaped
"Hurry up and prepare the car, prepare to evacuate, I'll find someone to help." Su Zhengxin patted Wu Kun on the shoulder.


After Wu Kun left, Su Zhengxin stared at An Mo and Huo Ling in the corner, wondering what he was thinking.

At this time, a woman came behind him, it turned out to be Xie Lin who had disappeared before.

"Chu Yu, pack your things first, we will leave first."


"It's a pity, I managed to get someone, but now I can't take them away."

The target of their operation this time was An Mo.

When eating supper in Yangcheng the day before yesterday, Xie Lin, who is now Chu Yu, was taken aback when he saw An Mo.

Su Zhengxin discovered her abnormality.

Chu Yu said that An Mo was the one who ran away with him.

As for why he didn't say it before, Chu Yu explained that Xie Lin didn't know.

Su Zhengxin immediately decided to catch An Mo.

In order to test whether An Mo is the person they are looking for, they specially sent someone to test it out during the publicity in G City.

At the same time, he did Yu Yitong a favor by destroying Liu Li.

It's just that he didn't expect that the test was successful, but Liu Li was fine, and two people were wasted.

Later, he found An Mo's itinerary and knew that she would only stay in G City for one day.

Someone had been arranged to kidnap her on the way to the airport, but what she didn't expect was that she changed the flight temporarily.

For this reason, they waited for her to arrive in city B before attacking.

But there were two batches to be handed over at the airport that day, so the manpower was not enough, which caused some confusion, so people had to clear the surveillance.

But they never thought that An Mo and Huo Ling had magical powers that could block their attacks.

I don't know if this magical power came from An Mo or Huo Ling.

So they tied them back together.

When the police officers downstairs saw Zhang Dahu, they and his subordinates admired Zhang Dahu's actions.

This big boss who is well-known in the bureau really shouldn't be underestimated, and he is impeccable in his work.

Zhang Dahu noticed their gazes, and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I used to collect debts because I was afraid that others would run away from them, so I used to block the escape route first."

Police officers: "..."

At this moment, one of Zhang Dahu's subordinates came back.

"Brother Hu, I have already inquired, and someone did enter this building with two suitcases today.

Also, they said that a strange man brought a woman over yesterday, which was drawn by Asuo yesterday. "

Zhang Dahu handed the portrait to Wang Jun, "Look, do you know someone?"

Wang Jun took a look and was stunned.

The policeman asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

Wang Jun first called Uncle Chang and asked for help.

He turned his head and said to Zhang Dahu: "We must ask the Special Task Force for help in this matter, otherwise there may be casualties.

Uncle Tiger, do you want to remove the person first? "

"What are the origins of these two people?"

Zhang Dahu didn't let his men evacuate immediately.He wanted to understand the situation before making a judgment.

"This person is Su Zhengxin." Wang Jun pointed to the portrait in his hand.

The people in the portrait are drawn so vividly, it is unexpected that this place is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

"Su Zhengxin?" Zhang Dahu tried his best to find relevant information in his mind.

A police officer exclaimed, "No.1 in that list?"

Zhang Dahu glanced at the police officer who spoke in surprise.


Wang Jun didn't explain carefully, just said: "He is a wanted criminal."

The ranking has only been updated recently, so the police officers are still very impressed.

"Then we can't withdraw. Wu Kun has connections with such a person. If we can't catch him this time, we will be in danger in the future."


"Don't worry, Xiaoyao and Xiaojiao are very good friends, she has helped us a lot."

"..." Hearing what Zhang Dahu said, Wang Jun immediately understood.

He turned to the police officers and said, "Don't act rashly until the special forces come."


Su Zhengxin took Xie Lin to escape from this building to another building with the help of tools, and then used the things prepared in advance to disguise and escape.

That's why he didn't take An Mo and Huo Ling along to escape.

After Wu Kun prepared the vehicle, he walked back, but he didn't see Su Zhengxin.

He grabbed the subordinate at the side and asked, "Where's Brother Xin?"

The subordinates smiled wretchedly, "He brought that girl into the room."

The people next to him also let out a hey hey laugh.

He didn't tell everyone that there were police officers downstairs just now because he was worried that his subordinates would panic if they knew about it.

Hearing what his subordinates said, he felt a bad premonition in his heart.

He rushed to Su Zhengxin's room and slammed on the door vigorously.

"Brother Xin, it's ready."

But no one in the room responded, and after a while, he kicked the door open vigorously.

There was no one in the room and the windows were wide open.

"¥...¥#...@" He couldn't help cursing a round of foul language.

"Brother Kun, what's the matter?"

Seeing the irritable Wu Kun, the subordinates also stretched their heads to look into the room, but there was no one there.

"Su Zhengxin that #¥@#%¥ ran away!! How can you be so guarded!"

Wu Kun roared at his subordinates.

The subordinates looked at each other, why did Su Zhengxin run away as a kidnapper?
"But An Mo and her manager are still there."

Speaking of this, Wu Kun walked into the living room, looking sullenly at An Mo and Huo Ling who were huddled in the corner.

They also heard what Wu Kun was cursing just now.

I'm also wondering why the person who took the lead ran away, and why is Xie Lin here?

At this time, his subordinates ran to Wu Kun's side in horror.

"Brother Kun, downstairs... a lot of armed people came downstairs."


Wu Kun quickly ran to the window to look.

The Special Task Force has arrived.

Chang Yuande walked up to Wang Junmian with a tired face.

"Ah Jun, what's the situation? Momo..."

"Uncle Chang, it's not sure yet." Wang Jun lowered his head.

He hated himself for not being as skilled as a special task force member, otherwise he would have rushed in to save people.

Jian Le'an came over, "Uncle Chang, I've already got to know them, and no one has left here for the time being."

Uncle Chang carefully looked at the building and found a climbing rope at a certain window.

"Someone has already escaped, I think it might be Su Zhengxin."

Zhang Dahu was a little surprised, Ah Zheng who was beside him immediately said: "But no brother came to report that someone left."

"He used that to escape from your encirclement." He pointed to the rope outside the window.

"I'll go! Escape in this way, who is he?"

"He's a mercenary who came back from abroad."


At this time, Wang Jun's cell phone rang suddenly, and Momo was displayed on the screen.

"Uncle Chang, Momo's phone number!"

This call came abnormally, so he hurriedly asked Chang Yuande.

"Turn on the speakerphone."

(End of this chapter)

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