Gold Assistant

Chapter 359 Awake

Chapter 359 Awake
An Mo saw many bright and cute little puppets slowly turning on the ceiling, and the rhythmic, light and agile music sounded in his ears.

Meanwhile, someone was talking.

A childish voice said eagerly: "Sister, I want to see my sister."

Another joking female voice said, "Junzai, An'an is so cute, but it's a pity that it belongs to Aunt Chang's house, so we can't take it home."

"An'an, mine, mine."

"Your? Hehe, I thought of a way. When you grow up and marry An An as your wife, she will become our family."

"daughter in law?"

Then a girl appeared beside the bed.

She bent down and picked up a cute little boy, leaning him against the rail of the crib.

The little boy immediately smiled when he saw the baby in the bed.


Xue Yao, who took the noodles in clear soup to look for Ah Si, saw Ah Si and Xiao Bai staring at the TV tightly.

A horse race is playing on the screen.

Ah, today is Wednesday, so I run the night horse.

But when did these two people become so interested in horse racing?

"Si, there are extra noodles in clear soup, do you want some?"

Ah Si kept staring at the screen, and waited until the game was over before responding, "Okay, thank you, Young Madam."

Xue Yao went back in a daze, and fried a new plate of noodles, which can be eaten after cooling down.

She brought fried noodles to An Mo's ward, intending for Wang Jun to eat it when he woke up.

In An Mo's dream, she smelled the aroma of fried noodles, and she felt even more hungry.

no!so hungry!

She kicked her feet hard, trying to wake herself up through this method.

After a while, she finally opened her eyes.

I saw Xue Yao in sight, walking towards the small kitchen with a plate of things.

"Sister Yao, is that soy sauce emperor fried noodles? It smells so good."

Aunt Chang and Xue Yao stared at her blankly, then smiled helplessly.

An Mo couldn't be woken up by the smell of food.

Only then did An Mo realize that there was someone else in the room, and his pretty face turned red.

But when she saw Aunt Chang, the tears in her eyes fell down involuntarily.

She pursed her lips, showing an aggrieved expression, and shouted excitedly: "Mom, I miss you."

When Aunt Chang heard the word "Mom", she was stunned.She covered her mouth with her hand in disbelief, tears streaming down her face, stood up tremblingly and hugged An Mo tightly.

"An'an, do you think of your mother?"

An Mo nodded vigorously, choked with sobs: "I remembered, I remembered everything, woo woo woo."

When she wanted to hug her back, she found that someone was holding her left hand tightly.

She turned her head and looked over.

Seeing Wang Jun holding her hand, he also woke up at this moment.

Wang Jun looked up and shouted excitedly: "Momo, are you awake?!"

An Mo didn't respond to him, but looked at him for a long time, and said hesitantly, "Mushroom mushroom?"

Wang Jun was dumbfounded by the title of Jungugu.

Only Xiao An'an would call him that.

"Mo... Mo, how do you know?"

Aunt Chang wiped her tears and said with a smile, "Momo is An'an."

"But we did a paternity test last time, and your DNA doesn't match."

After finishing speaking, Wang Jun immediately covered his mouth.

How did he say this.

Aunt Chang hugged An Mo tightly, and said with relief: "Although An An is not my biological daughter, the relationship between us is no worse than others."

"Aunt Chang knows too? But..." Wang Jun was still in shock.

Aunt Chang patted An Mo's hand, and said kindly: "Mothers can feel the blood relationship. In fact, I always had doubts at that time. Later, when An An had a fever, I went to the hospital for a blood test. Sure. I knew about it when she was very young, and as much as I love her, I also want to help her find her parents."

"But Uncle Chang..."

Xue Yao stuffed the fried noodles into Wang Jun's hand, "Don't be too bad, you eat first."

An Mo looked at the plate of fried noodles anxiously, and said aggrievedly, "Sister Yao, I'm also very hungry."

"It's been prepared for you a long time ago, just wait a while."


Aunt Chang smiled and said, "I want to tell your father about this."

Knowing that An Mo woke up, Liu Li and Huo Ling both ran over.

"Sister Ling, are you okay?" An Mo said with tears again when he saw Huo Ling.

"It's just some skin trauma, don't worry."

An Mo held Aunt Chang and Huo Ling's hands with a serious look, which made everyone very curious.

"Sister Ling, this is my mother."

"Mom, this is Sister Ling. It's only because of her protection that I can stay in the circle safely for so long."

"Thank you for taking care of An An all the time." Aunt Chang stood up and bowed to her.

Huo Ling stepped aside quickly and helped her up.

"These are all things I should do."

Huo Ling frowned suspiciously.

She and Aunt Chang have known each other before, why did Momo introduce him again.

And what Aunt Chang called Momo... She widened her eyes and asked in surprise: "Momo, you mean... Aunt Chang is your mother?"

An Mo nodded vigorously, hugged Aunt Chang, and said happily, "Well, I found my mother!"

Xue Yao brought up the cooked porridge and a plate of pickles.

These are ingredients taken in the hospital canteen, and then she secretly replaced them with materials in the space.

"Why is mine porridge, and Mushroom's fried noodles?" She raised her small face and looked at Xue Yao pitifully.

Xue Yao couldn't help poking her forehead with that small appearance.

"You haven't eaten for such a long time, you should eat light food first."

"Oh." An Mo pouted and glared at Wang Jun.

Wang Jun, who originally wanted to change with her, fell silent.

He quickly finished the fried noodles, wanting the aroma to disappear quickly.

An Mo said angrily in his heart: Why eat so fast!I still want to drink porridge by smelling the aroma of fried noodles!
I really don't understand the style! (??)
After An Mo finished drinking the porridge with a dark face, Liu Li thought she was thinking about being kidnapped, so she changed the subject with a smile and asked, "Why does Momo call Junge Jungugu?"

Aunt Chang smiled and explained: "When An An couldn't speak, Xiao Jun always came to play with her. But at that time, Xiao Jun's teeth didn't grow well, and his speech was a bit leaky.

He taught An An to call him Brother Jun, but what everyone heard were mushrooms, and An An got used to it later, so he didn't change it. "

So that's the case.

Everyone seemed to understand.

They took a sympathetic look at Wang Jun. Mushroom is very suitable for him as an otaku.

Wang Jun looked at everyone in confusion, with question marks in his mind.

"Momo, have you remembered everything?" Xue Yao asked suddenly.

An Mo turned to look at Aunt Chang.

Aunt Chang nodded lightly, her eyes full of encouragement.

"Well, I just dreamed about it, and I remembered everything."

Then she began to explain what happened in the dream.

Xue Yao frowned after listening.

"That is to say, 15 years ago, an organization caught you together for experiments?"

(End of this chapter)

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