Gold Assistant

Chapter 360

Chapter 360
"Well, I remember those people saying, we're all the chosen ones."

This second line is so familiar...

"By the way, I saw Xie Lin at Wu Kun's place."

"Xie Lin! Why is she there?"

She was still in City B. The police had been looking for her, but they hadn't found any clues.

"She was following a man named Brother Xin, and Wu Kun was still very afraid of his appearance."

Wang Jun explained from the side, "That person is Su Zhengxin."

Are these things related?

Xue Yao fell into deep thought.

At this time, the door of the ward was suddenly opened, and Chang Yuande rushed back.

When he saw An Mo waking up, tears flowed down his resolute face.

"An An!"

"Dad! I miss you so much." The father and daughter hugged each other and cried loudly.

After a while, the two calmed down.

Seeing that Huo Ling was there, Chang Yuande said: "I have already checked with the staff on duty at the airport, and they all have no memory of what happened today, which is a bit weird.

Think about it again, was there any other special event when those people attacked you? "

An Mo tilted his head and thought for a while, "Could Xie Lin hypnotize them?"


"Well, after we were arrested when we were young, we did a lot of tests. Xie Lin, uh, no, it should be called Chu Yu. She was tested to have the ability to hypnotize."

"Can An An go into more detail?"

An Mo told her everything from being arrested to what she saw in the laboratory.

Since she reads dreams with an adult's mind, many things that she didn't understand when she was a child can now be seen clearly.

"Chu Yu is the daughter of a pair of researchers inside, I overheard them discussing about Chu Yu, and that's when I found out that she knows how to hypnotize.

Also, she used hypnosis to give me hints, asking me to forget everything about the past.It made me unable to go home, separated from my parents for so many years. "

At this point, her eyes were red again.

Uncle Chang immediately hugged Aunt Chang and her in his arms.

Xue Yao said: "If this is the case, we can talk about Tong Luoyuan's suicide.

But if the couple surnamed Chu were from the laboratory, why did they report to the police that Chu Yu was also missing? "

"They should pretend to be victims, and then inquire about the police's investigation." Uncle Chang calmly analyzed.

This made everyone gasp, the other party was so cunning.

Seeing that it was getting late, Xue Yao proposed to go back and let An Mo and Huo Ling have a good rest.

Chang Yuande suddenly said to Huo Ling with a serious expression: "Miss Huo, thanks to your presence these past few years, we were able to escape Huang Yongrui's shackles safely, thank you."

Like Aunt Chang, he bowed to Huo Ling.

Huo Ling had no choice but to turn sideways again.

As expected of a husband and wife, they even think the same.

"Mr. Chang, don't say that, this is what I should do as a manager."

Chang Yuande smiled lightly and said, "You are like them, call me Uncle Chang."

Huo Ling hesitated.

Although her family circle is different from Chang's family, she has heard a little about Chang Yuande, so she was very happy for Momo when she knew that Momo had a good relationship with them.

Aunt Chang came over and said kindly: "That's right, Ms. Huo should call Uncle Chang and Aunt Chang just like Xiaoyao and the others."

"Sister Ling, you call my dad Mr. Chang, do you not love me anymore?"

Huo Ling poked her forehead with her finger, "What do these two things have to do with each other?"

"Why do you all like to poke me? What if there are fingerprints. Mom, look, Sister Ling and Sister Yao are bullying me."

This made Huo Ling a little embarrassed.

Aunt Chang immediately said to her, "Good poke." Then she turned and poked An Mo's forehead as well.

"Who made you skinny."

An Mo held his head and yelled loudly: "I can't poke it anymore, there is really a mark, and I have to take a hard photo of the clothes tomorrow."

Wang Jun felt distressed when he heard that, and hurried forward to pull An Mo into his arms to protect him, "Don't worry, with me here, they won't be able to poke you."

An Mo pushed him away, ran behind Aunt Chang, and made a face at him.

Everyone burst into laughter.

But when it comes to still photos of clothing, Chang Yuande remembered one thing.

"Miss Huo, I want to discuss something with you about An'an's work."

Huo Ling quickly said: "Uncle Chang, Aunt Chang, just call me Ah Ling."

"Okay." Chang Yuande and Aunt Chang nodded happily.

"A Ling, the police found out about your itinerary, and it came from that clothing company."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't do my job well." Huo Ling looked at An Mo with guilt.

"Don't worry, this matter has nothing to do with you.

But An An's danger has not passed yet, Su Zhengxin will not give up until he achieves his goal.

Although he escaped by chance this time, he will definitely come back again, so I think it would be better for An An not to go to work for the time being. "

"I understand. I will turn down the job of taking pictures of costumes tomorrow."

"Father, the job has already been signed. If sister Ling refuses, our reputation will be damaged."

Huo Ling smiled brightly, "Don't worry, Momo, we just made a verbal agreement.

They sold our itinerary, and while we can't let them know what happened, we can use that as a reason to terminate the contract. "

Chang Yuande said with a smile: "Don't worry, the clothing company has no time to trouble you."

People: "Why?"

"The batch of smuggled goods seized in the afternoon is actually animal leather that is prohibited from being imported, and the buyer is that clothing company."

Everyone had a clear look on their faces: "So that's how it is."

Hearing this, An Mo said excitedly, "Then I'm on vacation?"

But after a while, she lowered her head again, and said with some frustration: "But I'm different from Lili. If I don't work, I have no money. I can't honor my father and mother. Sister Ling doesn't have a commission either."

Huo Ling immediately covered his face with his hands.

Aunt Chang said with a smile: "Don't worry, the money from father and mother is more than enough to support you and Ah Ling."

"Uncle Chang, Aunt Chang, this is what I said earlier to encourage Momo. Actually, I am not short of money."

An Mo said very seriously, "I'm an adult now, and I can no longer spend money from my father and mother."

Aunt Chang stroked her hair, "Silly child, you will always be a child in the eyes of your mother."

At this warm moment, Wang Jun blurted out, "An'an, don't worry, even if you don't film or work, you still have me.

After the decoration of Longteng, the business is even better.

Also, my rank has been promoted, so my salary has also increased accordingly. It is not a problem for me to support you. "

Everyone: "..."

The man told the woman that I will support you... Is this the legendary proposal?

Chang Yuande and his wife looked at them with a smile.

They watched Wang Jun grow up, no matter his character or family, he was good. When he was a child, Wang Jun always said that he wanted to marry An An as his wife.

It's just that it's a bit early to let An An marry now.

They had just found An An, and they were reluctant to marry her so early.

(End of this chapter)

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