Gold Assistant

Chapter 362 I'm Going To Travel

Chapter 362 I'm Going To Travel

Liu Li turned her head and asked Xue Yao, "Sister, Aunt Lin said that there is only a script for this movie, and other things are still in progress, that is to say, it hasn't been shot so quickly. Do I want to take on other scenes in the middle? ?”

Xue Yao thought about it, other actors kept filming, mainly because they were worried that the audience would forget them.

After all, there is no shortage of beautiful and motivated people in this circle. If there is no work for a long time, it is likely to be forgotten.

This will cause the resources that originally belonged to them to be taken away by others.

But now there is no shortage of investment funds or something, if you have yourself.

At that time, she can open the way with investment.

This kind of local tyrant feeling that can spend a lot of money is really good!
Although her goal is to invest in real estate, she has not yet decided where to buy.

Now she has 8-figure liquidity in the bank.

Coupled with the box office revenue of "True Love and Falsehood", maybe it won't take long for her to hit the 9-figure mark and become a member of the billion-dollar club.

So Liu Li can take the refined route.

So Xue Yao said: "I don't think it doesn't matter if you don't take the show, it's rare that Momo can take a vacation now, didn't you say you want to travel?
It's just a good time to take this opportunity to go out for a walk and avoid the sight of those people. "

Then she glanced to the side, looked at An Mo's Aunt Chang with a smile all the time, and continued, "Aunt Chang is also going together, let's take a world tour."

These words made everyone's eyes shine.

Especially An Mo, she was in poor health a few years ago, and with language problems, she had not left Huaguo yet.

"I'm going, I'm going to travel!"

Aunt Chang also thought that Xue Yao's idea was good, so she called Uncle Chang.

Uncle Chang thought, Su Zhengxin is currently staying in China for some unknown reason, so it's better for An Mo to go out and hide.

By the way, she can be separated from Wang Jun for a period of time, so as not to let her daughter be taken away so quickly.

He has been too busy with work recently, and he can't accompany his wife. She wanted to travel before, but she never made it because of An An.

Now she can hang out with An An.

Although his wife and daughter are not around, he will feel a little lonely, but this is a good way to kill two birds with one stone, but the security work must be done well.

After discussing with Shi Lekang and Huo Ling, Liu Li and An Mo will take the refined route in the future, and other resources of the studio will be tilted to Mi Jiawen.

Later, some people made a big fuss about it.

On the other side, Zhu Li went to her friend with the surveillance video, hoping that the other party would expose Liu Li's affairs.

The other party sat on the office chair and hesitated after watching the video.

"Now that Liu Li's movie is on sale, taking out this kind of blurry video and putting it in a magazine won't have much effect."

Then the other party asked again: "Are you sure this is true? But why do you think it doesn't look like Liu Li?"

"It's her, I saw it with my own eyes."

"Then wait until the heat of their movie is over before releasing it."

Julie was very dissatisfied, "The heat is over, doesn't it mean helping her publicize in disguise?"

"If you are sure that this matter is true, then it is not propaganda, but a blow." The other party asked seriously, "Is that really Liu Li?"

"We have known each other for so many years, we have never lied to you, of course it is true."

"That's fine." The other party paused and then said: "It's not that I don't believe you, Liu Li or Chen Ting's studio is very evil.

Put those things on others, don't talk about whitewashing, even the explanation may not be listened to.

But their luck is so good, not only to find evidence, but also to convince the public.

You may not know that their backstage is tough. There is a team of well-known sailors who were arrested for offending them and have not been released until now. "

"Are they... so powerful?" Julie was a little timid at this moment.

She never expected to go to jail.

"It's just that powerful, so let's put this matter here first, don't worry, there are many people who don't like them when they show off like this.

At that time, as long as their heat has dropped, they can make a move. "

"Waiting for your news then."


In order to bring more things for the trip, Liu Li and An Mo decided to go to the mall to buy new suitcases.

The two came to the store of the famous brand Dengwei Road, which is very famous for its travel goods and luggage.

The famous ones are easy to use, but also the famous ones are expensive.

For their safety, this time there are people from the special task force accompanying them all the way.

The two felt guilty at first, saying that it was a bit of a laborious effort.

But the special task force said with a smile: "It's much more comfortable to go shopping with beautiful women than to train."

Entering the store, Liu Li asked the clerk not to follow, they could watch by themselves.

Pointing to a 24-inch suitcase, she said, "This is a classic model. I also used this when I went to Vienna. The size is just right."

An Mo was a little worried, and walked around the suitcase twice, "If it's a short-term domestic trip, it might be enough. But we're going on a long-term trip, and we'll buy a lot of things. Will it be enough?"

"Could it be that Momo wants to keep something with her after she buys it?" Liu Li covered her mouth and snickered.

Two mosquito coils appeared in An Mo's eyes, "Isn't it like this? I thought Dad couldn't go out to play together, so I bought more souvenirs for him, and Aunt Lin, Sister Ling, Xia Xia... Xiaojiao, my God, I may have to buy a lot of things."

Although she often traveled across the country before, it was only for a short period of time.

And at that time, she didn't have many people who could send letters.

"Of course not. We can mail back the things we bought, and bring the more expensive ones with us."

"So that's it, how many do we want to buy? Sister Yao will definitely prepare some. Mom and Xiaonan may both, so I'll call and ask."

An Mo walked aside to make a phone call.

At this moment, Qin Yi and a very noble girl walked in.

The girl took out a red VIP card and showed it to the clerk.

The girl stroked her hair and said, "Bring me the latest bag of this season.

Not that I said, your service is really terrible.

Other stores will deliver to the door of VIPs, you have to buy them in the store.

Yiyi, just like your cherry blossom water, if you want to buy it online, it's not a good business.

Take a look at the bags here, which one you like, I will give it to you. "

Qin Yi smiled gracefully, "Jingyun, how can I make you spend money? And my bag is enough, so I don't need to buy a new one."

Regarding the matter of Ying Fushui, she didn't respond at all.

Zhan Jingyun felt a little annoyed when she saw her reticence.Her Cherry Blossom Water was almost used up, and she didn't grab a bottle during this time.

Originally, I wanted to build a good relationship with Qin Yi, so I could buy it internally.

But I didn't expect Qin Yi to be so principled.

I heard that she was an investor who went out to do TV dramas on her own before, and she was much more capable than those daughters who only stayed at home.

Such people seem to be good, so keep making friends.

It never occurred to her that although Qin Yi is a direct descendant of the Qin family, she has no right to speak about family or company affairs.

 Some unhappy things have happened recently, and all the manuscripts have disappeared.However, I will still stick to the third shift for a while, but there may be many typos, so please help mark it out.Thank you so much~
(End of this chapter)

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