Gold Assistant

Chapter 363

Chapter 363

When the clerk went to get the bag, Zhan Jingyun and Qin Yi looked at the situation in the store.

After An Mo made the call, he rushed to Liu Li's side.

"Lili, mom and Xiaonan both want to buy one, so let's buy five back. It's just that there are so many boxes, how do we get them?"

"Leave an address and let the store pack it up and send it back."

After hearing Liu Li's words, Zhan Jingyun chuckled.

At this time, the clerk came over with the latest style of bag and complained: "Your brand is really real, it is obviously a high-end line, why do you still sell this old and rusty suitcase.

Anyone can come here to buy, but you need to set some thresholds, so that people can buy a bunch like this, people who don’t know think you have a buy four get one free event. "

The clerk just smiled politely, put on his gloves, and began to show her what the new bag looked like.

In fact, Qin Yi recognized Liu Li and An Mo as soon as she entered the store, even though they were wearing baseball caps in a low-key manner.

Thinking of how many times she had fallen on them before, Qin Yi didn't dare to cause trouble, and stayed quietly aside.

Although Zhan Jingyun said the words, she was afraid that she would be implicated.

What happened to Qin Lu last time made her locked up in confinement, and she couldn't even leave the room.

The old lady Qin also invited some kind of expert to come to teach her so-called etiquette.

She hastily tugged on Zhan Jingyun's clothes, "Those two are stars, it's better not to make trouble."

"It's just two little stars, what are you afraid of? They really look familiar, but they can't see clearly when they wear hats.

Yiyi's eyes are so nice, who are they? "

Qin Yi said helplessly, "It's Liu Li and An Mo."

Hearing the names of the two, Zhan Jingyun's expression changed drastically, and she said sharply, "These two starlets who are holding on to brother Ting?!"

Her voice was a little loud, and Liu Li and An Mo, who were filling in the delivery address with the clerk, looked over.

When they looked over, Zhan Jingyun raised her head high and walked over proudly.

"You are Liu Li and An Mo?"

The clerk skillfully stopped her, and said with a smile, "Is there anything I can do for Miss Zhan?"

When Zhan Jingyun took out the VIP card just now, all the shop assistants had seen her name.

"Get out of the way, are you defending them? I am your VIP, what kind of service attitude is this?"

The clerk smiled and said: "Everyone who enters the store is our customer, it has nothing to do with whether they are VIPs or not."

Zhan Jingyun was a little dumbfounded.

Why is the situation different from what she expected?
Shouldn't the clerk drive Liu Li and the others away for her as a distinguished guest?
At this time, two members of the Special Task Force had already walked in, "Miss Liu, Miss An, what's the matter?"

The two stood behind Liu Li and An Mo, very intimidating.

Zhan Jingyun was taken aback.

"You... what do you want to do, beat someone? I'm not afraid of you."

She turned her head and growled at the clerk, "Look, this is the result of your store not having a threshold. People of any quality can come in. They are threatening your VIP customers."

Everyone: "..."

Seeing Qin Yi who was hiding aside and not speaking, Liu Li frowned and said, "Qin Yi, do you want to make trouble again?"

"It's not that I'm looking for you, this matter has nothing to do with me."

After Qin Yi finished speaking, she took three steps back.

This appearance made everyone dumbfounded.

Zhan Jingyun had an unbelievable look on her face, ""

Qin Yi immediately took out her mobile phone and looked at it, "It's getting late, and I have to help my mother get things, Jingyun, we will talk again when we have a chance, goodbye."

After speaking, she turned and left immediately.

Before Zhan Jingyun could reach out Erkang's hand, Qin Yi disappeared.

It's hard for her to be able to run at that speed in high heels.

Zhan Jingyun, who had lost face, immediately turned her head and glared at Liu Li and An Mo.

Pointing to the boxes that were taken out, she said loudly, "I want these boxes."

An Mo chuckled, "Miss whose surname is unknown, have you watched too many idol dramas?"

Zhan Jingyun ignored her, turned her head and continued to say to the clerk, "Quick, bring these boxes to me."

Neither clerk moved.

Instead, Liu Li smiled and said, "Since she likes it so much, let her have these boxes."

"Lili, you can't be so soft." An Mo tugged at Liu Li's clothes.

Liu Li just smiled and patted her hand.

"Hmph, it's useless even if you please me now, I will definitely tell brother Ting that you bullied me today!"

Brother Ting?
The faces of the two changed.

This man actually knew Brother Ting, and he seemed to be very familiar with her address.

Seeing the change in their faces, Zhan Jingyun smiled triumphantly, "I'm afraid now, but it's too late."

Liu Li and An Mo looked at each other, and decided to go back and tell Xue Yao about this person as soon as possible.

"Please take five identical suitcases from the warehouse and send them to this address."

"Okay." The clerk smiled and took the address.

Zhan Jingyun stared at them with wide eyes, "Go to the warehouse and get another five?"

The clerk explained to her very carefully, "This suitcase is the most popular style since our store opened on Dengwei Road, and it sells very quickly, so there are often dozens of them in the warehouse."

When An Mo heard this, he chuckled inwardly.

If you are capable, you can buy the remaining dozens.

Hearing this, Zhan Jingyun's face was covered with black lines, and she remained silent.

Liu Li suddenly pointed to the bag on the counter, and said, "Ah, the limited bag is good, let's pay for it together, it will be my sister's birthday in a few days, and I'm still thinking about what gift to give her. Now it's a coincidence."

"Hey, that's what I saw first." Zhan Jingyun said hastily.

Liu Li glanced at Zhan Jingyun, and said innocently, "But you just asked the clerk to take it out, and kept it there, without saying you want to buy it."

Zhan Jingyun yelled at the clerk: "You! That's what I want to buy, the clerk will pay immediately."

After speaking, she anxiously took out her card and swiped it.

An Mo took Liu Li's hand and asked in a low voice: "Sister Yao doesn't like leather bags. Didn't she say that these bags are too heavy to be used at all? And that bag doesn't look good at all."

"Yeah, my sister doesn't like it."

"Then why..." An Mo paused, and suddenly covered her small mouth with her hands, "Are you taking care of her?"

"Hey." Liu Li showed the same smirk as Xue Yao.

After paying the bill, Zhan Jingyun walked up to them carrying her bag, looking very proud.

That expression seemed to say, you dare to rob me.

At this time, two middle-aged women dressed as noble ladies came in.

They went to the counter and asked, "Has the new season arrived?"

The clerk said very politely: "Sorry ma'am, this one is limited and sold out."

"What does it look like? Are there any pictures to see? Let us know when it's in stock."

"It's the bag that the young lady is holding."

(End of this chapter)

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