Gold Assistant

Chapter 365 Video Website

Chapter 365 Video Website
After notifying Shi Lekang about the matter, Liu Li and An Mo pulled Xue Yao to talk about Zhan Jingyun.

"Zhan Jingyun?"

Xue Yao thought for a while, isn't that the person who robs the heroine Mu Xuan of Li Jinghui later in the book?
Why are you getting involved with the male god now?

Xue Yao felt a little sour when she still called Brother Ting such an intimate name.

Be sure to interrogate well at night.

"Sister, you don't have to worry too much. That Zhan Jingyun is not as good as you in appearance or IQ. Brother Ting really wants to choose her, he is blind."

"That's right, Brother Ting won't be so tasteless. If I were a man, I would definitely hold Sister Yao in my hands, and I wouldn't even look at that woman."

Xue Yao glanced at the two of them lightly, "Nonsense, well, pack up the things you need to bring, don't be in a hurry the day before departure."

The three began to study what to bring for travel.

In the evening, Chang Yuande came to pick An Mo home.

Ever since he met his family, An Mo went home at night and came to the apartment during the day.

Xue Yao lay on the bed, and said to the video with an unhappy face: "Brother Ting, you have a sister Jingyun."

Chen Ting on the other side was full of doubts, "Who?"

"Sister Jingyun, Zhan Jingyun."

"I don't know." Chen Ting directly denied.

Xue Yao was really happy to hear this, but she still said, "But people call you Brother Ting~"

"There's no need to waste time on those irrelevant people, your birthday is coming soon."


How did this topic change so quickly?

But when it comes to birthdays, she looks forward to it.

When she was doing the fast travel task, she hadn't celebrated her birthday much yet.

In her dream, she saw Si Ting and the people in the sect helping Xiaoyao celebrate every year, and she was still very envious.

She didn't expect that she could feel this happiness here.

"The video website you mentioned has been completed and is applying for review. The platform will be open around next week."

Alas!Isn't it about birthday?Why did it suddenly become a video site?

No fun.

But Xue Yao was also concerned about this website, so she asked, "It was dealt with so quickly? Isn't it difficult to build a website?"

At this time, Chen Ting said a little uncomfortably: "I found a more suitable module in that world, and I can use it after changing it."

Xue Yao could hear the unnaturalness in his tone, and knew that he was still embarrassed about SHI, so she didn't expose him.

She smiled, and said cooperatively: "That's good, the world's procedures are so advanced, it is estimated that no one will be able to follow suit for a while, and we can still dominate this market for a while.

When the website's reputation is established, even if there are other competitors, it is not afraid.But what about the videos on the site? "

"Akang has been asked to contact those entertainment companies that have the copyright. Both Huading and Huixing are willing to play it on our website, and the copyright matter has been negotiated."

This surprised Xue Yao, "So fast?"

She thought that those entertainment companies would be willing to do this at least after the website had a certain reputation.

After all, after doing this, the sales model of those CDs in the past will be greatly impacted.

However, the addition of Huixing made Xue Yao a little worried.

She has always avoided getting involved with the hero and heroine in the book, because she is afraid of being affected by their protagonist's halo.

Chen Ting knew what she was worried about, and said with a gentle smile, "Don't worry, Xiao Yao, this is a good thing for them, and we won't be affected."

"But..." Xue Yao paused, organized her words and said, ""Mask" was originally starring Mu Xuan, but for some reason she changed to "Pearl in the Palm".

I originally thought it would be okay if she gave up, so I suggested that Momo take the role of "Mask".

But the lawsuit hasn't been finished yet, doesn't that mean the protagonist's things can't be touched?
At that time, if there is a conflict with Wheesung's interests, we will suffer under the aura of the protagonist. "

Chen Ting chuckled, "This website is an extra in the story, so it won't be affected by the halo.

In fact, after they gave up on the matter of "Mask", it has nothing to do with the protagonist. Someone is deliberately looking for trouble. "

"Who?" Xue Yao tried hard to think about the enemy during that time. "Could it be Yu Yitong?"

Chen Ting on the screen nodded.

Xue Yao pouted and said, "It's Brother Ting's love debt again."

Chen Ting couldn't laugh or cry at this sentence, but the jealous Xiaoyao was also so cute.

He needs to finish his rehabilitation quickly and go back.

"Don't worry Xiaoyao, she won't have much time left to jump around."

"Huh? Did she get caught for something?" Xue Yao looked at the screen with bright eyes.

There is gossip to listen to!

Chen Ting saw excitement in her eyes, and smiled helplessly.

Xiaoyao's little hobbies are still the same and haven't changed.

"The gang of sailors confessed her before."

"But inviting the navy doesn't have much influence on her, right?"

Xue Yao was a little disappointed.

She was very annoyed by Yu Yitong who was always making trouble for them.

Asking Shi Xiaonan to give her and Jia Ling bad luck before was just a small revenge.

"That group of sailors is not simple. The happy angels make deals through them."

"Huh? Didn't Duan Zhenyong and the others do it?"

Chen Ting told her in detail how Duan Zhenyong and Huang Yongrui manage Happy Angel.

Since Huang Yongrui was arrested, the matter was taken over by the sailors.

"I didn't expect them to be so cautious. If it wasn't for a coincidence that they caught the navy, this platform would still exist.

Is this supposed to be organized crime? "


"But what does it have to do with Yu Yitong?" Xue Yao was a little puzzled.

"Yu Yitong should be their upline."


Xue Yao thought that Yu Yitong was having sex with certain people at most, but she didn't expect that it would also involve happy angels.

That's poisonous!
"There was news from abroad that when she was studying abroad, she had a brief relationship with an important person from country M.

Later that person died while dating Yu Yitong. "

Chen Ting told another shocking news.

"Wow, it's not a beauty trick, is it?"

"Yes, we also found out that she had contact with Su Zhengxin when she was abroad."

Hearing so much gossip, Xue Yao smiled contentedly.

Before closing the video, Chen Ting said again: "The website will be put under your name, you will be the CEO, and 60% of the shares will belong to you."

Xue Yao, who was thinking about Yu Yitong's end, was immediately shocked.

Could this be the birthday present from the male god to her?

It's a little heavy.

"Me? But I don't know how to manage."

"Don't worry, those matters will be handed over to Akang and professionals, and he will also come forward to discuss the film and television copyright."

"No wonder Brother Kang has been complaining recently that he is so busy that he doesn't even have time to come over for dinner. It turns out that he is busy with these things."


Chen Ting was silent for a while.

"He has a 20% stake in the website, and he is familiar with these things, so let those who can do more work."

"Well, but my shares are a bit too much."

"Actually, these 60% are our shares, but I can't have too many things under my name, so I put them together with Xiaoyao's."

Xue Yao thought about the matter of Chen Ting's family and didn't say anything else.

(End of this chapter)

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